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Created February 6, 2019 12:58
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IntSet vs Int8Set
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import System.IO
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Criterion.Main
import System.Random.MWC
---------- Int8Set implementation
data Int8Set = Int8Set {
word0 :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Word64,
word1 :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Word64,
word2 :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Word64,
word3 :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Word64
deriving (Show)
-- data Int8Set = Int8Set {
-- word0 :: ! Word64,
-- word1 :: ! Word64,
-- word2 :: ! Word64,
-- word3 :: ! Word64
-- }
-- deriving (Show)
bitNumber :: Word8 -> (Int, Int)
bitNumber x =
let x' = fromIntegral x
in (x' `div` 64, x' `mod` 64)
empty8 :: Int8Set
empty8 = Int8Set 0 0 0 0
insert8 :: Word8 -> Int8Set -> Int8Set
insert8 x set =
let (word, bit) = bitNumber x
in case word of
0 -> set {word0 = setBit (word0 set) bit}
1 -> set {word1 = setBit (word1 set) bit}
2 -> set {word2 = setBit (word2 set) bit}
3 -> set {word3 = setBit (word3 set) bit}
delete8 :: Word8 -> Int8Set -> Int8Set
delete8 x set =
let (word, bit) = bitNumber x
in case word of
0 -> set {word0 = clearBit (word0 set) bit}
1 -> set {word1 = clearBit (word1 set) bit}
2 -> set {word2 = clearBit (word2 set) bit}
3 -> set {word3 = clearBit (word3 set) bit}
member8 :: Word8 -> Int8Set -> Bool
member8 x set =
let (word, bit) = bitNumber x
in case word of
0 -> testBit (word0 set) bit
1 -> testBit (word1 set) bit
2 -> testBit (word2 set) bit
3 -> testBit (word3 set) bit
fromList8 :: [Word8] -> Int8Set
fromList8 list = foldr insert8 empty8 list
---- Test IntSet
initialIntSet :: IS.IntSet
initialIntSet = IS.fromList [50..100]
testInsertIS :: [Int] -> IS.IntSet -> IS.IntSet
testInsertIS numbers x = foldr IS.insert x numbers
testDeleteIS :: [Int] -> IS.IntSet -> IS.IntSet
testDeleteIS numbers x = foldr IS.delete x numbers
testMoveIS :: [Int] -> IS.IntSet -> IS.IntSet
testMoveIS numbers x = foldr (\i set -> IS.delete i $ IS.insert i set) x numbers
testCheckIS :: [Int] -> IS.IntSet -> Bool
testCheckIS numbers x = and [IS.member i x | i <- numbers]
----- Test Int8Set
initialInt8Set :: Int8Set
initialInt8Set = fromList8 [50..100]
testInsert8 :: [Word8] -> Int8Set -> Int8Set
testInsert8 numbers x = foldr insert8 x numbers
testDelete8 :: [Word8] -> Int8Set -> Int8Set
testDelete8 numbers x = foldr delete8 x numbers
testMove8 :: [Word8] -> Int8Set -> Int8Set
testMove8 numbers x = foldr (\i set -> delete8 i $ insert8 i set) x numbers
testCheck8 :: [Word8] -> Int8Set -> Bool
testCheck8 numbers x = and [member8 i x | i <- numbers]
generate :: (Variate a, Integral a) => Int -> IO [a]
generate n =
withSystemRandom . asGenIO $ \gen ->
replicateM n $ uniformR (1, 254) gen
setupEnv :: (Variate a, Integral a) => Int -> IO ([a], [a])
setupEnv n = do
xs <- generate n
ys <- generate n
return (xs, ys)
n = 1000*1000
main = defaultMain [
env (setupEnv n) $ \ ~(initial, list) -> bgroup "IntSet" [
bench "insert" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testInsertIS list) (IS.fromList initial),
bench "delete" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testDeleteIS list) (IS.fromList initial),
bench "move" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testMoveIS list) (IS.fromList initial),
bench "check" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testCheckIS list) (IS.fromList initial)
env (setupEnv n) $ \ ~(initial, list) -> bgroup "Int8Set" [
bench "insert" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testInsert8 list) (fromList8 initial),
bench "delete" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testDelete8 list) (fromList8 initial),
bench "move" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testMove8 list) (fromList8 initial),
bench "check" $ whnfIO $ evaluate $ (testCheck8 list) (fromList8 initial)
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