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Created February 5, 2014 11:32
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Discriminated sort
ackage discsort
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import shapeless._
// Attempt at implementing generic discrimiated sort,
// based on the following paper;
trait SOrder[A]
case class Nat0(i: Int) extends SOrder[Int]
case class Triv0[A]() extends SOrder[A]
case class SumL[A,B](t1: SOrder[A], t2: SOrder[B]) extends SOrder[A\/B]
case class ProdL[A,B](t1: SOrder[A], t2: SOrder[B]) extends SOrder[(A,B)]
case class Map0[A,B](f: A => B, t2: SOrder[B]) extends SOrder[A]
case class ListL[A](t: SOrder[A]) extends SOrder[List[A]]
object SOrder {
type Disc[A,B] = List[(A,B)] => List[B]
val ordUnit = Triv0[Unit]()
val ordNat8 = Nat0(255)
val ordNat16 = Nat0(65535)
val ordInt32 = Map0(splitW compose {x:Int => x+(-2147483648)},
ProdL(ordNat16, ordNat16))
def splitW: Int => (Int,Int) = x => ((x>>16) & 65535,x & 65535)
val ordChar8 = Map0({x: Char => x.toInt},ordNat8)
object sdisc extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseNat0 = at[Nat0]( { case Nat0(i) => sdiscNat(i) } )
implicit def caseSumL[A,B,C] =
at[SumL[A,B]]( { case SumL(t1,t2) => { xs: List[(A\/B,C)] =>
sdisc(t1)(lefts) ++ sdisc(t2)(rights)
} } )
def sdiscNat[B](i: Int): Disc[Int,B] = { xs: List[(Int,B)] =>
accumArray[B]( { (xs: List[B], x: B) => x :: xs }, List(), (0,i-1), xs)
/ Dirty bucket sort
def accumArray[B](f: (List[B],B) => List[B],
init: List[B],
bounds: (Int,Int),
xs: List[(Int,B)]): List[B] = {
val arr = new Array[List[B]](bounds._2+1)
xs.foreach( { arg: (Int,B) =>
val idx = arg._1
val l: List[B] = arr(idx)
val nl = if(l == null) f(init,arg._2) else f(l,arg._2)
println(s"Setting idx[$idx] to $nl")
arr(idx) = nl
} )
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