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Created September 28, 2023 06:51
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#HowToThing #018 — Topological sorting, creating and visualizing a task dependency graph
import { identity } from "";
import { topoSort } from "";
import { defDGraph } from "";
import { toDot } from "";
import { comp, filter, map, mapcat, pairs, run, trace } from "";
interface Task {
title: string;
done?: boolean;
// IDs of other tasks this task depends on (aka is blocked by)
deps?: string[];
// collection of tasks
const tasks: Record<string, Task> = {
launch: {
title: "Launch newsletter",
deps: ["howto20", "setup", "interview"],
interview: { title: "Do interview", deps: ["deck", "offline"] },
howto20: { title: "Write #HowToThing 20", deps: ["howto19"] },
howto18: { title: "Write #HowToThing 18", done: true },
deck: { title: "Create presentation" },
offline: { title: "Download offline assets", done: true },
howto19: { title: "Write #HowToThing 19", deps: ["howto18", "interview"] },
setup: { title: "Setup & configure newsletter" },
// compose a tranducer function consisting of 3 processing steps, which will
// later be applied by `showTasks()` to each individual task ID.
// even though you might know `map()` / `filter()` from vanilla JS, this approach
// here applies to SINGLE tasks (not arrays!) and also doesn't create any
// intermediate arrays. just another illustration of the flexibility of transducers,
// functional composition/synthesis from small pre-existing pieces of functionality
const xformTask = comp(
// ignore completed tasks
filter((id: string) => !tasks[id].done),
// look up task title
map((id) => tasks[id].title),
// side effect: console.log with optional prefix
// helper function to display actual tasks from only a given collection of IDs
const showTasks = (ids: Iterable<string>) => {
// apply the above transducer to all task IDs
run(xformTask, ids);
// sort tasks in dependency order
// see:
const order = topoSort(tasks, (task) => task.deps || []);
// task: Create presentation
// task: Do interview
// task: Write #HowToThing 19
// task: Write #HowToThing 20
// task: Setup & configure newsletter
// task: Launch newsletter
// for more advanced usage, let's build an actual dependency graph:
// helper type (for illustration)
type Edge = [string, string | null];
// the graph factory function accepts an iterable of graph edges, aka
// tuples/pairs of task IDs. e.g. the edge ["launch", "interview"] means the
// "launch" tasks depends on "interview". to also register nodes/tasks without
// any dependencies, we define pairs like so: [id, null]
const graph = defDGraph<string>(
// `mapcat()` is similar to `Array.flatMap()`, but more flexible & lazy...
// (e.g. it works with any JS iterable, not just arrays)
// function receives a tuple of [id, task]
([id, { deps }]) =>
? // could use `` here, but using map() as
// iterator avoids allocating intermediate arrays
map<string, Edge>((d) => [id, d], deps)
: // ...for tasks without any dependencies
<Edge[]>[[id, null]],
// iterable of [key,value] pairs of an object
// (same, but older than the now native `Object.entries()`)
// again show tasks in topological sort order:
// (compared to above, there's slightly different LOCAL order when there're no
// deps, but GLOBAL dependency order is of course the same...)
// task: Create presentation
// task: Do interview
// task: Write #HowToThing 19
// task: Setup & configure newsletter
// task: Write #HowToThing 20
// task: Launch newsletter
// now ask some questions:
// what still needs to be done before the interview?
// task: Create presentation
// what else depends on howtothing #18 being done?
// task: Write #HowToThing 20
// task: Launch newsletter
// task: Write #HowToThing 19
// what could be done next after howtothing #18?
// task: Write #HowToThing 19
// what does the launch depend on directly?
// task: Write #HowToThing 20
// task: Setup & configure newsletter
// task: Do interview
// finally, output Graphviz diagram fileformat (DOT) to visualize the graph
// see:
toDot(graph, {
// use task IDs as is (aka identity function)
id: identity,
// function to customize attribs for each single task/node
spec: (id) => {
const { done, title } = tasks[id];
const node = { label: title };
// highlight completed tasks
return done
? { ...node, fillcolor: "#99ff99", fontcolor: "black" }
: node;
// global graph attributes
attribs: {
// set rank direction such that dependencies are at the top and
// dependents at the bottom
rankdir: "BT",
// base styling attribs for all nodes
node: { fontname: "Helvetica", shape: "box", style: "filled" },
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