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Created March 6, 2015 16:43
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Small modification to an old version of Chris Suave's Templates.scpt
Modified by Jonathan Poritsky in the smallest way:
March 6, 2015: Switched from Growl to OS X Notifications
Created and since updated by Chris Suave. Full Details at:
For whatever reason the lasest version isn't working as well as this two year old version (save for the growl to notifications change I made).
This script looks for a Template folder and asks you to pick one of the templates within to create
an instance of. It then allows you to select a folder for the instance and to choose the desired values
for any variables designated in the last paragraph of the project's note (by default, "$" before a word
designates it as a variable, an ode to my favorite CSS preprocessor, SASS).
Some other goodies:
- You can specify relative start or due dates (one or the other, not both… yet) for the project
and/or each task individually. To do so, put a paragraph somewhere in the note of that item that
starts with either "Due" or "Start". Then use the same natural language date syntax as you can usually
use in OmniFocus/ my "Later" Applescript: things like "today + 2d", "2d", "3w 4d 2pm", etc., will all
work as expected, hopefully. All of these will be relative to the date you run the script.
- Variables can be used in project names and notes, task names and notes, and task context names
- On the first run it detects if you have projects using Curt Clifton's OmniFocus template syntax
(to which I owe a lot of the good ideas in this script) and offers to change it for you.
- It offers to show you the new instance of the template once it has populated the instance.
- Automagically changes the new project instance to "Active" if the template project was "On Hold"
Use it, change it, enjoy it. Please don't blatently pass off my work as your own. Be cool.
- Copy this script to ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus (you may have to use the
Go > Go to Folder… menu in your file navigation application of choice as the user library
folder is hidden on Mac OS X 10.7+. After you select this menu item, type the path above and
hit enter).
- If you prefer, you can have this script be activated by a utility like Keyboard Maestro or FastScripts
0.4.0 (March 31, 2013): Added conditional task completion/ deletion
0.3.6 (March 27, 2013): Bugfixes. You can also now specify a specific folder path as the default folder using > for a subfolder
(i.e., ">>>Folder > Subfolder" will put the new instance in Subfolder under Folder).
0.3.5 (March 18, 2013): Added the ability to set dates in the format specified in as the short date format
in your Languages and Text preference pane.
0.3.1 (February 28, 2013): Bugfixes.
0.3.0 (February 24, 2013): Fixed an issue with subtracting dates. Improved Growl alerts. Added an option to put "attachment: ask" in
the task notes to have the script ask you for an attachment to that task. Variables can now be given a list of values to choose from
using the notation $variableName {option 1, option 2, option3} in the project note. If you use the variable "$today", the
variable will automatically be assigned the date you create the new instance. Added a screencast, readme, and website.
0.2.9 (February 13, 2013): Preserves non-embedded attachments to tasks
0.2.8 (February 13, 2013): Fixed the compile-time option of putting the project at the beginning of the list.
Changed notifications over to Growl. You can also have the script ask if a certain task should be completed or
not by putting "complete: ask" anywhere in its note.
0.2.7 (February 11, 2013): Fixed an issue where the template wouldn't instantiate properly if there were no variables.
Added a compile-time option to put the project at the beginning of the project list
0.2.6 (February 7, 2013): Now works with template folders that are dropped.
0.2.5 (January 30, 2013): New "$date" variables — will ask you for a date instead of a string (you can use all of the
same relative/ absolute shorthand forms in defining the date, and it can be used in conjunction with the "start" /
"due" identifiers)
0.2.4 (January 22, 2013): Other bugfixes
0.2.3 (January 22, 2013): Fix for setting default folder to a subfolder
0.2.2 (January 22, 2013): Allows you to set both a start and due date. Fixes a bug where due/ start declarations
in projects wouldn't be eliminated when a new instance was created.
0.2.1 (January 22, 2013): Does a better job of cleaning up notes and allows variables on any line of project
0.2 (January 21, 2013): using the keyword "ask" in after the start/due declaration in the note of a task/ project will have the
script prompt you to enter a relative or absolute start/due date for that item. Similarly, you can use the keyword
"project" to set the start/ due date relative to that of the project; the script will take whatever is
after the keyword and subtract it from the due date/ add it to the start date of the project, as the
case may be. Finally, using the (by default) ">>>" operator in the second, followed by a string that EXACTLY matches
one of the folders in your OF library will skip the folder selection dialog and put the new instance
directly in the designated folder. Plus, fancy icon.
0.1.1 (January 18, 2013): Handles projects in a template folder without variables more gracefully (thanks, Sven!)
0.1 (January 18, 2013): Initial release
- Nothing
- Nothing
property startOrEndOfFolder : "start" -- change to "end" to put the new project at the end of the selected folder
property variableSymbol : "$" -- change to whatever delimiter you want to denote your variables
property defaultFolderPointer : ">>>" -- change to whatever delimtier you want to denote a default folder pointer
property optionListStartDelimiter : "{" -- start of a list of options for the preceeding variable
property optionListEndDelimiter : "}" -- end of a list of options for the preceeding variable
-- Don't change these
property firstRun : true
property specialTemplateFolder : null
-- Growl variables, don't change these either
property applicationName : "Templates.scpt"
property scriptStartNotify : "Script Started"
property scriptEndNotify : "Script Ended"
property dateNotify : "Date Mismatch"
property allNotifications : {scriptStartNotify, scriptEndNotify, dateNotify}
property defaultNotifications : allNotifications
property iconApplication : ""
property checkingSomething : ""
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
if firstRun then
set otherTemplateScriptProjects to my checkForOtherTemplate()
if otherTemplateScriptProjects is -1 then return
if length of otherTemplateScriptProjects is not 0 then
set changeOldTemplates to button returned of (display dialog "It appears that you have some projects using Curt Clifton's OmniFocus template script syntax. Would you like to automatically adjust these to use this script's syntax?" buttons {"No, Thanks", "Yes, Change Syntax"} default button 2)
if changeOldTemplates is "Yes, Change Syntax" then my adjustOldTemplateSyntax(otherTemplateScriptProjects)
end if
set variableSymbol to text returned of (display dialog "What symbol would you like to use to designate variable names in your templates?" default answer "$")
on error errorText number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -128 then
end if
end try
set firstRun to false
end if
set theCount to (count of (every flattened folder where (its name contains "Template")))
if ((count of (every flattened folder where (its name contains "Template"))) is 0) then
set templateFolderList to every flattened folder where (its hidden is false)
set templateFolderNameList to {}
repeat with theFolder in templateFolderList
set nextListItem to ""
if the class of theFolder's container is folder then set nextListItem to "↳ "
set nextListItem to nextListItem & (name of theFolder)
set the end of templateFolderNameList to nextListItem
end repeat
set selectedTemplateFolder to choose from list templateFolderNameList with title "Choose Template Folder" with prompt "No obvious template folders were found. Please select the folder in which you store templates." OK button name "Set as Template Folder"
if selectedTemplateFolder is false then return
set templateFolderPosition to my selectionPositions(selectedTemplateFolder, templateFolderNameList, false)
set specialTemplateFolder to item templateFolderPosition of templateFolderList
set specialTemplateFolder to null
end if
if specialTemplateFolder is null then
set projectList to every flattened project where (name of its folder contains "Template") and (its status is not dropped) and (its status is not done)
set projectList to every flattened project where (its folder is specialTemplateFolder) and (its status is not dropped) and (its status is not done)
end if
set projectNameList to {}
repeat with theProject in projectList
set the end of projectNameList to the name of theProject
end repeat
if length of projectNameList is 0 then
display alert "No projects in a \"Template\" folder were found. Make sure that the folder name contains the word \"Template\" so that it can be found."
end if
set chooseListTitle to "Select a Template Project"
set chooseListText to "Which one of your template projects would you like to make a new instance of?"
set chooseListOK to "Select This Project"
set selectedProject to choose from list projectNameList with title chooseListTitle with prompt chooseListText OK button name chooseListOK
if selectedProject is false then return
set projectPosition to my selectionPositions(selectedProject, projectNameList, false)
set selectedProjectTemplate to item projectPosition of projectList
set defaultFolderFound to false
if the note of selectedProjectTemplate contains defaultFolderPointer then
set paraWithPointer to 1
repeat with i from (count of paragraphs in the note of selectedProjectTemplate) to 1 by -1
if (paragraph i of the note of selectedProjectTemplate starts with defaultFolderPointer) then set paraWithPointer to i
end repeat
set folderPointer to paragraph paraWithPointer of the note of selectedProjectTemplate
set my text item delimiters to {">>> ", ">>>", " > ", " >", "> ", ">"}
set newFolderText to every text item of folderPointer
set my text item delimiters to ""
set cleanedFolderText to {}
repeat with i from 1 to length of newFolderText
if item i of newFolderText is not "" then
set the end of cleanedFolderText to (paragraph 1 of (item i of newFolderText as string))
end if
end repeat
if length of cleanedFolderText is 1 then
set selectedFolderTemplate to first flattened folder whose (name is item 1 of cleanedFolderText)
set theFolder to every flattened folder where (its name is item -1 of cleanedFolderText)
repeat with i from 1 to length of theFolder
set containFolder to container of item i of theFolder
if name of containFolder is (item -2 of cleanedFolderText) then
set selectedFolderTemplate to item i of theFolder
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
set defaultFolderFound to true
end try
end if
set theVariables to item 1 of my findTheVariables(selectedProjectTemplate)
set theListVariableOptions to item 2 of my findTheVariables(selectedProjectTemplate)
set justDuplicate to ""
if the length of theVariables is 0 then
set justDuplicate to button returned of (display alert "No variables were found in the selected project. Do you want to simply copy this project to the selected folder? (Make sure that any variables are all in one paragraph in the project's note and are in the format: " & quote & variableSymbol & "variableName" & quote & ")." buttons {"No, Nevermind", "Yes, Duplicate"} default button 2)
if justDuplicate is not "Yes, Duplicate" then return
end if
if not defaultFolderFound then
set folderList to every flattened folder where (its name does not contain "Template") and (its effectively hidden is false)
set folderNameList to {"(Top Level)"}
repeat with theFolder in folderList
set nextListItem to ""
if the class of theFolder's container is folder then set nextListItem to "↳ "
set nextListItem to nextListItem & (name of theFolder)
set the end of folderNameList to nextListItem
end repeat
set chooseListTitle to "Select a Folder For The New Template Instance"
set chooseListText to "In which folder would you like to create a new instance of this template?"
set chooseListOK to "Make Template Instance"
set selectedFolder to choose from list folderNameList with title chooseListTitle with prompt chooseListText OK button name chooseListOK
if selectedFolder is false then
else if selectedFolder is {"(Top Level)"} then
set selectedFolderTemplate to "Top Level"
set folderPosition to ((my selectionPositions(selectedFolder, folderNameList, false)) - 1)
set selectedFolderTemplate to item folderPosition of folderList
end if
end if
if justDuplicate is "Yes, Duplicate" then
if selectedFolderTemplate is "Top Level" then
if startOrEndOfFolder is "start" then
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the front of projects of it)
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the end of projects of it)
end if
if startOrEndOfFolder is "start" then
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the front of projects of selectedFolderTemplate)
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the end of projects of selectedFolderTemplate)
end if
end if
display notification "Project \"" & (name of newProjectInstance) & "\" is ready for action!" with title "OmniFocus Templates" subtitle "Created New Template Instance"
my populateTemplate(newProjectInstance, {}, {})
if (status of newProjectInstance is on hold) or (status of newProjectInstance is dropped) then set status of newProjectInstance to active
set theURL to "omnifocus:///task/" & (id of newProjectInstance)
set justDuplicate to ""
end try
end if
my notify("Creating New Template Instance", "More input may be needed…", scriptStartNotify, "")
set theReplacements to my findTheReplacements(theVariables, theListVariableOptions)
if the result is false then return
if selectedFolderTemplate is "Top Level" then
if startOrEndOfFolder is "start" then
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the front of projects of it)
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the end of projects of it)
end if
if startOrEndOfFolder is "start" then
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the front of projects of selectedFolderTemplate)
set newProjectInstance to (duplicate selectedProjectTemplate to the end of projects of selectedFolderTemplate)
end if
end if
if status of newProjectInstance is on hold then set status of newProjectInstance to active
if defaultFolderFound then
copy the note of newProjectInstance to tempNote
repeat with i from (count of paragraphs in the note of selectedProjectTemplate) to 1 by -1
if paragraph i of tempNote starts with defaultFolderPointer then set paraWithPointer to i
exit repeat
end repeat
set my text item delimiters to {return}
if paraWithPointer is 1 then
set the newNote to paragraphs 2 thru -1 of tempNote as string
else if paraWithPointer is (count of paragraphs of note of selectedProjectTemplate) then
set the newNote to paragraphs 1 thru -2 of tempNote as string
set the newNote to ((paragraphs 1 thru (paraWithPointer - 1) of tempNote) & (paragraphs (paraWithPointer + 1) thru -1 of tempNote)) as string
end if
set my text item delimiters to ""
set the note of newProjectInstance to newNote
end if
set theAttachments to my populateTemplate(newProjectInstance, theVariables, theReplacements)
set theURL to "omnifocus:///task/" & (id of newProjectInstance)
my notify("Script ended", "Click here to see the new project instance.", scriptEndNotify, theURL)
end try
end tell
end tell
on selectionPositions(selectList, originalList, multipleSelections)
if multipleSelections then
set choicesFound to 0
set positionOfSelections to {}
set j to 1
repeat until (j > (length of originalList)) or (choicesFound = (length of selectList))
set k to 1
set aChoiceFound to false
repeat until (k > (length of selectList)) or aChoiceFound
if (item k of selectList) contains (item j of originalList) then
set end of positionOfSelections to j
set aChoiceFound to true
set choicesFound to (choicesFound + 1)
end if
set k to k + 1
end repeat
set j to j + 1
end repeat
set j to 1
set positionOfSelections to null
repeat until (j > (length of originalList) or (positionOfSelections is not null))
set k to 1
repeat until ((k > (length of selectList)) or (positionOfSelections is not null))
if (item k of selectList) contains (item j of originalList) then
set positionOfSelections to j
end if
set k to k + 1
end repeat
set j to j + 1
end repeat
end if
return positionOfSelections
end selectionPositions
on populateTemplate(theProject, cleanedVariables, theReplacements)
set delimCleanedVariables to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of cleanedVariables)
set the end of delimCleanedVariables to (variableSymbol & (item i of cleanedVariables))
end repeat
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
tell theProject
set theAttachmentList to my attachmentList(id of it, class of it as string)
if length of cleanedVariables > 0 then
set its name to my replaceVariables(its name, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
end if
set possibleDateChange to {""}
repeat while item 1 of possibleDateChange is not missing value
set possibleDateChange to my checkingForDateInformation(it, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
if item 1 of possibleDateChange is not missing value then
if item 2 of possibleDateChange is "Start" then
set its defer date to item 1 of possibleDateChange
set its due date to item 1 of possibleDateChange
end if
set its note to item 3 of possibleDateChange
else if the length of possibleDateChange is 2 then
set its note to item 2 of possibleDateChange
end if
end repeat
if length of cleanedVariables > 0 then
set theFullNote to its note
set theNewNote to my eliminateVariables(theFullNote)
set its note to my replaceVariables(theNewNote, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
end if
set attachmentRequest to false
if its note contains "attachment: ask" or its note contains "attachment:ask" then
set attachmentRequest to true
set its note to my replaceVariables(its note, {"attachment:ask", "attachment: ask"}, {"", ""})
end if
set its note to my cleanExcessBreaks(its note)
if attachmentRequest then
set theAttachFilePathAlias to (choose file with prompt "You indicated you would like to attach a file to the project \"" & name of it & "\". Please select the file to attach.") as text
tell its note
make new file attachment with properties {file name:theAttachFilePathAlias, embedded:false}
end tell
end try
end if
tell its note
repeat with theAttachment in theAttachmentList
make new file attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment, embedded:false}
end repeat
end tell
set attachmentRequest to false
-- Going through the tasks
repeat with i from 1 to (count of flattened tasks in it)
tell flattened task i
set theAttachmentList to my attachmentList(id of it, class of it as string)
if length of cleanedVariables > 0 then
set its name to my replaceVariables(its name, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
end if
set completeTheTask to false
if its note contains "complete:ask" or its note contains "complete: ask" then
set completeTheTask to (button returned of (display dialog "In the note, you indicated that you wanted to be asked whether to complete the task \"" & (name of it) & "\" when you create a new instance of this project. Would you like to complete this task?" buttons {"Yes, Complete", "No, Leave Incomplete"} default button 2) is "Yes, Complete")
end if
if completeTheTask then
set its completed to true
set its note to my replaceVariables(its note, {"complete:ask", "complete: ask"}, {"", ""})
set possibleDateChange to {""}
repeat while item 1 of possibleDateChange is not missing value
set possibleDateChange to my checkingForDateInformation(it, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
if item 1 of possibleDateChange is not missing value then
if item 2 of possibleDateChange is "Start" then
set its defer date to item 1 of possibleDateChange
set its due date to item 1 of possibleDateChange
end if
set its note to item 3 of possibleDateChange
else if the length of possibleDateChange is 2 then
set its note to item 2 of possibleDateChange
end if
end repeat
if length of cleanedVariables > 0 then
my conditionalCheck(it, cleanedVariables, theReplacements)
set its note to my replaceVariables(its note, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
if its context is not missing value then
set its context to my workingTheContext(its context, delimCleanedVariables, theReplacements)
end if
end if
set attachmentRequest to false
if its note contains "attachment: ask" or its note contains "attachment:ask" then
set attachmentRequest to true
set its note to my replaceVariables(its note, {"attachment:ask", "attachment: ask"}, {"", ""})
end if
set its note to my cleanExcessBreaks(its note)
if attachmentRequest then
set theAttachFilePathAlias to (choose file with prompt "You indicated you would like to attach a file to the task \"" & name of it & "\". Please select the file to attach.") as text
tell its note
make new file attachment with properties {file name:theAttachFilePathAlias, embedded:false}
end tell
end try
end if
tell its note
repeat with theAttachment in theAttachmentList
make new file attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment, embedded:false}
end repeat
end tell
set attachmentRequest to false
end if
set completeTheTask to false
end tell
end repeat
set taskList to every flattened task of it
repeat with i from (length of taskList) to 1 by -1
if note of (item i of taskList) contains "!!!Delete" then delete (item i of taskList)
end repeat
return theAttachmentList
end tell
end tell
end tell
end populateTemplate
on replaceVariables(theText, theVariables, theReplacements)
if length of theVariables is 0 then return theText
repeat with i from 1 to (length of theVariables)
set my text item delimiters to (item i of theVariables)
set theText to every text item of theText
if class of (item i of theReplacements) is date then
set my text item delimiters to (date string of (item i of theReplacements)) as text
set my text item delimiters to (item i of theReplacements)
end if
set theText to theText as string
set my text item delimiters to {}
end repeat
return theText
end replaceVariables
on eliminateVariables(theNote)
if (count of paragraphs of theNote) is 1 then
return ""
repeat with i from (count of paragraphs of theNote) to 1 by -1
if paragraph i of theNote starts with variableSymbol then
set variablePosition to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set my text item delimiters to {return}
if variablePosition is (count of the paragraphs of theNote) then
set returnNote to ((paragraphs 1 thru -2) of theNote) as text
else if variablePosition is 1 then
set returnNote to ((paragraphs 2 thru -1 of theNote)) as text
set returnNote to ((paragraphs 1 thru (variablePosition - 1) of theNote) & (paragraphs (variablePosition + 1) thru -1 of theNote)) as text
end if
set my text item delimiters to ""
return returnNote
end if
end eliminateVariables
on workingTheContext(theContext, theVariables, theReplacements)
tell application "OmniFocus"
if theContext is missing value then
set i to 1
set variableFound to false
repeat while (i ≤ (length of theVariables)) and (not variableFound)
if (name of theContext contains (item i of theVariables)) then set variableFound to true
set i to i + 1
end repeat
if not variableFound then
return theContext
set desiredContextName to my replaceVariables(name of theContext, theVariables, theReplacements)
if (class of (container of theContext) is document) then
set contextsInFolder to every context of default document
set contextsInFolder to every context in (container of theContext)
end if
set positionOfFound to null
set namesOfContextsInFolder to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of contextsInFolder)
set end of namesOfContextsInFolder to name of (item i of contextsInFolder)
if (item i of namesOfContextsInFolder) is desiredContextName then set positionOfFound to i
end repeat
if positionOfFound is not null then
return (item positionOfFound of contextsInFolder)
set theContainer to the container of theContext
tell theContainer
set newContext to make new context at the end of contexts of it with properties {name:desiredContextName}
end tell
return newContext
end if
end if
end if
end tell
end workingTheContext
on findTheVariables(theProject)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set theFullNote to note of theProject
if theFullNote is missing value then return {{}, {}}
set theNote to null
repeat with i from (count of paragraphs of theFullNote) to 1 by -1
if paragraph i of theFullNote starts with variableSymbol then
set theNote to paragraph i of theFullNote
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if theNote is null then return {{}, {}}
set cleanedVariables to {}
set my text item delimiters to {" " & variableSymbol, variableSymbol}
set theVariables to every text item of theNote
repeat with theVar from 1 to (length of theVariables)
if item theVar of theVariables is not "" then
set the end of cleanedVariables to item theVar of theVariables
end if
end repeat
set optionLists to {}
repeat with i from 1 to length of cleanedVariables
if (item i of cleanedVariables contains optionListStartDelimiter) and (item i of cleanedVariables contains optionListEndDelimiter) then
set my text item delimiters to {space & optionListStartDelimiter & space, space & optionListEndDelimiter & space, space & optionListStartDelimiter, space & optionListEndDelimiter, optionListStartDelimiter, optionListEndDelimiter}
set theSplit to every text item of (item i of cleanedVariables)
set (item i of cleanedVariables) to (item 1 of theSplit)
set newOptionListText to item 2 of theSplit
set my text item delimiters to {", ", ","}
set newOptionList to every text item of newOptionListText
set emptyFound to true
repeat while emptyFound
repeat with j from 1 to length of newOptionList
set emptyFound to false
if item j of newOptionList is "" then
if j is 1 then
set newOptionList to items 2 thru -1 of newOptionList
else if j is length of newOptionList then
set newOptionList to items 1 thru -2 of newOptionList
set newOptionList to (items 1 thru (j - 1) of newOptionList) & (items (j + 1) thru -1 of newOptionList)
end if
set emptyFound to true
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
set end of optionLists to newOptionList
set end of optionLists to {}
end if
end repeat
set my text item delimiters to {}
end tell
end tell
return {cleanedVariables, optionLists}
end findTheVariables
on findTheReplacements(theVariables, optionLists)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set theReplacements to {}
set theTitle to "Select Replacements for Variables"
repeat with i from 1 to (length of theVariables)
if item i of theVariables contains "today" then
set the end of theReplacements to (current date)
else if item i of theVariables starts with "date" then
set theText to "What date would you like to use for the date variable " & quote & (item i of theVariables) & quote & "? You can use an absolute or relative date."
else if item i of optionLists is not {} then
set theText to "Which of the following options would you like to assign to the variable \"" & (item i of theVariables) & "\"?"
set theText to "What would you like to replace " & quote & (item i of theVariables) & quote & " with?"
end if
if item i of theVariables does not contain "today" then
if item i of optionLists is {} then
set theReturnInput to text returned of (display dialog theText default answer "")
if item i of theVariables starts with "date" then
set theReturnInput to my englishTime(theReturnInput)
set theCurrentDate to (current date)
set time of theCurrentDate to 0
set theReturnInput to theCurrentDate + theReturnInput
end if
set the end of theReplacements to theReturnInput
set the end of theReplacements to (choose from list (item i of optionLists) with prompt theText) as string
end if
on error errorText number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -128 then
return false
end if
end try
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return theReplacements
end findTheReplacements
on cleanExcessBreaks(theText)
if theText is missing value then return missing value
if theText is "" then return ""
if (count of paragraphs of theText) is 1 then return theText
repeat with i from (count of paragraphs of theText) to 1 by -1
if paragraph i of theText is not "" then
set textEnds to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
repeat with j from 1 to (count of paragraphs of theText)
if paragraph j of theText is not "" then
set textStarts to j
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set text item delimiters to {return}
set theNewText to paragraphs textStarts thru textEnds of theText as text
set text item delimiters to ""
return theNewText
end cleanExcessBreaks
on checkForOtherTemplate()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set theCount to (count of (every flattened folder where (its name contains "Template")))
if (theCount is 0) then
set templateFolderList to every flattened folder
set templateFolderNameList to {}
repeat with theFolder in templateFolderList
set nextListItem to ""
if the class of theFolder's container is folder then set nextListItem to "↳ "
set nextListItem to nextListItem & (name of theFolder)
set the end of templateFolderNameList to nextListItem
end repeat
set selectedTemplateFolder to choose from list templateFolderNameList with title "Choose Template Folder(s)" with prompt "No obvious template folders were found. Please select the folder(s) in which you store templates." OK button name "Set as Template Folder" with multiple selections allowed
if selectedTemplateFolder is false then return -1
set templateFolderPosition to my selectionPositions(selectedTemplateFolder, templateFolderNameList, true)
set existingTemplateFolders to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of templateFolderPosition)
set the end of existingTemplateFolders to item i of templateFolderList
end repeat
set existingTemplateFolders to every flattened folder where (its name contains "Template")
end if
set oldTemplateProjects to {}
set possibleTemplateProjects to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of existingTemplateFolders)
set templateFolderIsDropped to (hidden of item i of existingTemplateFolders is true)
if not templateFolderIsDropped then
set possibleTemplateProjects to possibleTemplateProjects & (every flattened project where (its container is (item i of existingTemplateFolders)) and (its status is not dropped) and (its status is not done))
set possibleTemplateProjects to possibleTemplateProjects & (every flattened project where (its container is (item i of existingTemplateFolders)) and (its status is not done))
end if
end try
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to (length of possibleTemplateProjects)
if the note of (item i of possibleTemplateProjects) contains "«" then set the end of oldTemplateProjects to (item i of possibleTemplateProjects)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
return oldTemplateProjects
end checkForOtherTemplate
on adjustOldTemplateSyntax(oldTemplateProjects)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
repeat with i from 1 to (length of oldTemplateProjects)
tell item i of oldTemplateProjects
set my text item delimiters to "«"
set tempName to its name
set tempName to (every text item of tempName)
set tempNote to its note
set tempNote to (every text item of tempNote)
set my text item delimiters to variableSymbol
set tempName to tempName as string
set tempNote to tempNote as string
set my text item delimiters to "»"
set tempName to (every text item of tempName)
set tempNote to (every text item of tempNote)
set my text item delimiters to ""
set its name to tempName as string
set its note to tempNote as string
repeat with i from 1 to (count of flattened tasks in it)
tell flattened task i
set my text item delimiters to "«"
set tempName to its name
set tempName to (every text item of tempName)
set tempNote to its note
set tempNote to (every text item of tempNote)
set my text item delimiters to variableSymbol
set tempName to tempName as string
set tempNote to tempNote as string
set my text item delimiters to "»"
set tempName to (every text item of tempName)
set tempNote to (every text item of tempNote)
set my text item delimiters to ""
set its name to tempName as string
set its note to tempNote as string
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
set my text item delimiters to ""
end tell
end tell
end adjustOldTemplateSyntax
on checkingForDateInformation(theItem, theVariables, theReplacements)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
tell front document window
tell content
set theNote to the note of theItem
copy theNote to theOriginalNote
set dueOrStart to null
set askForDate to false
set relativeToProject to false
set dateVariable to false
set theNoteParagraphs to every paragraph of theNote
repeat with i from 1 to (length of theNoteParagraphs)
if (item i of theNoteParagraphs starts with "start:") or (item i of theNoteParagraphs starts with "due:") then
set theNote to item i of theNoteParagraphs
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if (theNote starts with "Due") then
set dueOrStart to "due"
else if (theNote starts with "Start") then
set dueOrStart to "start"
end if
if dueOrStart is null then
return {missing value}
if theNote contains "Ask" then set askForDate to true
if theNote contains "Project" then set relativeToProject to true
repeat with i from 1 to (length of theVariables)
if item i of theVariables is in theNote then
set dateVariable to true
set dateVariablePosition to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if askForDate then
set classOfItem to "item"
if class of theItem is task then
set classOfItem to "task"
else if class of theItem is project then
set classOfItem to "project"
end if
set displayText to "When would you like the " & dueOrStart & " date of the " & classOfItem & " " & quote & (name of theItem) & quote & " to be? You can use relative (i.e., \"3d 2pm\"), absolute (i.e., \"Jan 19 15:00\"), or the short date format from your \"Language and Text\" preferences (i.e., \"13.01.19\" or \"01-19\") dates in your input."
set inputDate to text returned of (display dialog displayText default answer "1d 12am")
on error errorText number errorNumber
if errorNumber is -128 then
return {missing value, my getRidOfDateInfo(theOriginalNote, dueOrStart)}
end if
end try
set possibleDelimiters to {"Due:", "Start:", "Due", "Start", "Project", "today", "at"}
if dateVariable then set end of possibleDelimiters to (item dateVariablePosition of theVariables) as string
set my text item delimiters to possibleDelimiters
copy every text item of theNote to tempDate
set my text item delimiters to ""
set inputDate to tempDate as string
end if
end if
set secondsDeferred to my englishTime(inputDate)
if secondsDeferred = -1 then return {missing value, my getRidOfDateInfo(theOriginalNote, dueOrStart)}
if not dateVariable then
if not relativeToProject then
set desiredDate to (current date)
set time of desiredDate to 0
set desiredDate to desiredDate + secondsDeferred
if class of theItem is project then return {missing value}
if dueOrStart is "due" then
set relativeDate to due date of containing project of theItem
if relativeDate is missing value then
return {missing value, my getRidOfDateInfo(theOriginalNote, dueOrStart)}
end if
set desiredDate to relativeDate + secondsDeferred
set relativeDate to defer date of containing project of theItem
if relativeDate is missing value then
set relativeDate to (current date)
set time of relativeDate to 0
end if
set desiredDate to relativeDate + secondsDeferred
end if
end if
set desiredDate to (item dateVariablePosition of theReplacements) + secondsDeferred
end if
if (class of theItem is not project) then
if dueOrStart is "Due" and (due date of containing project of theItem is not missing value) then
if desiredDate < (current date) then
my notify("Due Date in the Past", "Check task \"" & name of theItem & "\".", dateNotify, "")
else if desiredDate > due date of containing project of theItem then
my notify("Due Date After Project Due", "Check task \"" & name of theItem & "\".", dateNotify, "")
end if
else if (due date of containing project of theItem is not missing value) then
if desiredDate > due date of containing project of theItem then
my notify("Start Date After Project Start", "Check task \"" & name of theItem & "\".", dateNotify, "")
end if
end if
end if
set theNote to my getRidOfDateInfo(theOriginalNote, dueOrStart)
return {desiredDate, dueOrStart, theNote}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end checkingForDateInformation
on englishTime(dateDesired)
if dateDesired is "0" then return 0
set monthFound to 0
set weekdayFound to 0
-- Solves an issue with the treatment of leading zeros for the minutes (i.e., 12:01am)
set minuteLeadingZero to false
-- Figures out if the user excluded any of the components
set timeMissing to false
set daysMissing to false
set weeksMissing to false
-- Sets up the delimiters for different items
set timeDelimiters to {"am", "pm", "a", "p", ":"}
set dayDelimiters to {"days", "day", "d"}
set weekDelimiters to {"weeks", "week", "w"}
set monthDelimiters to {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
set weekdayDelimiters to {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}
set specialRelativeDayDelimiters to {"Today", "Tomorrow", "at"}
set otherDelimiters to {" ", "th", "st", "rd", "nd"}
set inThe to "unknown"
set howManyNumbersInputted to 0
set numList to {}
-- See if they included AM/PM
if isNumberIdentifier("a", dateDesired) then set inThe to "AM"
if isNumberIdentifier("p", dateDesired) then set inThe to "PM"
-- See if they gave an absolute date formatted in YY.MM.DD or some other similar format
set my text item delimiters to specialRelativeDayDelimiters & otherDelimiters & timeDelimiters
set checkInput to every text item of dateDesired
set checkInputCleaned to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of checkInput)
if item i of checkInput is not "" then
set the end of checkInputCleaned to item i of checkInput
end if
end repeat
set theDateCheck to item 1 of checkInputCleaned
if (theDateCheck contains ".") or (theDateCheck contains "-") or (theDateCheck contains "/") then
set todaysDate to (current date)
set time of todaysDate to 0
set targetDate to my understandAbsoluteDate(theDateCheck)
if targetDate = -1 then return -1
set my text item delimiters to ""
if length of checkInputCleaned is 1 then
return (targetDate - todaysDate) as number
set theTime to items 2 thru -1 of checkInputCleaned
set numList to {}
set timeStoreLocation to length of theTime
repeat while timeStoreLocation > 0
-- If the minutes have a leading zero, just combine them with the hours
if (numList = {}) and ((item timeStoreLocation of theTime) starts with "0") then
set the end of numList to ((item (timeStoreLocation - 1) of theTime) & (item timeStoreLocation of theTime)) as number
set minuteLeadingZero to true
set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 2
-- Otherwise, get the numbers only
set tempNum to (item timeStoreLocation of theTime) as number
if tempNum ≠ 0 then set the end of numList to tempNum
set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 1
end if
end try
end repeat
set theTime to figureOutTheTime(numList, false, true, true, minuteLeadingZero)
set theTime to understandTheTime(theTime, inThe, false)
return (targetDate + theTime - todaysDate) as number
end if
end if
end try
-- See if they gave an absolute date, a relative one, or a day of the week
repeat with i from 1 to (length of monthDelimiters)
if dateDesired contains (item i of monthDelimiters) then
set monthFound to i
exit repeat
end if
if i ≤ (length of weekdayDelimiters) then
if dateDesired contains (item i of weekdayDelimiters) then
set weekdayFound to i
end if
end if
end repeat
-- Getting rid of all the bits I could imagine being around the numbers
set text item delimiters to (specialRelativeDayDelimiters & monthDelimiters & weekDelimiters & dayDelimiters & timeDelimiters & otherDelimiters)
set inputList to every text item of dateDesired
-- Resetting delimiters
set text item delimiters to {""}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of inputList)
if item i of inputList is "-" and (character 1 of item (i + 1) of inputList is in "123456789") then
set item (i + 1) of inputList to item i of inputList & item (i + 1) of inputList
end if
end repeat
-- Count how many numbers were given
repeat with i from 1 to (length of inputList)
if (item i of inputList) is not "" then
set tempItem to (item i of inputList) as integer
if class of tempItem is integer then set howManyNumbersInputted to howManyNumbersInputted + 1
end try
end if
set tempItem to ""
end repeat
-- Get the numbers of the input — start from the back to get the minutes first
set timeStoreLocation to length of inputList
repeat while timeStoreLocation > 0
-- If the minutes have a leading zero, just combine them with the hours
if (numList = {}) and ((item timeStoreLocation of inputList) starts with "0") then
set the end of numList to ((item (timeStoreLocation - 1) of inputList) & (item timeStoreLocation of inputList)) as number
set minuteLeadingZero to true
set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 2
-- Otherwise, get the numbers only
set tempNum to (item timeStoreLocation of inputList) as number
on error
set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 1
end try
if tempNum ≠ 0 then set the end of numList to tempNum
set timeStoreLocation to timeStoreLocation - 1
end if
end try
end repeat
-- Reverse it so the order is from biggest to smallest time increment
set numList to reverse of numList
if (monthFound is 0) and (weekdayFound is 0) then
-- If the user gave a relative date...
tell dateDesired
set daysMissing to not my isNumberIdentifier("d", it)
set weeksMissing to not my isNumberIdentifier("w", it)
if (howManyNumbersInputted - ((not daysMissing) as integer) - ((not weeksMissing) as integer)) = 0 then set timeMissing to true
end tell
-- Figure out how many weeks
if not weeksMissing then
set weeksDeferred to item 1 of numList
set weeksDeferred to 0
end if
-- Figure out how many days
if not daysMissing then
set daysDeferred to howManyDays(numList, weeksMissing)
if dateDesired contains "Tomorrow" then
-- Special case where they put "tomorrow"
set daysDeferred to 1
-- If they exclude it entirely or put "Today"
set daysDeferred to 0
end if
end if
-- Figure out the time
set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, daysMissing, weeksMissing, minuteLeadingZero)
-- Understand the meaning of the time component
set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing)
-- Creating the time deferred based on minutes and hours calculated
if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then
set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred + daysDeferred * days + weeksDeferred * weeks
set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred
end if
-- end of relative date-only code
else if (weekdayFound > 0) and (monthFound is 0) then
if length of numList < 1 then set timeMissing to true
-- Same as if the day and the week were missing on a relative date
set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, true, true, minuteLeadingZero)
set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing)
set daysDeferred to daysFromTodayToWeekday(weekdayFound)
if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then
set totalTimeDeferred to daysDeferred * days + timeDeferred
set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred
end if
-- If the user gave an absolute date...
if length of numList < 2 then set timeMissing to true
-- Same as if the day were there but week wasn't on a relative date
set timeDeferredTemp to figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, false, true, minuteLeadingZero)
set timeDeferred to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing)
set timeFromTodayUntilDesired to figuringTimeToDesiredDay(monthFound, (item 1 of numList))
if timeDeferred ≥ 0 then
set totalTimeDeferred to timeFromTodayUntilDesired + timeDeferred
set totalTimeDeferred to timeDeferred
end if
end if
return totalTimeDeferred
end englishTime
on isNumberIdentifier(possibleIdentifier, containerString)
set numberIdentifier to true
set identifierIsInContainer to false
set positionOfLastIdentifier to 0
set charList to every character of containerString
repeat with i from 1 to (length of charList)
if (item i of charList) = possibleIdentifier then
set identifierIsInContainer to true
set positionOfLastIdentifier to i
end if
end repeat
if (positionOfLastIdentifier is 0) or (positionOfLastIdentifier is 1) then
set numberIdentifier to false
set characterBefore to character (positionOfLastIdentifier - 1) of containerString
set characterBefore to characterBefore as integer
end try
if (characterBefore is not " ") and (class of characterBefore is not integer) then set numberIdentifier to false
end if
return numberIdentifier
end isNumberIdentifier
on howManyDays(numList, weeksMissing)
if not weeksMissing then
set daysDeferred to item 2 of numList
set daysDeferred to item 1 of numList
end if
return daysDeferred
end howManyDays
on figureOutTheTime(numList, timeMissing, daysMissing, weeksMissing, minuteLeadingZero)
if not timeMissing then
if minuteLeadingZero then
set timeDeferredTemp to item -1 of numList
set text item delimiters to ""
set timeDeferredTemp to ((items -1 thru (1 + ((not daysMissing) as integer) + ¬
((not weeksMissing) as integer)) of numList) as text) as integer
end if
set timeDeferredTemp to 0
end if
return timeDeferredTemp
end figureOutTheTime
to understandTheTime(timeDeferredTemp, inThe, timeMissing)
if timeMissing then
set timeDeferred to 0
if timeDeferredTemp > 2400 then
-- If the time is greater than the 24 hour clock...
display alert "Please try again: the time you entered was not a valid time of day."
set timeDeferred to -1
else if timeDeferredTemp = 2400 then
-- If the time is equal to 2400...
set timeDeferred to days
else if timeDeferredTemp ≥ 100 then
-- if they entered the time as a full hour:minute pair (with or without AM/PM and with or without the colon)
set minutesDeferred to (((characters -2 thru -1 of (timeDeferredTemp as text)) as text) as integer)
set hoursDeferred to (((characters 1 thru -3 of (timeDeferredTemp as text)) as text) as integer)
-- Figuring out the minutes and hours in the time given (minutes are last two numbers)
if inThe = "PM" then
-- For any number specifically designated as PM
set timeDeferred to ((hoursDeferred + 12) * hours + minutesDeferred * minutes)
else if hoursDeferred = 12 and inThe = "AM" then
-- For 12:00AM exactly
set timeDeferred to minutesDeferred * minutes
-- For times in the AM (implicit or explicit) and explicit times in the PM (i.e., 16:00)
set timeDeferred to (hoursDeferred * hours + minutesDeferred * minutes)
end if
else if timeDeferredTemp > 24 then
-- If they entered the time as a single number above 24
display alert "Please try again: the time you entered was not a valid time of day."
set timeDeferred to -1
else if timeDeferredTemp ≤ 24 then
-- If the entered the time as a single number (with or without AM/PM)
if timeDeferredTemp = 24 then
-- If they entered 24 hours exactly (treat as a full extra delay)
set timeDeferred to days
else if (timeDeferredTemp = 12) and (inThe ≠ "AM") then
-- If they entered "12" (treat it as 12PM)
set timeDeferred to 12 * hours
else if (timeDeferredTemp ≥ 12) or (inThe ≠ "PM") then
-- For implicit and explicit AM entries and for implicit PM entries
set timeDeferred to timeDeferredTemp * hours
-- For explicit PM entries
set timeDeferred to (timeDeferredTemp + 12) * hours
end if
end if
end if
return timeDeferred
end understandTheTime
to figuringTimeToDesiredDay(monthDesired, dayDesired)
set todaysDate to (current date)
set time of todaysDate to 0
-- Creating an intial date object
copy todaysDate to exactDesiredDate
set (day of exactDesiredDate) to dayDesired
set (month of exactDesiredDate) to monthDesired
if exactDesiredDate < (current date) then
set (year of exactDesiredDate) to ((year of todaysDate) + 1)
end if
return (exactDesiredDate - todaysDate)
end figuringTimeToDesiredDay
on daysFromTodayToWeekday(weekdayDesired)
set currentWeekday to (weekday of (current date)) as integer
if currentWeekday = weekdayDesired then
set daysDeferred to 0
else if currentWeekday < weekdayDesired then
set daysDeferred to weekdayDesired - currentWeekday
set daysDeferred to 7 + weekdayDesired - currentWeekday
end if
return daysDeferred
end daysFromTodayToWeekday
on understandAbsoluteDate(theText)
set theDate to (current date)
set the day of theDate to 1
set the month of theDate to 2
set theDate to (theDate - 1 * days)
set theDate to short date string of theDate
set text item delimiters to {".", "-", "/", "–", "—", "|", "\\"}
set theDate to every text item of theDate
set thePositions to {theDay:0, theMonth:0, theYear:0}
-- Checks the positions of the date components based on January 31 of this year
repeat with i from 1 to (length of theDate)
tell item i of theDate
if it is in "01" then
set (theMonth in thePositions) to i
else if it is in "31" then
set (theDay in thePositions) to i
set (theYear in thePositions) to i
end if
end tell
end repeat
set theText to every text item of theText
set targetDate to (current date)
set time of targetDate to 0
if (length of theText is not 2) and (length of theText is not 3) then
-- If they don't input at 2-3 numbers, return the error
return -1
if length of theText is 3 then
-- If the input has three numbers
set the year of targetDate to solveTheYear((item (theYear of thePositions) of theText) as number)
-- If the input has two numbers (left out the year)
set thePositions to adjustPositionsForNoYear(thePositions)
end if
set the month of targetDate to (item (theMonth of thePositions) of theText) as number
set the day of targetDate to (item (theDay of thePositions) of theText) as number
if targetDate is less than (current date) then
set the year of targetDate to (the year of (current date)) + 1
end if
end if
return targetDate
end understandAbsoluteDate
to adjustPositionsForNoYear(thePositions)
if (theYear in thePositions) is 1 then
set (theMonth in thePositions) to (theMonth in thePositions) - 1
set (theDay in thePositions) to (theDay in thePositions) - 1
else if yearPosition is 2 then
if (theDay in thePositions) < (theMonth in thePositions) then
set (theMonth in thePositions) to (theMonth in thePositions) - 1
set (theDay in thePositions) to (theDay in thePositions) - 1
end if
end if
return thePositions
end adjustPositionsForNoYear
to solveTheYear(num)
if num ≥ 1000 then
return num
return (2000 + num)
end if
end solveTheYear
on attachmentList(theID, theClass)
set theAttachmentList to {}
tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
if theClass is "task" then
tell note of task id theID
set NumberOfFileAttached to number of file attachment
set i to 1
repeat while i ≤ NumberOfFileAttached
if file attachment i is not embedded then
set end of theAttachmentList to file name of file attachment i as string
end if
set i to i + 1
end repeat
end tell
end if
if theClass is "project" then
tell note of project id theID
set NumberOfFileAttached to number of file attachment
set i to 1
repeat while i ≤ NumberOfFileAttached
if file attachment i is not embedded then
set end of theAttachmentList to file name of file attachment i as string
end if
set i to i + 1
end repeat
end tell
end if
end tell
return theAttachmentList
end attachmentList
on getRidOfDateInfo(theOriginalNote, dueOrStart)
set numParagraphs to (length of paragraphs of theOriginalNote)
repeat with i from 1 to numParagraphs
if paragraph i of theOriginalNote starts with dueOrStart then
set dateSpot to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set my text item delimiters to {return}
if dateSpot is 1 then
if (count of paragraphs of theOriginalNote) is 1 then
set theNote to ""
set theNote to (paragraphs 2 thru -1 of the theOriginalNote) as string
end if
else if dateSpot is numParagraphs then
set theNote to ((paragraphs 1 thru -2) of theOriginalNote) as string
set theNote to (((paragraphs 1 thru (dateSpot - 1)) of theOriginalNote) & ((paragraphs (dateSpot + 1) thru -1) of theOriginalNote)) as string
end if
set my text item delimiters to ""
return theNote
end getRidOfDateInfo
on conditionalCheck(theTask, theVariables, theReplacements)
set theOperation to ""
set theFunction to ""
set variableValue to 5
set operationDelimiters to {" delete", " complete", " defer", "delete", "complete", "defer", " by ", " by", "by ", "by"}
set functionDelimiters to {" <= ", "<= ", " <=", "<=", " ≤ ", "≤ ", " ≤", "≤", ¬
" >= ", ">= ", " >=", ">=", " ≥ ", "≥ ", " ≥", "≥", ¬
" == ", "== ", " ==", "==", ¬
" != ", "!= ", " !=", "!=", ¬
" > ", "> ", " >", ">", ¬
" < ", "< ", " <", "<"}
set condition to false
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell content of first document window of front document
set theNote to note of theTask
on error
end try
if theNote contains "@if" then
repeat with i from 1 to length of paragraphs of theNote
if paragraph i of theNote starts with "@if" then
set paraPointer to i
set theNote to paragraph paraPointer of theNote
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
set theOperation to my determineOperation(theNote)
set theFunction to my determineFunction(theNote)
if (theOperation is "") or (theFunction is "") then return
set my text item delimiters to {"@if ", "@if", " then ", "\"", "”", "“", variableSymbol} & operationDelimiters & functionDelimiters
copy every text item of theNote to notePieces
set my text item delimiters to ""
set notePieces to my clearEmpties(notePieces)
if (length of notePieces < 2) or (length of notePieces > 3) then return false
if (item i of notePieces as list) is not in theVariables then return
set variableValue to false
repeat with i from 1 to length of theVariables
if item i of theVariables is (item 1 of notePieces) then
set variableValue to item i of theReplacements
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if variableValue is false then
my clearNote(theTask, paraPointer)
end if
set variableValue to variableValue as number
end try
if (theFunction is ">=") and (variableValue ≥ (item 2 of notePieces) as number) then
set condition to true
else if (theFunction is "<=") and (variableValue ≤ (item 2 of notePieces) as number) then
set condition to true
else if (theFunction is ">") and (variableValue > (item 2 of notePieces) as number) then
set condition to true
else if (theFunction is "<") and (variableValue < (item 2 of notePieces) as number) then
set condition to true
set theNotePart to item 2 of notePieces
set theNotePart to theNotePart as number
end try
if (((variableValue is item 2 of notePieces) and (theFunction is "==")) or ((variableValue is not item 2 of notePieces) and (theFunction is "!="))) then
set condition to true
end if
end if
on error
end try
if condition is false then
my clearNote(theTask, paraPointer)
end if
if theOperation is "delete" then
set note of theTask to "!!!Delete"
else if theOperation is "complete" then
set completed of theTask to true
end if
end tell
end tell
end conditionalCheck
on clearEmpties(theList)
set newList to {}
repeat with i from 1 to length of theList
if (item i of theList is not "") and (item i of theList is not " ") then
set the end of newList to item i of theList
end if
end repeat
return newList
end clearEmpties
on determineOperation(theNote)
if theNote contains "delete" then return "delete"
if theNote contains "complete" then return "complete"
if theNote contains "defer" then return "defer"
end determineOperation
on determineFunction(theNote)
if theNote contains "<=" then return "<="
if theNote contains ">=" then return ">="
if theNote contains "==" then return "=="
if theNote contains "!=" then return "!="
if theNote contains "<" then return "<"
if theNote contains ">" then return ">"
end determineFunction
on clearNote(theTask, paraPointer)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set theNote to every paragraph of the note of theTask
on error
end try
set my text item delimiters to return
if length of theNote is 1 then
set the note of theTask to ""
end if
if paraPointer is 1 then
set the note of theTask to (items 2 thru -1 of theNote) as string
else if paraPointer is (length of theNote) then
set the note of theTask to (items 1 thru -2 of theNote) as string
set the note of theTask to ((items 1 thru (paraPointer - 1)) & (items (paraPointer + 1) thru -1)) as text
end if
end tell
end tell
end clearNote
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