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Last active March 8, 2016 19:36
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Reagent/re-frame FPS visualization component & tick handler example
;; dependencies:
;; [cljsjs/react "0.12.2-5"]
;; [reagent "0.5.0"]
;; [re-frame "0.2.0"]
;; [cljs-log "0.2.1"]
(ns example.fps
[reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]
[cljs-log.core :refer [info]])
[cljsjs.react :as react]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :refer [register-handler
(defprotocol PTickHandler
[_ db]
"Called to during :add-tick-handlers event handling to allow
modification of app-db. Must return updated db.")
[_ db]
"Called at each tick w/ current app-db.
Must return updated db."))
(defn- re-trigger-ticker
"Dispatches :next-tick event at next React redraw cycle (usually
every 16ms, but depending on CPU load)."
[] (reagent/next-tick (fn [] (dispatch [:next-tick]))))
(def start-ticker re-trigger-ticker)
(defn init-ticker
"MUST be called with app-db map from a pure re-frame handler (e.g.
during initial app init event). Registers tick related events &
handlers and adds initial ::tick state to given db map.
Tick handlers can be added via :add-tick-handlers event. These
handlers are NOT re-frame handlers and MUST implement the
PTickHandler protocol instead, for example:
{:foo (reify PTickHandler
(init-state [_ db] (assoc db :foo {:state 0}))
(tick [_ db] (update-in db [:foo :state] inc)))}])"
:add-tick-handlers trim-v
(fn [db [handlers]]
(info "adding tick handlers:" (keys handlers))
(fn [db id handler] (init-state handler db))
(update-in db [::tick :handlers] merge handlers)
:remove-tick-handlers trim-v
(fn [db [ids]]
(info "removing tick handlers:" ids)
(update-in db [::tick :handlers] #(apply dissoc % ids))))
:next-tick trim-v
(fn [{ticker ::tick :as db} _]
(if-not (:paused? ticker)
(do (re-trigger-ticker)
(fn [db id handler] (tick handler db))
db (:handlers ticker)))
(assoc db ::tick {:handlers {} :paused? false}))
(defn register-fps-counter
"Sets up an FPS counter tick handler & subscriptions for current &
average framerates. Current framerate (:fps) is updated every
second, the average (:avg-fps) every tick and is the total avg. rate
since the beginning."
:fps (fn [db _] (reaction (get-in @db [db-root :fps]))))
:avg-fps (fn [db _] (reaction (get-in @db [db-root :avg-fps]))))
(reify PTickHandler
(init-state [_ db]
(assoc db db-root
{:frame 0 :total 0 :fps 0 :avg-fps 0
:start (.getTime (js/Date.))
:last (.getTime (js/Date.))}))
(tick [_ db]
(let [{:keys [frame total start last]} (db db-root)
now (.getTime (js/Date.))
age (- now start)
frame (inc frame)
total (inc total)
db (update db db-root assoc
:frame frame
:total total
:avg-fps (/ total (* age 1e-3)))]
(if (> (- now last) 1000)
(update db db-root assoc
:last now
:frame 0
:fps (/ frame (* (- now last) 1e-3)))
(defn- fps-graph
"Updates canvas visualization using given component state & opts.
Called from fps-panel render fn."
[state fps width height col grid-col]
(let [w' (- width 4)
s (/ (- height 20) 60)
h' (- height 3)]
(when-let [ctx (:ctx @state)]
(swap! state update :history
#(conj (if (< (count %) w') % (->> % (drop 1) vec)) (- h' (* s fps))))
(let [history (:history @state)
x (dec (count history))
w'' (inc w')
g1 (- h' (* s 20))
g2 (- h' (* s 40))
g3 (- h' (* s 60))
fps' (.toFixed (js/Number. fps) 2)]
(.clearRect ctx 0 0 width height)
(set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) grid-col)
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) col)
(doto ctx
(.moveTo 2 h') (.lineTo w'' h')
(.moveTo 2 g1) (.lineTo w'' g1)
(.moveTo 2 g2) (.lineTo w'' g2)
(.moveTo 2 g3) (.lineTo w'' g3)
(set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) col)
(.beginPath ctx)
(.moveTo ctx (+ x 2) (get history x))
(loop [x (dec x)]
(when-not (neg? x)
(.lineTo ctx (+ x 2) (get history x))
(recur (dec x))))
(.stroke ctx)
(.fillText ctx (str "fps: " fps') 4 11)))))
(defn fps-panel
"Framerate visualization component. Takes options map with following
supported keys:
:mode - visualization mode (:fps or :avg-fps)
:width - canvas width (default 100)
:height - canvas height (default 76)
:col - graph color (#f0f)
:grid-col - grid color (20/40/60 fps markers, #ccc)
Furthermore, the map can contain :id, :class or :style keys. All
other keys will be ignored.
Example: [fps-panel {:mode :fps :width 200 :col \"limegreen\"}]"
[& [opts]]
(let [fps (subscribe [(opts :mode :fps)])
state (atom {})]
{:display-name "fps-panel"
#(reset! state
{:ctx (.getContext (reagent/dom-node %) "2d")
:history []})
(fn [& [{:keys [width height col grid-col]
:or {width 100 height 76 col "#f0f" grid-col "#ccc"}
:as opts}]]
(fps-graph state @fps width height col grid-col)
(merge {:width width :height height}
(select-keys opts [:id :class :style]))])})))
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