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Created October 19, 2018 08:41
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minimal hl/heaps timer
import haxe.Timer;
using DateTools;
class Main extends hxd.App {
var txt:h2d.Text;
var fui:h2d.Flow;
var paused:Bool;
var music:hxd.snd.Channel;
var times = [[0, 20], [1, 20], [20, 0], [30, 0]];
var targetTime:Float = 30;
var targetTimeString:String;
var timer:Timer;
var date:Float;
override function init() {
paused = false;
fui = new h2d.Flow(s2d);
fui.isVertical = true;
fui.verticalSpacing = 5;
fui.horizontalAlign = Middle;
fui.verticalAlign = Middle;
fui.padding = 10;
txt = inittext();
public function stort(time:Date) {
if (timer != null)
targetTimeString = '${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}';
targetTime = time.getTime();
date = new Date(2018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).getTime();
timer = new Timer(1000); = onRun;
function playSound() {
var res = if (hxd.res.Sound.supportedFormat(Mp3) || hxd.res.Sound.supportedFormat(OggVorbis)) hxd.Res.music_loop else null;
if (res != null) {
trace("Playing " + res);
music =;
// music.queueSound(...);
music.onEnd = function() trace("LOOP");
function addButton(label:String, onClick:Void->Void, parent:h2d.Flow) {
var f = new h2d.Flow(parent);
f.padding = 5;
f.paddingBottom = 7;
f.backgroundTile = h2d.Tile.fromColor(0x404040);
var tf = new h2d.Text(getFont(), f);
tf.text = label;
f.enableInteractive = true;
f.interactive.cursor = Button;
f.interactive.onClick = function(_) onClick();
f.interactive.onOver = function(_) f.backgroundTile = h2d.Tile.fromColor(0x606060);
f.interactive.onOut = function(_) f.backgroundTile = h2d.Tile.fromColor(0x404040);
return f;
function addTimeButton(flow:h2d.Flow, _date:Date, fun) {
var _text = _date.getTime().parse();
var text = '${_text.minutes}:${_text.seconds}';
var f = addButton(text, fun, flow);
f.paddingLeft = 7;
flow.isInline = true;
function getFont() {
return hxd.res.DefaultFont.get();
function inittext():h2d.Text {
var font = hxd.Res.customFont.toFont();
// creates another text field with this font
var tf = new h2d.Text(font, fui);
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.dropShadow = {
dx: 0.5,
dy: 0.5,
color: 0xFF0000,
alpha: 0.8
tf.text = "ready ?";
tf.y = 20;
tf.x = 20;
return tf;
function onRun() {
if (!paused) {
var parsed = date.parse();
date += 1000;
if (date > targetTime)
return togStop();
var timetxt = '${parsed.minutes}:${parsed.seconds} on $targetTimeString';
txt.text = timetxt;
function createbutton() {
var timebuts = new h2d.Flow(fui);
for (a in times) {
var d = new Date(2018, 0, 0, 0, a[0], a[1]);
addTimeButton(timebuts, d, stort.bind(d));
addButton('pause', togPause, fui);
addButton('stop', togStop, fui);
function togPause() {
paused = !paused;
function togStop() {
if (timer != null) {
txt.text = "fini!";
trace("fini" + txt.text);
static function main() {
new Main();
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