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Various solutions for finding number change possibilities and minimum number of change possibilitis
import Foundation
// Description; Various solutions for finding number change possibilities and minimum number of change possibilitis.
// Author: Paul Ossenbruggen
// Date: Nov 8, 2015
// Updated: June 8, 2020
// Language: Swift 5.3
// See comments below for problem statement.
// best run in a Playground
// memoized class to find all the change possibilities for a particular value
class ChangePossibilities {
var memo: [String: Int] = [:]
func changePossibilities( amountLeft: Int, denominationsLeft: [Int]) -> Int {
var amountLeft = amountLeft
let memoKey = "\(amountLeft) \(denominationsLeft)"
if let memo = memo[memoKey] {
return memo
if amountLeft == 0 {
return 1
if amountLeft < 0 {
return 0
if denominationsLeft.count == 0 {
return 0
let currentCoin = denominationsLeft[0]
let restOfCoins = Array(denominationsLeft[1..<denominationsLeft.count])
var numPossibilities = 0
while amountLeft >= 0 {
numPossibilities += changePossibilities(amountLeft: amountLeft, denominationsLeft: restOfCoins)
amountLeft -= currentCoin
memo[memoKey] = numPossibilities
return numPossibilities
ChangePossibilities().changePossibilities(amountLeft: 100, denominationsLeft: [1,5,10,25])
// Dynamic programming approach to finding all the different ways of making change.
func changePossibilities(amount : Int, denoms: [Int]) -> Int {
var waysOfDoingN = [Int](repeating: 0, count: amount + 1)
waysOfDoingN[0] = 1
for coin in denoms {
for currentAmount in coin...amount {
let remainder = currentAmount - coin
waysOfDoingN[currentAmount] += waysOfDoingN[remainder]
return waysOfDoingN[amount]
changePossibilities(amount: 200, denoms: [1, 5, 10, 25])
changePossibilities(amount: 372, denoms: [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100])
changePossibilities(amount: 100, denoms: [1, 2, 3, 4])
// greedy approach to finding change, does not find miniumim number of coins. So may not be useful.
func numCoinsForMakingChange(value: Int, coins: [Int]) -> Int {
var current = value
var count = 0
for coin in coins {
while current - coin >= 0 {
current -= coin
count += 1
return count
let usCurrency = Array(Array(arrayLiteral: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100).reversed())
let value = 372
print(numCoinsForMakingChange(value: value, coins: usCurrency))
// Slow non memoized approach for finding minimum number of coins
func minNumCoinsForMakingChange(value: Int, coins: [Int]) -> Int {
if value == 0 {
return 0 // base case
var result = Int.max
for coin in coins {
if coin <= value {
result = min(result, minNumCoinsForMakingChange(value: value - coin, coins: coins) + 1)
return result
print(minNumCoinsForMakingChange(value: 6, coins: [1, 3, 4] ))
// Memoized version for finding minimum number of coins
class Changer {
var memo:[Int : Int] = [:]
func minNumCoinsForMakingChangeMemo(value: Int, coins: [Int]) -> Int {
guard memo[value] == nil else {
return memo[value]!
if value == 0 {
return 0 // base case
var result = Int.max
for coin in coins {
if coin <= value {
result = min(result, minNumCoinsForMakingChangeMemo(value: value - coin, coins: coins) + 1)
memo[value] = result
return result
print(Changer().minNumCoinsForMakingChangeMemo(value: 372, coins: [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100] ))
// Dynamic programming approach for finding minimum number of coins.
func minNumCoinsForMakingChangeDP(value: Int, coins: [Int]) -> Int {
var results = [Int](repeating: Int.max, count: value + 1)
results[0] = 0
for sum in 1...value {
for coin in coins {
let value = sum - coin
if value >= 0 {
results[sum] = min(results[sum], results[value] + 1)
return results[value]
print(minNumCoinsForMakingChangeDP(value: 6, coins: [1, 3, 4] ))
print(minNumCoinsForMakingChangeDP(value: 372, coins: [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100] ))
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