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Created June 1, 2018 10:41
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ethjsonrpc import EthJsonRpc
from ethjsonrpc.utils import hex_to_dec
import json
import ethereum.abi
from sha3 import sha3_256
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
# from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as RequestsConnectionError
from ethjsonrpc.exceptions import (ConnectionError, BadStatusCodeError,
BadJsonError, BadResponseError)
class MyContract:
ADDRESS = "0x15dbdB25f870f21eaf9105e68e249E0426DaE916"
"NewUser": {
"signature": "0x9d35dcac34f1dc50826c04b0cf8282b0764ff89463320a8401c9add280b92ebd",
"params": ["uint256", "address", "address", "uint32"],
"dict": ["id", "address", "referral", "activation_datetime", "block_number", "transaction_index"]
"NewAreaStatus": {
"signature": "0x46cffffd9f27bb4e759b47d034705eda06243dd60eb47be11a2c9b02ae16b89d",
"params": ["uint256", "uint8", "uint8", "uint8", "uint8", "uint256"],
"dict": ["id", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "price", "block_number", "transaction_index"]
"NewImage": {
"signature": "0x542d3e34836f8b331e8441364480130cf7077e9b6ae9dab76dc285dd3961b0a6",
"params": ["uint256", "uint8", "uint8", "uint8", "uint8", "string", "string", "string"],
"dict": ["id", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "src", "href", "alt", "block_number", "transaction_index"]
def __init__(self):
self.client = EthJsonRpc('',443,True)
# self.calculate_event_signatures()
# curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getLogs","params":[{"fromBlock":"0x1","toBlock":"latest","address":"0x15dbdB25f870f21eaf9105e68e249E0426DaE916","topics":["0x9d35dcac34f1dc50826c04b0cf8282b0764ff89463320a8401c9add280b92ebd"]}],"id":73}'
def calculate_event_signatures(self):
for key, value in self.EVENTS.iteritems():
params = ""
for param in value["params"]:
params += param + ","
params = params[:-1]
decl = key + "(" + params + ")"
value["signature"] = "0x" + sha3_256(decl.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest().lower() + ": " + value["signature"])
def data_to_dict(self, data, event_dict):
values = {}
keys = event_dict
i = 0
for value in data:
values[keys[i]] = value
i += 1
return values
def decode_logs(self, logs, event_definition):
decoded_logs = []
if logs == []: return []
#print json.dumps(logs, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
#print event_definition["signature"]
for log in logs:
logdata_hex = log[u'data'][2:]
logdata = logdata_hex.decode('hex')
topic = log[u'topics'][0]
if event_definition["signature"] == topic:
event_abi = event_definition["params"]
data = ethereum.abi.decode_abi(event_abi, logdata)
block_number = hex_to_dec(log[u'blockNumber'])
transaction_index = hex_to_dec(log[u'transactionIndex'])
decoded_logs.append(dict(zip(event_definition["dict"], data)))
# decoded_logs.append(self.data_to_dict(data, event_definition["dict"]))
return decoded_logs
def get_events(self, event_name, from_block):
event_definition = self.EVENTS[event_name]
params = {
"fromBlock": hex(from_block),
"toBlock": "latest",
"address": self.ADDRESS,
"topics": [event_definition["signature"]]
logs = self.client.eth_getLogs(params)
except (ConnectionError, BadStatusCodeError, BadJsonError, BadResponseError) as e:
logs = []
logging.fatal("Ethereum. Client error. " + str(e.message))
decoded_logs = self.decode_logs(logs, event_definition)
if len(logs) > 0 or len(decoded_logs) > 0: + " events (from_block: " + str(from_block) +
") recieved: " + str(len(logs)) +
", decoded: " + str(len(decoded_logs)))
return decoded_logs
def main():
my_contract = MyContract()
all_events = my_contract.get_events(event_name='NewUser', from_block=0)
print json.dumps(all_events, sort_keys=True, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '))
all_events = my_contract.get_events(event_name='NewAreaStatus', from_block=0)
print json.dumps(all_events, sort_keys=True, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '))
all_events = my_contract.get_events(event_name='NewImage', from_block=3277456)
print json.dumps(all_events, sort_keys=True, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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