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Last active December 15, 2015 11:49
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yaledger-charts script
aggregates <- function(formula, data=NULL, FUNS){
f <- function(x) sapply(FUNS, function(fun) fun(x))
}else{f <- FUNS}
temp <- aggregate(formula, data, f)
out <- data.frame(temp[,-ncol(temp)], temp[,ncol(temp)])
colnames(out)[1] <- colnames(temp)[1]
band <- function(xs, mins, maxs, ...) {
polygon(x=c(xs, rev(xs)), y=c(maxs, rev(mins)), ...)
boxes <- function(xs, mins, maxs, ...) {
rect(xs-1, mins, xs, maxs, ...)
## plot Bollinger Bars for the given OPEN/MIN/MAX/CLOSE data frame
BollingerBars <- function(data, stats, title=NA) {
plot.window(range(c(data$DATE, stats$MONTH), na.rm=T), range(data$BALANCE, na.rm=T))
band(stats$MONTH, stats$MIN, stats$MAX, col='#eeeeee', border=NA)
band(stats$MONTH, stats$Q1, stats$Q3, col='#cccccc', border=NA)
lines(MEDIAN~MONTH, data=stats, col='#777777')
lines(BALANCE~DATE, data=data, col='blue')
## part one: blue bars for the days intraday extension from the higher
## of OPEN and CLOSE to the MAX
segments(stats$MONTH, apply(stats[,c("OPEN","CLOSE")], 1, max), stats$MONTH, stats$MAX,
## part two: for winning days where close is higher than open, plot
## green bars showing advance from the open to the close
ind <- which(stats$CLOSE > stats$OPEN)
boxes(stats[ind, "MONTH"], stats[ind,"OPEN"], stats[ind,"CLOSE"],
col="white", border="black")
## part three: for losing days where close is lower than open, plot
## red bars showing retreat from the open to the close
ind <- which(stats$CLOSE < stats$OPEN)
boxes(stats[ind, "MONTH"], stats[ind,"OPEN"], stats[ind,"CLOSE"],
# part four: blue bars for the days intraday retreat from the lower
## of OPEN and CLOSE to the MIN
segments(stats$MONTH, stats$MIN, stats$MONTH, apply(stats[,c("OPEN","CLOSE")], 1, min),
axis(1, labels=strftime(data$DATE, format="%d %b"), at=data$DATE)
#grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, lty="solid")
stackplot.cols <- function(data, ylim=NA, main=NA, colors=NA, xlab=NA, ylab=NA) {
# stacked line plot
if ( {
ylim=c(0, max(rowSums(data, na.rm=T)))
if ( {
colors = c("green","red","lightgray","blue","orange","purple", "yellow")
xval = as.numeric(row.names(data))
summary = rep(0, nrow(data))
recent = summary
# Create empty plot
plot(c(-100), c(-100), xlim=c(min(xval, na.rm=T), max(xval, na.rm=T)), ylim=ylim, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
# One polygon per column
cols = names(data)
for (c in 1:length(cols)) {
current = data[[cols[[c]]]]
summary = summary + current
x=c(xval, rev(xval)),
y=c(summary, rev(recent)),
recent = summary
stackplot.rows <- function(data, catnames=NA, main=NA, ylim=NA, colors=NA, ...) {
if ( {
ylim = c(0, max(colSums(data, na.rm=T)))
if ( {
colors = c("green","red","lightgray","blue","orange","purple", "yellow")
xlabels = colnames(data)
xval = 1: ncol(data)
summary = rep(0, ncol(data))
recent = summary
plot.window(xlim=c(min(xval, na.rm=T), max(xval, na.rm=T)), ylim=ylim, main=main)
# One polygon per row
rows = 1: nrow(data)
for (j in rows) {
current = data[j,]
summary = summary + current
x=c(xval, rev(xval)),
y=c(summary, rev(recent)),
recent = summary
axis(1, labels=xlabels, at=xval)
if (!all( {
legend("topright", legend=catnames, fill=colors, ...)
set -e
cd ~/stats
yaledger -d error -S $START reg -C --no-currencies карточка > card.csv
#yaledger -d error -S $START --monthly stats -zC --no-currencies карточка > cardstats.csv
yaledger -d error -S $START reg -C --no-currencies карман > cash.csv
#yaledger -d error -S $START --monthly stats -zC --no-currencies карман > cashstats.csv
yaledger -d error -S $START --monthly saldo -zagC --no-currencies Root/доходы > salary.csv
yaledger -d error -S $START --monthly saldo -zagC --no-currencies Root/расходы > expences.csv
sed -i -e "1d" -e "s!BALANCE B/D!BALANCE!" card.csv
sed -i -e "1d" -e "s!BALANCE B/D!BALANCE!" cash.csv
R --vanilla < yaledger-charts.R
eog yaledger-charts.png &
meandate <- function(string) {
if (string == "ACCOUNT") {
} else {
from <- as.Date(string, format="From.%Y.%m.%d")
tmp <- sub("From.[^.]+.till.", "\\1", string)
to <- as.Date(tmp, format="%Y.%m.%d")
strftime(mean(c(from,to), na.rm=T), format="%B.%Y")
describe <- function(x) {
list(MIN=min(x), MAX=max(x),
OPEN=head(x, n=1), CLOSE=tail(x, n=1),
Q1 = quantile(x, 0.25),
MEDIAN = quantile(x, 0.5),
Q3 = quantile(x, 0.75))
salary <- read.table("salary.csv", header=T, sep=";")
expences <- read.table("expences.csv", header=T, sep=";")
names(salary) <- Vectorize(meandate)(names(salary))
names(expences) <- Vectorize(meandate)(names(expences))
card <- read.table("card.csv", header=T, sep=";")
cash <- read.table("cash.csv", header=T, sep=";")
card$DATE <- as.Date(card$DATE, format="%Y/%m/%d")
card$MONTH <- update(card$DATE, day=15)
cash$DATE <- as.Date(cash$DATE, format="%Y/%m/%d")
cash$MONTH <- update(cash$DATE, day=15)
card.stats <- aggregates(BALANCE~MONTH, data=card, describe)
cash.stats <- aggregates(BALANCE~MONTH, data=cash, describe)
ns <- c("MIN", "MAX", "OPEN", "CLOSE", "Q1", "MEDIAN", "Q3")
card.stats[,ns] <- sapply(card.stats[,ns], as.numeric)
cash.stats[,ns] <- sapply(cash.stats[,ns], as.numeric)
#card.stats <- read.table("cardstats.csv", header=T, sep=";")
#card.stats$DATE <- as.Date(card.stats$FROM, format="%Y/%m/%d")
#cash.stats <- read.table("cashstats.csv", header=T, sep=";")
#cash.stats$DATE <- as.Date(cash.stats$FROM, format="%Y/%m/%d")
png(filename="yaledger-charts.png", width=1900, height=1000, units="px", type="cairo")
par(xpd=T, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,0,4), mfrow=c(2,2))
barplot(as.matrix(subset(salary, select=-c(ACCOUNT))), legend=salary$ACCOUNT, col=heat.colors(5), main="Доходы")
#barplot(as.matrix(subset(expences, select=-c(ACCOUNT))), legend=expences$ACCOUNT, col=rainbow(20), args.legend=list(bg="transparent"), main="Расходы") <- subset(expences, select=-c(ACCOUNT))$MEAN <- apply(, 1, mean)
ixs <- order($MEAN)
expences.sorted <- subset([ixs,], select=-c(MEAN))
colors <- rainbow(26, s=0.5)[ixs]
stackplot.rows(expences.sorted, colors=colors, catnames=expences$ACCOUNT[ixs], bg="transparent")
BollingerBars(card, card.stats, title="Карточка")
BollingerBars(cash, cash.stats, title="Карман")
#boxplot(BALANCE~MONTH, data=card, varwidth=T, col=heat.colors(5), outline=F, main="Карточка")
#boxplot(BALANCE~MONTH, data=cash, varwidth=T, col=rainbow(20), outline=F, main="Карман")
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