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Forked from hcayless/gist:9911921
Created April 1, 2014 13:48
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@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix cnt: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix lawd: <> .
a lawd:Person ;
dc:publisher <> ;
lawd:hasName <> ;
lawd:hasAttestation <> .
a lawd:PersonalName, cnt:ContentAsText ;
dc:publisher <> ;
lawd:hasAttestation <> ;
lawd:primaryForm "Nonia Optata"@la .
a lawd:Attestation, cnt:ContentAsText ;
dc:publisher <> ;
cito:citesAsEvidence <> ;
lawd:hasCitation <> ;
cnt:chars "Noniae P.f. Optatae" .
a lawd:Citation, cnt:ContentAsText ;
cnt:chars "AE 1983, 0192." .
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