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Created September 20, 2018 11:37
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  • Save portableant/668e854e7ed0eb438b53c803412edf45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save portableant/668e854e7ed0eb438b53c803412edf45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Restore innodb from frm and ibd files only
import argparse
import os
import re
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process file.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='The filename', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
def create_file(file):
inFile = open(os.path.join("/Users/danielpett/desktop/museums/", file)).read()
print(os.path.join("/Users/danielpett/desktop/museums/", file))
sql = os.path.splitext(file)[0]+".sql"
outFile = open(os.path.join("/Users/danielpett/desktop/statements/", sql), "w")
x = inFile.split("# CREATE TABLE Statement:")[1]
x = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', x)
# This honky bit that follows needs work and is specific to the tables we were fixing
x = x.replace("'width'","width")
x = x.replace("user's","users")
x = x.replace("'tools'","tools")
x = x.replace("'alt'", "alt")
x = x.replace("'und'", "und")
x = x.replace("image's", "images")
x = x.replace("'title'", "title")
x = x.replace("'title", "title")
x = x.replace("term's", "terms")
x = x.replace("row's", "rows")
x = x.encode('utf-8')
x = x.replace("'200px'", "200px")
# Close files
# Make a temp directory for data
mkdir /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/tmp/
# Make a folder for frmTxt converts
mkdir /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/frmtxt/
mysql -uroot -p{password} -e "CREATE DATABASE museums;"
# Loop through files and do stuff
for file in /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/*.frm;
for ((i = 0; i < 1; i++))
# Read the frm files and get the sql etc
mysqlfrm --server=root:gr8tcour1@localhost:3306 $file > /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/frmtxt/$drop --diagnosti$
# Use python to split out the create statements
python -f $drop
# Import the SQL - you need an empty db called museums in mysql for this
mysql -uroot -p{password} museums < /Users/danielpett/Desktop/statements/$sql
# Copy some files around so you don't break stuff
cp /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/$table.frm /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/tmp/
cp /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/$table.ibd /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/tmp/
# Discard the table space
mysql -uroot -p{password} museums -e "ALTER TABLE $table DISCARD TABLESPACE"
# Copy in the ibd file to relink
cp /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/tmp/$table.ibd /usr/local/var/mysql/museums/
# Check ownership
sudo chown mysql:mysql /Users/danielpett/Desktop/museums/tmp/$table.ibd
# This will probably fail with big tables on low powered machines
mysql -uroot -p{password} museums -e "ALTER TABLE "$table" IMPORT TABLESPACE;"
# Throw in a sleep to stop it bugging out
sleep 20s
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