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Last active January 2, 2016 09:39
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プログラミング Coq( から電子書籍を作ります。 Nokogiriとcalibre コマンドラインツール必須。
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require "FileUtils"
target = ""
html = Nokogiri::HTML(open(target))
url_list = html.css("#home-main ol li a").collect{|a| target + a["href"]}
article_list = url_list.collect{|url|
article_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
article_list.each{ |article_doc|
article_doc.css("img").each{ |ele|
path =target + ele["src"]
fileName = File.basename(path)
dir = "img/"
filepath = dir + fileName
FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless FileTest.exist?(dir)
open(filepath, 'wb') do |output|
open(path) do |data|
ele["src"] = filepath
open("temp.html", "w"){ |f|
article_list.each {|article|
title = html.title;
author = "池渕未来"
open("temp_title.txt", "w"){ |f|
f.puts("% #{title}")
f.puts("% #{author}")
`pandoc temp.html -o "#{title}.md"`
`pandoc temp_title.txt "#{title}.md" -o "#{title}.epub"`
`ebook-convert "#{title}.epub" "#{title}.mobi"`
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