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Created December 18, 2011 18:17
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Save poshboytl/1494082 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Track the status and trigger buid for hudson CI
# Track the status and trigger buid for hudson CI.
# ci list all/projects - list all the projects on Hudson
# ci status <project name> - see a project's status
# ci build <project name> - triger a build on hudson
Http = require 'http'
QS = require 'querystring'
module.exports = (robot) ->
host = process.env.HUBOT_CI_HOST
port = process.env.HUBOT_CI_PORT
user = process.env.HUBOT_CI_USER
password = process.env.HUBOT_CI_PASSWORD
auth = new Buffer(user + ':' + password).toString("base64")
headers = 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + auth
error_message = "WTF... Is the Hudson down or it's crazy? I can't parse what it said."
options = (method, path) ->
{host: host, port: port, method: method, path: path, headers: headers}
request = (method, path, params, callback) ->
req = Http.request options(method, path), (response) ->
data = ""
response.on "data", (chunk) ->
data += chunk
response.on "end", ->
callback data
req.write params
list = (parameter, msg) ->
switch parameter
when "all", "projects"
path = "/api/json"
param = QS.stringify {}
request 'GET', path, param, (data) ->
json = JSON.parse(data)
if json
for i of
name =[i].name
status = if[i].color == "red" then "FAILING" else "SUCCESS"
url =[i].url
msg.send("name: #{name}, status: #{status}, url: #{url}")
catch e
msg.send error_message
status = (parameter, msg) ->
path = "/api/json"
param = QS.stringify {}
request 'GET', path, param, (data) ->
json = JSON.parse(data)
if json
match = false
for i of
if parameter ==[i].name
match = true
status = if[i].color == "red" then "FAILING" else "SUCCESS"
url =[i].url
msg.send("status: #{status}, url: #{url}")
msg.send("Hmmm... Are you kidding me? Please input the right project name. Or you can use 'ci list projects' to list all projects.") unless match
catch e
msg.send error_message
build = (parameter, msg) ->
path = "/job/#{parameter}/build"
param = QS.stringify {}
request 'GET', path, param, (data) ->
msg.send("I have told Hudson, please wait...")
robot.respond /ci (.*) (.*)/i, (msg) ->
command = msg.match[1]
parameter = msg.match[2]
switch command
when "list" then list(parameter, msg)
when "status" then status(parameter, msg)
when "build" then build(parameter, msg)
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