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Created June 9, 2022 12:46
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Across the Board horse racing game
(* Compute probability of given subset of horses scratching. *)
scratch[p_] := Module[
{done = 2^Length[p] - 1, q, k},
q[0] /. Solve[
q[k] == If[k == done, 1,
#1 q[BitOr[k, 2^(#2[[1]] - 1)]] &,
{k, 0, done}
Table[q[k], {k, 0, done}]
] // First
(* Compute probabilities of winning for subset of horses. *)
win[n_, p_] := Module[
{nn, pp, g, x, j, k},
nn = RotateLeft[n, j];
pp = RotateLeft[p, j];
g = Times @@ MapThread[
Sum[(#2 x)^k/k!, {k, 0, #1 - 1}] &,
{Rest[nn], Rest[pp]}
] First[pp] (First[pp] x)^(First[nn] - 1)/(First[nn] - 1)!;
Range[0, Total[nn - 1]]!.CoefficientList[g, x],
{j, 0, Length[n] - 1}
(* Evaluate given rule set. *)
n = 18/{6, 3, 2, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 3, 6} // Round;
p = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}/36;
overallWin = Table[0, {11}];
overallRace = Table[0, {11}];
q = scratch[p[[Complement[Range[11], #]]]];
overallRace[[#]] += q;
overallWin[[#]] += q win[n[[#]], Normalize[p[[#]], Total]];
) &,
Subsets[Range[11], {7}]
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