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Created February 11, 2023 15:44
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create table tst_complex_index (
id1 int not null,
id2 int not null,
value text,
primary key (id1, id2)
insert into tst_complex_index (id1, id2, value)
select (9*g.i + 177) % 100, (191*g.i + 197) % 10001, g.i || ' text ' || (g.i + 7) % 19
from generate_series(1, 1000*1000) g (i);
explain (analyze,buffers)
select * from tst_complex_index
where id2 = 1 ;
Index Scan using tst_complex_index_pkey on tst_complex_index (cost=0.42..11637.42 rows=100 width=22) (actual time=0.015..17.965 rows=100 loops=1)|
Index Cond: (id2 = 1) |
Buffers: shared hit=3746 |
Planning Time: 0.040 ms |
Execution Time: 18.018 ms |
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