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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Created by portnov on 01.08.15.
object HelloWorld {
case class Word(wordIdx : Int, wordInt : List[Int])
val t9 : Map[Int, List[Char]] =
Map(1 -> List('i','j'),
2 -> List('a','b','c'),
3 -> List('d','e','f'),
4 -> List('g','h'),
5 -> List('k','l'),
6 -> List('m','n'),
7 -> List('p','r','s'),
8 -> List('t','u','v'),
9 -> List('w','x','y'),
0 -> List('o','q','z')
val unt9 = t9.toList.flatMap({
case (k, letters) => for (letter <- letters) yield (letter, k)
def decode(i: Int, x: String) : Word = {
Word(i, => unt9.get(c).get))
class Test(phone : List[Int], words : List[Word], strings : List[String]) {
override def toString : String = {
s"<Test phone $phone, ${words.size} words, ${strings.size} source strings>"
def getWords : List[String] = {
def select(ws : List[String], i : Int, d : Int) : List[String] = {
try {
ws.filter(w => if (i < w.length) t9.get(d).get.contains(w(i)) else true)
} catch {
case e : NoSuchElementException =>
throw new Exception(s"Unknown digit for t9: $d, at position $i")
def matchWord(start : Int, word : Word) : Int = {
if (phone.drop(start).startsWith(word.wordInt)) {
start + word.wordInt.length
} else {
case class Step(position : Int, selected : Word, other : List[Word])
case class Solution(depth : Int, words : List[Word])
def step(start : Int, words : List[Word]) : Stream[Step] = {
words.flatMap(w => {
val shifted = matchWord(start, w)
if (shifted != start) {
List(Step(shifted, w, words.filterNot(_ == w)))
} else {
private def go(start : Int, words : List[Word]) : Stream[Solution] = {
val xs = step(start,words)
xs.flatMap(s =>
if (s.position >= phone.length) {
Stream(Solution(1, List(s.selected)))
} else {
val sols = go(s.position, s.other)
if (sols.isEmpty) {
} else {
val minDepthIdx = sols.zipWithIndex.minBy(_._1.depth)._2
val best = sols(minDepthIdx)
Stream(Solution(best.depth + 1, s.selected :: best.words))
def solutions : List[List[Word]] = go(0, words).map(_.words).toList
def solve : Option[String] = {
solutions match {
case Nil => None
case _ => {
val min = solutions.minBy(_.length)
Some( => strings(w.wordIdx)).mkString(" "))
object Test {
def parse(input : Iterator[String]) : Option[Test] = {
val phoneStr =
if (phoneStr == "-1") {
return None
} else {
val phone = => c - '0').toList
val n =
val strings = input.take(n).toList
val words ={ case (w, i) => decode(i, w) }).filter(w =>
(w.wordInt.length <= phoneStr.length) &&
(phone.indexOfSlice(w.wordInt) >= 0)
return Some( new Test(phone, words, strings) )
def parseList(input : Iterator[String]) : List[Test] = {
var result = new ListBuffer[Test]
while (input.hasNext) {
parse(input) match {
case Some(test) =>
result += test
case None =>
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val tests = Test.parseList(Source.stdin.getLines())
for (test <- tests) {
test.solve match {
case None => println("No solution.")
case Some(solution) => println(solution)
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