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Last active July 10, 2023 08:08
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  • Save portablejim/77bbf476f47e54630011fb54819f8124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save portablejim/77bbf476f47e54630011fb54819f8124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use SSH with github instead of HTTPS with company Org repositories.

If you have a Organization with SSO turned on but want to use SSH keys instead of HTTPS auth.

(for example the

Step 1: Generate a different SSH key to use with the organisation. For example, the private and public key are in ~/.ssh/companykey and ~/.ssh/

Step 2: Add the key and authorise the key with SSO - in use "New SSH Key" to add the key, then use 'Configure SSO' to authorise it for the target organisation.

Step 3: Create a SSH configuration for the different key. Add the following to ~/.ssh/config.

  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/companykey
  IdentitiesOnly yes

Step 4: Add a URL replacement rule using the following command

git config --global url."".insteadOf ""

The git config file (at ~/.gitconfig) should now contain

[url ""]
	insteadOf =

if you want normal git links to work as well, add a second insteadOf line for the git version of the URL. The section would now read

[url ""]
	insteadOf =
	insteadOf =

It now should work and use the correct key.

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