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Last active March 23, 2023 20:33
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postgres planner being fooled
drop table if exists tst_entry;
drop table if exists tst_child;
drop table if exists tst_parent;
CREATE TABLE tst_parent (
id int NOT null primary key,
title text NULL
insert into tst_parent
select g.i, 'Parent ' || g.i
from generate_series(1, 10000) g (i);
analyze tst_parent;
CREATE TABLE tst_child (
id serial primary key,
parentid int NOT null references tst_parent (id) on delete cascade,
title text NULL
CREATE INDEX idx_tst_child_parent ON tst_child (parentid);
do $$
p record;
vCnt int;
for p in (select id from tst_parent) loop
vCnt := 1 + floor(random() * 5)::int;
insert into tst_child (parentid, title)
select, 'Child ' || || '.' || g.i
from generate_series(1, vCnt) g(i);
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
analyze tst_child;
create table tst_entry (
id serial primary key,
parentid int not null references tst_parent (id),
childid int not null references tst_child (id),
title text
do $$
vCnt int;
child record;
for vParentId in 1 .. 100 loop
for child in (select id from tst_child where parentid = vParentId) loop
vCnt := 1 + floor(random() * 5000);
insert into tst_entry (parentid, childid, title)
select vParentId,, 'Entry #' || vParentId || '.' || g.i
from generate_series(1, vCnt) g(i);
end loop;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
create index idx_tst_entry_t on tst_entry (parentid, childid, id);
analyze tst_entry;
-- QUERY #1: condition "c.parentid = 3" is actually just duplicated by "w.parentid = 3"
explain (analyze, buffers)
select, c.title, w.title
from tst_entry w
inner join tst_child c on w.childid =
where c.parentid = 3
and w.parentid = 3
order by w.parentid, w.childid,;
Sort (cost=41.19..41.20 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=3.093..3.502 rows=6249 loops=1) |
Sort Key: w.childid, |
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 681kB |
Buffers: shared hit=81 |
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.71..41.18 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.016..1.879 rows=6249 loops=1) |
Buffers: shared hit=81 |
-> Index Scan using idx_tst_child_parent on tst_child c (cost=0.29..2.54 rows=3 width=16) (actual time=0.005..0.012 rows=2 loops=1)|
Index Cond: (parentid = 3) |
Buffers: shared hit=4 |
-> Index Scan using idx_tst_entry_t on tst_entry w (cost=0.42..12.67 rows=21 width=26) (actual time=0.006..0.562 rows=3124 loops=2)|
Index Cond: ((parentid = 3) AND (childid = |
Buffers: shared hit=77 |
Planning: |
Buffers: shared hit=4 |
Planning Time: 0.151 ms |
Execution Time: 4.132 ms |
-- QUERY #2: no duplication
explain (analyze, buffers)
select, c.title, w.title
from tst_entry w
inner join tst_child c on w.childid =
where w.parentid = 3
order by w.parentid, w.childid,;
Merge Join (cost=0.71..2207.91 rows=6547 width=38) (actual time=0.038..1.602 rows=6249 loops=1) |
Merge Cond: (w.childid = |
Buffers: shared hit=76 |
-> Index Scan using idx_tst_entry_t on tst_entry w (cost=0.42..2117.39 rows=6547 width=26) (actual time=0.027..0.817 rows=6249 loops=1)|
Index Cond: (parentid = 3) |
Buffers: shared hit=73 |
-> Index Scan using tst_child_pkey on tst_child c (cost=0.29..740.97 rows=30132 width=16) (actual time=0.004..0.007 rows=7 loops=1) |
Buffers: shared hit=3 |
Planning: |
Buffers: shared hit=4 |
Planning Time: 0.216 ms |
Execution Time: 1.876 ms |
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