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Last active April 28, 2017 19:23
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A different approach to work on the Text101 challenge from Udemy Unity Course
"cell" "You are on a cell."
"sheets_0" "These are some pretty dirt sheets... Did you really sleep on these...?"
"mirror" "You see a broken mirror on the floor..."
"lock_0" "A locked door. It feels pretty much close for me."
"sheets_1" "Awesome, more dirty sheets. I think I have a teammate, but I can't really remember."
"cell_mirror" "Okay... what should I do with this? I will just put it on my pocket."
"lock_1" "Another lock, great... I think there is something different on this one."
"freedom" "Nice! The locker was broken, I'm out of this dirty cell."
cell > sheets_0 ('S'; "Sheets")
sheets_0 > cell ('R'; "Return")
cell > mirror ('M'; "Mirror")
mirror > cell ('R'; "Return")
cell > lock_0 ('L'; "Lock")
lock_0 > cell ('R'; "Return")
mirror > cell_mirror ('T'; "Take")
cell_mirror > sheets_1 ('S'; "Sheets")
sheets_1 > cell_mirror ('R'; "Return")
cell_mirror > lock_1 ('L'; "Lock")
lock_1 > cell_mirror ('R'; "Return")
lock_1 > freedom ('O'; "Open")
start: cell
end: freedom
"corridor" "You find yourself in a creepy corridor..."
"stairs_0" "Right, nothing in here, not even a single lightbulb."
"floor" "There is something weird on the floor, should I get it?"
"closet_door" "A closet! Oh wait... it is locked."
"stairs_1" "More stairs? Oh my... nothing in here."
"corridor_1" "Okay, it is a <i>hairclip</i>. What should I do with this?"
"in_closet" "Wait... I can use the hairclip to open this closet! There is an office uniform inside!"
"stairs_2" "Nothing in here."
"corridor_2" "What should I do next? I have to get outta here."
"corridor_3" "A lot of officers in here, I need to get out without being noticed."
"courtyard" "I'm out!"
corridor > stairs_0 ('S'; "Climb stairs")
stairs_0 > corridor ('R'; "Return")
corridor > floor ('F'; "Look at the floor")
floor > corridor ('R'; "Go back")
corridor > closet_door ('C'; "Open closet door")
closet_door > corridor ('R'; "Return")
floor > corridor_1 ('H'; "Hairclip")
corridor_1 > in_closet ('P'; "Pick")
corridor_1 > stairs_1 ('S'; "Climb stairs")
stairs_1 > corridor_1 ('R'; "Return")
in_closet > corridor_3 ('D'; "Dress uniform")
corridor_3 > in_closet ('U'; "Take out the uniform")
in_closet > corridor_2 ('R'; "Return to corridor")
corridor_2 > in_closet ('B'; "Go back")
corridor_2 > stairs_2 ('R'; "Climb stairs")
stairs_2 > corridor_2 ('B'; "Go back")
corridor_3 > courtyard ('S'; "Go to the courtyard")
start: corridor
end: courtyard
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class World
LinkedList<Map> map_list;
Map curr_map;
public World()
map_list = new LinkedList<Map>();
Map cell = new Map("Cell Scene");
Map corridor = new Map("Corridor Scene");
public void SetCurrentMap(Map m)
curr_map = m;
public Map CurrentMap()
return curr_map;
public void SetStart(Map m)
if (map_list.Contains(m))
public Map StartMap()
return map_list.First.Value;
public bool IsStart(Map m)
if (m.Equals(StartMap()))
return true;
else return false;
public void SetEnd(Map m)
if (map_list.Contains(m))
public Map EndMap()
return map_list.Last.Value;
public bool IsEnd(Map m)
if (m.Equals(EndMap()))
return true;
else return false;
public Map NextMap()
curr_map = map_list.Find(curr_map).Next.Value;
return curr_map;
public bool HasEnded()
if (curr_map.Equals(map_list.Last.Value))
return true;
else return false;
public class Map
private Graph states;
public string map_name;
public Map(string name)
this.map_name = name;
states = new Graph();
private void ReadMapFile()
string line;
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"D:\Users\User\Documents\Text101\Assets\maps\" + map_name.ToLower() + ".txt");
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != "")
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != "")
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
private void ReadVertex(string line)
string from = line.Split('\t')[0].Replace("\"", "").Trim();
string to = line.Split('\t')[1].Replace("\"", "").Trim();
this.AddState(from, to);
private void ReadEdge(string line)
string[] vertex_rel = line.Split('\t')[0].Split('>');
string[] edge_info = line.Split('\t')[1].Split(';');
char edge_action = edge_info[0].Replace("'", "").Replace("(", "").ToCharArray()[0];
string edge_action_name = edge_info[1].Replace("\"", "").Replace(")", "").Trim() ;
Vertex from = states.Find(vertex_rel[0].Trim());
Vertex to = states.Find(vertex_rel[1].Trim());
if (from != null && to != null)
this.Link(edge_action, edge_action_name, from, to);
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid input file for " + map_name + ". Please review the Vertex/Edges.");
private void ReadSettings(string line)
string command = line.Split(':')[0];
string vertex = line.Split(':')[1].Trim();
if (command.Equals("start"))
if (command.Equals("end"))
public Vertex AddState(string name, string msg)
Vertex v = states.Insert(name, msg);
return v;
public void Link(char action, string action_name, Vertex v, Vertex y)
states.Link(action, action_name, v, y);
public void SetStart(Vertex v)
public Vertex StartPoint()
return states.GetStart();
public bool IsStart(Vertex v)
if (v.Equals(StartPoint()))
return true;
else return false;
public void SetEnd(Vertex v)
public Vertex EndPoint()
return states.GetEnd();
public bool IsEnd(Vertex v)
if (v.Equals(EndPoint()))
return true;
else return false;
public class Graph
LinkedList<Vertex> vertex_list;
internal Graph()
vertex_list = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
public Vertex Insert(string name, string msg)
Vertex v = new Vertex(name, msg);
return v;
public Vertex Find(string vertex_name)
foreach (Vertex v in vertex_list)
if (vertex_name.Equals(
return v;
return null;
public Edge Link(char action, string action_name, Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
Edge link = new Edge(action, action_name, v1, v2);
return link;
public int Size()
return vertex_list.Count;
public void SetStart(Vertex v)
if (vertex_list.Contains(v))
public Vertex GetStart()
return vertex_list.First.Value;
public void SetEnd(Vertex v)
if (vertex_list.Contains(v))
public Vertex GetEnd()
return vertex_list.Last.Value;
public class Vertex {
public string name;
public string msg;
private LinkedList<Edge> neighbors;
internal Vertex(string name, string msg)
{ = name;
this.msg = msg;
this.neighbors = new LinkedList<Edge>();
public void AddNeighbor(Edge e)
public LinkedList<Edge> Neighbors()
return neighbors;
public class Edge {
private Vertex node1;
private Vertex node2;
public char action;
public string action_name;
internal Edge(char action, string action_name, Vertex node1, Vertex node2)
this.action = action;
this.action_name = action_name;
this.node1 = node1;
this.node2 = node2;
public Vertex CurrentVertex()
return node1;
public Vertex RelatedVertex()
return node2;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text text;
Vertex curr_state;
Map map;
World world;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
world = new World();
map = world.CurrentMap();
curr_state = map.StartPoint();
text.text = Message(curr_state);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (world.HasEnded() && map.IsEnd(curr_state))
text.text = "THE END";
} else if (map.IsEnd(curr_state))
map = world.NextMap();
curr_state = map.StartPoint();
text.text = Message(curr_state);
foreach (Edge element in curr_state.Neighbors())
if (Input.inputString.ToUpper() == element.action.ToString())
curr_state = element.RelatedVertex();
text.text = Message(curr_state);
string Message (Vertex state)
string msg = state.msg + "\n\n";
if (state.Neighbors().Count > 0)
msg += "Press ";
foreach (Edge element in state.Neighbors())
msg += "<b>" + element.action + "</b> for <i>" + element.action_name + "</i>. ";
return msg;
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