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Last active July 26, 2021 13:25
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Tetrahedron intersection (currently runs in ~36% time than original revision of this gist)
;; Tetrahedron intersection based on this paper & algorithm:
;; Unlike original algorithm this implementation produces correct
;; results regardless of the orientation/ordering of points defining
;; the two tetrahedra. This is achieved via the orient-tetra function,
;; which ensures the correct ordering of vertices for this algorithm
;; to function properly.
;; Implementation extracted from upcoming geometry library
;; All required vector operations are supplied here, so no further
;; dependencies...
(defn sub
"3D vector subtraction."
[[ax ay az] [bx by bz]] [(- ax bx) (- ay by) (- az bz)])
(defn dot
"Returns dot product of a and b."
[[ax ay az] [bx by bz]] (+ (+ (* ax bx) (* ay by)) (* az bz)))
(defn cross
"Returns cross product of a and b."
[[ax ay az] [bx by bz]]
[(- (* ay bz) (* az by))
(- (* az bx) (* ax bz))
(- (* ax by) (* bx ay))])
(defn normalize
"Returns normalized vector."
[[x y z :as v]]
(let [m (+ (+ (* x x) (* y y)) (* z z))]
(if (pos? m) [(/ x m) (/ y m) (/ z m)] v)))
(defn normal3
"Returns normal vector for plane defined by a,b,c."
[a b c] (normalize (cross (sub b a) (sub c a))))
(defn subdot
"Computes sum((a-b)*c), where a, b, c are 3D vectors."
[a b c] (reduce + (map * (sub a b) c)))
(defn orient-tetra
"Takes a seq of 4 3D points, returns them as vector in the order so
that the last point is on the opposite side of the plane defined by
the first three points."
[[a b c d :as t]]
(let [dp (-> d (sub a) (normalize) (dot (normal3 a b c)))]
(if (neg? dp) (vec t) [a c b d])))
(defn compute-mask
"Computes bit mask for given seq of 4 affine coords."
(if (pos? (aff 0)) 1 0) (if (pos? (aff 1)) 2 0))
(if (pos? (aff 2)) 4 0))
(if (pos? (aff 3)) 8 0)))
(defn- face-a
"Takes a transformation fn and the 4 delta vectors between tetra1/tetra2.
Returns 2-elem vec of [bitmask affine-coords]."
[f deltas]
(let [affine (mapv f deltas)] [(compute-mask affine) affine]))
(defn face-b1?
"Takes the 4 delta vectors between tetra2/tetra1 and a normal.
Returns true if all dot products are positive."
[deltas n] (every? #(pos? (dot % n)) deltas))
(defn face-b2?
"Like face-b1?, but optimized for last face of tetrahedron."
[verts refv n] (every? #(pos? (subdot % refv n)) verts))
(defn edge-a
"Takes 2 bitmasks and edge flags, returns true if there's a
separating plane between the faces shared by that edge."
[ma mb ea eb]
(let [xa (bit-and ma (bit-xor ma mb))
xb (bit-and mb (bit-xor xa mb))
edge (fn [a b i j]
(let [cp (- (* (ea i) (eb j)) (* (ea j) (eb i)))]
(or (and (pos? cp) (pos? (bit-or xa a)) (pos? (bit-or xb b)))
(and (neg? cp) (pos? (bit-or xa b)) (pos? (bit-or xb a))))))]
(not= 15 (bit-or ma mb))
(edge 1 2 1 0)
(edge 1 4 2 0)
(edge 1 8 3 0)
(edge 2 4 2 1)
(edge 2 8 3 1)
(edge 4 8 3 2)))))
(defn get-edge
"Lazy edge evaluation. Takes a vector of edges, vector of edge
points and an edge id. Looks up edge for given id and if not yet
present constructs it. Returns 2-elem vector of [edges edge]."
[edges epoints id]
(let [e (edges id)]
(if e
[edges e]
(let [ep (epoints id), e (sub (ep 0) (ep 1))]
[(assoc edges id e) e]))))
(defn check-faces-a
"Takes the 4 delta vectors between the two tetras, edge definitions
of the 1st tetra, vertices of the 2nd, a reference point of the 1st
and a seq of specs, each encoding a specific check (either calls to
face-a* or edge-a). Returns vector of bitmasks or nil if fail early."
[deltas epoints verts p specs]
(loop [masks [], affine [], edges [nil nil nil nil nil], s specs]
(if s
(let [[f a b] (first s)]
(if (or (= :f f) (= :f* f))
(let [[edges ea] (get-edge edges epoints a)
[edges eb] (get-edge edges epoints b)
n (cross ea eb)
[m a] (if (= :f f)
(face-a #(dot % n) deltas)
(face-a #(subdot % p n) verts))]
(if (< m 15)
(recur (conj masks m) (conj affine a) edges (next s))))
(if-not (edge-a (masks a) (masks b) (affine a) (affine b))
(recur masks affine edges (next s)))))
(defn check-faces-b
"Much like check-faces-a, but for 2nd tetra and specs encoding calls to face-b1/2?.
Returns true if tetras do intersect."
[deltas epoints verts p specs]
(loop [edges [nil nil nil nil nil], s specs]
(if s
(let [[f a b] (first s)
[edges ea] (get-edge edges epoints a)
[edges eb] (get-edge edges epoints b)]
(if-not (if (= :f f)
(face-b1? deltas (cross ea eb))
(face-b2? verts p (cross ea eb)))
(recur edges (next s))))
(defn intersect-tetrahedra?
"Takes 2 seqs of 4 3D points, each defining a tetrahedron. Returns
true if they intersect. Orientation of points is irrelevant (unlike
in the original algorithm this implementation is based on)."
[p q]
(let [[pa pb pc pd :as p] (orient-tetra p)
[qa qb qc qd :as q] (orient-tetra q)
masks (check-faces-a
(map #(sub % pa) q)
[[pb pa] [pc pa] [pd pa] [pc pb] [pd pb]]
q pb [[:f 0 1] [:f 2 0] [:e 0 1] [:f 1 2]
[:e 0 2] [:e 1 2] [:f* 4 3] [:e 0 3]
[:e 1 3] [:e 2 3]])]
(if masks
(or (not= 15 (apply bit-or masks))
(map #(sub % qa) p)
[[qb qa] [qc qa] [qd qa] [qc qb] [qd qb]]
p qb [[:f 0 1] [:f 2 0] [:f 1 2] [:f* 4 3]])))))
;; worst case scenario testing constellation requiring all checks
(def p [[0.0 0.0 0.0] [50.0 50.0 0.0] [100.0 0.0 0.0] [50.0 25.0 100.0]])
(def q [[0.0 0.0 0.0] [-50.0 50.0 0.0] [-200.0 0.0 20.0] [150.0 25.0 100.0]])
;; should = true
(prn :first (intersect-tetrahedra? p q))
(def q [[100.001 0.0 0.0] [150.0 50.0 0.0] [200.0 0.0 0.0] [150.0 25.0 10.0]])
;; should = nil (false)
(prn :second (intersect-tetrahedra? p q))
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jimpil commented Feb 15, 2014

I would write that last nested if statement like this:

    masks false
   (not= 15 (apply bit-or masks)) true
  (let [deltas (map #(sub % qa) p)
        e (mapv sub [qb qc qd qc qd] [qa qa qa qb qb])]
   (check-faces-b deltas e p qa 
        [[:f 0 1] [:f 2 0] [:f 1 2] [:f* 4 3]])) )

nice work :)

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Thanks & of course! Cond is much better... updated. But the masks check still needs to be (false? masks)

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Updated & rewritten a few things to delay edge construction (see new get-edge fn). Also replaced various reduce calls with loop. Worst case tests now run in ~53% of the previous time.

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Fixed bug which referred to wrong reference in last call to check-faces-b and caused asymmetric results...

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I've found a case that fails. Testing this tetras return true:

(def p [[2328.824 1256.559 9965.406] [2328.824 1256.559 9889.206] [2208.937 1187.342 9965.406] [2132.737 1319.324 9965.406]])

(def q [[2137.673 1234.186 10003.130] [2060.557 1281.337 9973.415] [2096.147 1303.468 9925.334] [2101.378 1213.231 9973.415]])


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orel33 commented Jun 29, 2016

Is there a mistake in the normalize function? no square root is involved in the computation of the nomalized vector...

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