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Created March 30, 2016 14:02
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Passing methods that use `this` into promises or promisifying them with bluebird can lead to confusing results. This isn't specific to promises, but rather how the prototype works.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
function Blah() { = 'blah';
Blah.prototype.tester = function() {
var blah = new Blah();
blah.tester(); // 'blah'
var lala = Promise.promisify(blah.tester);
lala(); // undefined
var lala2 = Promise.promisify(blah.tester).bind(blah);
lala2(); // 'blah'
var test = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return resolve('lol');
test.then(blah.tester); // undefined
test.then(blah.tester.bind(blah)); // blah
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