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Last active August 19, 2020 01:47
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STL mesh viewer & WebWorker example
;; base.js contains all of CLJS &
(.importScripts js/self "base.js")
(ns meshworker
[cljs-log.core :refer [debug info warn]])
[ :as m]
[ :as g]
[ :as mat]
[ :as mio]
[ :as glm]
[ :as f]))
(defn load-binary
[uri onload onerror]
(let [xhr (js/XMLHttpRequest.)]
(.open xhr "GET" uri true)
(set! (.-responseType xhr) "arraybuffer")
(set! (.-onload xhr)
(fn [e]
(if-let [buf (.-response xhr)]
(onload buf)
(when onerror (onerror xhr e)))))
(.send xhr)))
(defn build-mesh
(let [t0 (f/timestamp)
mesh (mio/read-stl
(mio/wrapped-input-stream buf)
#(glm/gl-mesh % #{:fnorm}))
bounds (g/bounds mesh)
tx (-> mat/M44
(g/scale (/ 1.0 (-> bounds :size :y)))
(g/translate (m/- (g/centroid bounds))))
vertices (-> mesh .-vertices .-buffer)
fnormals (-> mesh .-fnormals .-buffer)
num (.-id mesh)]
(debug (- (f/timestamp) t0) "ms," num "triangles")
;; message payload
#js [vertices fnormals num tx]
;; this is the list of buffers to transfer w/o copy
#js [vertices fnormals])))
(defn load-mesh
(.-data msg)
#(warn "error loading mesh: " (.-data msg))))
(set! (.-onmessage js/self) load-mesh)
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