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Last active May 29, 2023 19:47
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A tutorial in R on making beautiful animal movement maps, complete color gradient lines to show the passage of time.
# @srharacha on Twitter:
# Step 1: download the data
# We're going to download study number 986040562, our
# herring gull data, using the `move` package. You'll
# need a Movebank username and password to download it.
# We only want to download the track for one bird - the
# dataset is far too large to download everything.
# Let's first download all the bird metadata for this study.
birds <- getMovebank("individual", study_id = 986040562)
# We want to get the `id` for one particular bird with an
# interesting track: H903604.
id <- birds[["id"]][birds$local_identifier == "H903604"]
# Now download the tracks for bird H903605. You will have
# to enter your login credentials again. This will take a
# minute or two.
tracks <- getMovebank("event",
study_id = 986040562,
individual_id = id)
# Quickly visualize it to make sure it roughly matches
# the map we see online!
aes(x = location_long,
y = location_lat)) +
# Step 2: Trim down the dataset
# We need to first remove NA latitude/longitudes. Conveniently,
# this also thins out the large dataset considerably.
tracks <- tracks[!$location_long), ] # remove NA lat/long records
tracks <- tracks[!$location_lat), ]
# For simple visualization, this is still a ridiculously large
# number of data points. This step is optional, but
# I prefer to thin out my datasets to a manageable number
# of points. Let's aggregate to one point per day, and, for
# the sake of this example, cut it down to just 2 years of data.
# The code will run MUCH faster with ~500 rows, and this is meant
# to be a quick example after all!
tracks$timestamp <- lubridate::as_datetime(tracks$timestamp, tz = "CET")
tracks$date <- as.character(as.Date(tracks$timestamp))
tracks <- tracks[!$timestamp), ] # drop any timestamps that failed to parse
# Calculate mean lat/long by date
# Also, we want to arrange the dataset by increasing date -
# we want to make sure the points are in the correct order
# before connecting the dots to make a linestring.
t <- tracks %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(lat = mean(location_lat),
lon = mean(location_long)) %>%
mutate(date = as.POSIXct(date)) %>%
filter(date < "2016-01-01") %>%
# Step 3: Convert points to linestring
# Create sf object
t <- st_as_sf(t,
coords = c('lon', 'lat'),
crs = "+proj=longlat")
t <- st_transform(t, crs = 4326)
# Check it out
ggplot(data = t) + geom_sf()
# Now we can finally turn these thinned points
# into a linestring object!
l <- t %>%
dplyr::arrange(date) %>%
dplyr::summarize(do_union = FALSE, # this is KEY right here - we do not want to perform a GIS union operation.
.groups = 'drop') %>%
# Check it out
ggplot(data = l) + geom_sf()
# Step 4: Smooth out the line
# Now we have a great linestring, but it's pretty
# ugly with all those pointy corners. Let's smooth
# that out with the `smoothr` package. I just use the
# default 'chaikin' method, but there are many options
# available.
s <- smoothr::smooth(l, method = "chaikin")
# There are still some pointy angles, but it looks much
# nicer than the original data!
ggplot(data = s) + geom_sf()
# Step 5: Merge smoothed data with the original data
# Unfortunately here we hit a major snag: the smoothed
# data don't contain any timestamps... we need to merge
# this back to the original dataset to attach a timestamp
# to the smoothed data.
# The solution has two parts:
# 1) Extract the points from s and merge to t by the nearest
# point.
# 2) Keep track of the order the smoothed data is in so that
# we can unscramble up any wonky timestamps after the merge.
# The reason will become clear later.
s_pts <- st_cast(s, "POINT")
s_pts$seq <- seq(nrow(s_pts))
# Merge smoothed data to original data by nearest point.
# We'll call this "out", aka our eventual output.
out <- st_join(s_pts, t, join = st_nearest_feature)
# Note you can immediately see here that the timestamps
# are all totally messed up. This is because sometimes
# points with completely different timestamps are geo-
# graphically close enough they can still be merged. This
# is why the 'seq' column is so important! And brings us to
# the next step...
# Step 6: Reorder timestamps to the correct order
# As you can see the smoothed data and the original
# data are merged, but the timestamps are absolutely
# out of whack. Compare the two visually and it's immediately
# clear:
p1 <- ggplot(data = t, aes(color = date)) + geom_sf() + labs(color = "Date")
p2 <- ggplot(data = out, aes(color = date)) + geom_sf() + labs(color = "Date")
ggpubr::ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2, common.legend = TRUE)
# The key thing here is we know two timestamps with 100%
# accuracy: the first and last. So let's set those manually.
# In this specific example they are correct but there are
# sometimes cases where they aren't so this is an important
# step!
out[["date"]][1] <- min(t$date)
out[["date"]][nrow(out)] <- max(t$date)
# Next, create the difftime column - time difference between
# row n and n+1. Any negative difftimes = bad! Animal can't
# be going backwards in time.
out$difftime <- difftime(out$date, dplyr::lag(out$date))
# And also pull median time difference from original dataset
# Any difftime > than that will be flagged (in addition to
# negative difftimes). Basically, if the interpolated timestamps
# jump over time gaps that are greater than what the tag itself
# transmits, that's probably an interpolation error. The median
# timestamp lag in the original dataset will therefore serve as our
# upper limit or "max time difference" that we'll allow in our
# interpolations.
max_diff <- median(difftime(t$date, dplyr::lag(t$date)), na.rm = T)
# Now we are going to use this difftime and max_diff
# columns to figure out which timestamps are out of order
# or ok. The logic behind this is that if the difference between
# the current timestamp and the one right before it is >= 0,
# then it's probably not out of order. If it's *negative*,
# however, then it for sure is wrong. So, we'll create the
# 't_interp' column to keep track of this. I'm using the
# data.table 'fcase' function for this since it's lightning
# fast compared to vanilla base ifelse or dplyr solutions - ideal
# for those huge telemetry datasets out there.
# The if/else logic is simple:
# - If difftime > max_diff, the result should be NA*
# - If difftime >= 0, use the date in the date column
# - If difftime is NA, use the date in the date column
# *NOTE: we wrap NA with as.POSIXct so that it matches the same
# data type as the 'date' column. Otherwise it fails.
out[ , t_interp := data.table::fcase(
difftime > max_diff, as.POSIXct(NA, tz = "CET"),
difftime >= 0, date,, date
# Now we reset the first and last timestamps in case the ifelse
# and interpolate over the gaps in t_interp using the `zoo`
# package.
out$t_interp[1] <- min(t$date)
out$t_interp[nrow(out)] <- max(t$date)
out$t_interp <- zoo::na.approx(out$t_interp) %>%
as.POSIXct(origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "CET")
# Let's compare now...
p3 <- ggplot(data = st_as_sf(out), aes(color = t_interp)) + geom_sf() + labs(color = "Date")
ggpubr::ggarrange(p2, p3, nrow = 1, ncol = 2, common.legend = TRUE)
# With just one round of interpolation, it's changed slightly -
# Notice the top two east-west tracks have smoother color gradients,
# indicating reordered timestamps. The t_interp column already makes
# more sense than the original 'date' column. However, it's clear the
# dataset still needs some work.
# The solution: re-iterate the difftime calculation and
# date interpolation until all difftime is < max_diff and
# there are no more negative difftimes. Time for a 'while' loop!
while(max(out$difftime, na.rm = T) > max_diff | min(out$difftime, na.rm = T) < 0) {
out$difftime <- difftime(out$t_interp, dplyr::lag(out$t_interp))
out[ , t_interp := data.table::fcase(
difftime > max_diff, as.POSIXct(NA, tz = 'CET'),
difftime >= 0, t_interp,, t_interp
# Add first & last timestamp and interpolate once again...
out$t_interp[1] <- min(t$date)
out$t_interp[nrow(out)] <- max(t$date)
out$t_interp <- zoo::na.approx(out$t_interp) %>%
as.POSIXct(origin = '1970-01-01', tz = 'CET')
} # Close while
# And like magic it's all cleaned up. The color gradient
# on our points is smooth, indicating no weird time jumps.
p4 <- ggplot(data = st_as_sf(out), aes(color = t_interp)) + geom_sf() + labs(color = "Date")
ggpubr::ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, common.legend = TRUE)
# Step 7: Final cleanup
# At the time of this writing, converting an R data object to
# data.table removes the sf class. So let's reset that.
out <- st_as_sf(out)
# Step 8: Map it!
# Final step is to plot it up all pretty. First, let's download
# a land polygon from the rnaturalearth package.
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = 10, # high res, large scale
country = c("United Kingdom",
returnclass = "sf")
# Set the CRS
# Let's set the CRS to the local UTM zone so the tracks aren't
# distorted - UTM 31N
out <- st_transform(out, crs = 25831)
world <- st_transform(world, crs = 25831)
# Set the bounding box for the plot
bbox <- st_bbox(out)
# Extract lat & long for our plot
out$lat <- st_coordinates(out)[,2]
out$lon <- st_coordinates(out)[,1]
# Now plot it! We'll use viridis to color the line.
map <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = world,
lwd = 0.1,
color = "#C3C3C3",
fill = "#CBCACA") +
geom_path(data = out,
aes(x = lon,
y = lat,
color = t_interp),
size = 0.8,
lineend = "round") +
scale_color_viridis() +
coord_sf(xlim = bbox[c(1,3)],
ylim = bbox[c(2,4)],
expand = T) +
# This could certainly look prettier, with a nicer scale bar.
# Let's pull out pretty looking dates from the data and do some
# scalebar magic to change the labels to look nicer.
scale_dates <- pretty(out$t_interp)
map <- map +
scale_color_viridis_c(breaks = as.numeric(scale_dates),
labels = format(scale_dates, format = "%b '%y"),
limits = c(min(as.numeric(scale_dates)), max(as.numeric(scale_dates))),
guide = guide_colorbar(direction = "horizontal",
title.position = "top",
label.position = "bottom"))
# Much better - now all that's needed is some aesthetic tidying up.
# As a fair warning, this stuff can take FOREVER and is typically
# what I spend the most time on....
map <- map + theme(text = element_text(family = "Karla", color = "#2D2D2E"), # change the font
legend.position = c(0.2,0.08), # Move the legend to the bottom left corner
legend.margin = margin(t = 0, unit = "cm"), # Set top of legend margin to zero
legend.title = element_blank(), # Remove legend title
legend.text = element_text(size = 8, color = "#878585"), # Adjust legend text size
legend.key = elementalist::element_rect_round(radius = unit(0.5, "snpc")), # Make the scalebar have rounded edges (thanks to elementalist pkg)
legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"), # Change legend colorbar width
legend.key.height = unit(0.1, "cm"), # Change legend colorbar height
legend.background = element_blank(), # Remove legend background
axis.title = element_blank(), # Remove axis titles
panel.grid = element_line(color = "#ebebe5", size = 0.2), # Change lat/long graticule line colors
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f5f5f2", color = NA)) # Change plot panel background color
# Maybe add a caption to top it all off.
map <- map +
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 326000,
y = 5600000,
label = "Herring Gull H903604",
family = "Karla",
color = "#2D2D2E",
size = 5,
hjust = 0) +
annotate(geom = "text",
x = 326000,
y = 5593000,
label = "Gull H903604 makes a trip to the UK.",
family = "Karla",
color = "#2D2D2E",
size = 3,
hjust = 0)
# Step 9: BONUS! Bundle it all up into a neat function.
# Which you can see on my gitlab here :)
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