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robin-wittler / gist:1643718
Created January 19, 2012 23:33
example code where ForeignKey and type check fails for flask-sqlalchemy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask
from flaskext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from import generate_password_hash
from import check_password_hash
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
app = Flask(__name__)
domenic / 1flickrApi.js
Last active April 4, 2018 07:35
Flickr API experiments
"use strict";
// Uses jQuery and Q.
var API_KEY = "whatever";
function getFlickrResponseAsync(method, responseProperty, params) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
$.ajax("", {
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 24, 2024 16:32
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
johnmyleswhite / type_inference.jl
Created August 9, 2013 17:57
Julia's type inference is where you get performance
# Always ignore one run
x = 0
@elapsed for i in 1:100_000_000
x += 1
end # => 3.330939854
# Second time is more accurate
petehunt / gist:8396968
Created January 13, 2014 09:14
Sweet.js DSL for making persistent data structures feel imperative
macro := {
rule infix { $obj $([ $key ] ...) | $rval:expr } => {
$obj = mori.assoc_in($obj, [$key (,) ...].reverse(), $rval)
macro hash_map {
rule {{ $($key : $value) (,) ... }} => {
mori.hash_map($($key, $value) (,) ...)
bitemyapp / gist:8739525
Last active May 7, 2021 23:22
Learning Haskell
ihnorton / _pleasedontdothis_.jl
Last active January 31, 2020 21:51
Curiosity and the cat
mem_size = 64
mem_prot = 0x40 # PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
mem_type = 0x00001000 # MEM_COMMIT
ex_mem = ccall(:VirtualAlloc,
(Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, Uint64, Uint64),
C_NULL, mem_size, mem_type, mem_prot) # call VirtualAlloc and get executable page
exec_arr = pointer_to_array(ex_mem, (32,2)); # consider as an array so we can write to it
(flycheck-define-checker julia-lint
"A Julia syntax checker using Lint.jl."
:command ("julia" "-e"
"using Lint; lintfile(ARGS[1])" source-inplace)
((info line-start
(zero-or-more blank)
(file-name) " "
(one-or-more (not digit))
line " INFO" (one-or-more blank) (message) line-end)
madrobby / gist:c55f39bfdbd60bf14671
Last active August 23, 2018 17:48
Deny commonly used security-probing things that spam up log files (for a Rails app)
location ~ ^/(wp-admin|wp-login\.php|priv\.dog|companies\/sidekick) {
deny all;
# file extensions that should never be served, this prevents
# potential malicious downloads in case someone manages to manipulate
# a Rails URL or write a file that can be served
# (~* matches case-insensitive)
location ~* \.(?:git|svn|DS_Store|asp|aspx|cgi|pt|pl|idx|php|exe|scpt|AppleScript|dll|dmg|pif|msi|application|msp|com|scr|hta|cpl|gadget|msc|jar|bat|vb|vbs|vbe|ws|wsh|inf|lnk|reg|scf|wsc|wsh|ps1|ps1xml|ps2|ps2xml|psc1|psc2|msh|msh1|msh2|mshxml|msh1xml|msh2xml)$ {
deny all;
bruienne /
Last active October 4, 2018 09:40
xhyve boot2docker sample config
#CMDLINE="earlyprintk=serial console=ttyS0 acpi=off"
CMDLINE="loglevel=3 user=docker console=ttyS0 console=tty0 noembed nomodeset norestore waitusb=10:LABEL=boot2docker-data base"
MEM="-m 1G"
#SMP="-c 2"
NET="-s 2:0,virtio-net,en0"