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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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geom-webgl mesh handling with & without vertex attributes (temp. workaround until fully implemented)
'[ :as g]
'[ :as v :refer [vec2 vec3]]
'[ :refer [M44]]
'[ :as gu]
'[ :as a]
'[ :as pl]
'[ :as q]
'[ :as gl]
'[ :as buf]
'[ :as m]
'[ :as ta])
;; create ground plane...
;; option 1 - create a 3d quad
(def ground (-> (q/quad3 100) (g/center) (g/as-mesh)))
;; or use (initially) infinite plane as basis
;; (def ground (g/as-mesh (pl/plane-with-point (vec3) v/V3Y) {:size 100}))
;; create 2 boxes of different sizes/positions/orientations
(def box1 (g/as-mesh (a/aabb 10)))
(def box2
(-> (a/aabb 5)
(g/transform (-> M44 (g/translate -25 0 0) (g/rotate-y m/QUARTER_PI)))))
(defn scene-without-uvs
{:ground (-> ground
(gl/as-webgl-buffer-spec {:tessellate true :fnormals true})
;; TODO insert shader spec (see )
(buf/make-attribute-buffers-in-spec gl gl/static-draw))
:boxes (-> box1
(g/into box2) ;; combine box meshes
(gl/as-webgl-buffer-spec {:tessellate true :fnormals true})
;; TODO insert shader spec (see )
(buf/make-attribute-buffers-in-spec gl gl/static-draw))})
;; vertex attributes are planned, but not *yet* implemented by the geom mesh types...
;; the below is a hacky workaround (not v.usable for larger meshes)
;; calling g/faces on an AABB or Cuboid will always return faces (quadriliterals) in this order:
;; east, west, north, south, front, back (assuming +X as right & +Y as up axes)
;; +---+
;; | 2 |
;; +---+---+---+
;; | 1 | 4 | 0 |
;; +---+---+---+
;; | 3 |
;; +---+
;; | 5 |
;; +---+
(defn vertex-attribs
(flatten (map gu/tessellate-3 attribs)))
(def box-faces (g/faces (a/aabb 10)))
(def webgl-box-spec
(-> {:attribs {:position {:data (ta/float32 (vertex-attribs box-faces))
:size 3}
:uvs {:data (->> [[0 0] [1 0] [1 1] [0 1]]
(repeat 6) ;; use same UVs for all faces
:size 2}
:normal {:data (->> [[1 0 0] [-1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 -1 0] [0 0 1] [0 0 -1]]
(map #(repeat 4 %)) ;; repeat each normal 4x times (4 verts / face)
:size 3}}
:uniforms {:model M44
:view (mat/look-at (vec3 0 25 100) (vec3) (vec3 0 1 0))
:proj (gl/perspective 60 (/ 16 9) 0.1 100)}
:mode gl/triangles
:num-vertices (* 6 2 3)
:shader your-shader-object ;; see make-shader-from-spec ( )
;; TODO insert shader spec (see )
(buf/make-attribute-buffers-in-spec gl gl/static-draw)))
;; this model spec can then be drawn via:
;; (buf/draw-arrays gl webgl-box-spec) or
;; (buf/draw-arrays-with-shader gl webgl-box-spec)
;; If using the former, you can ignore the shader & uniforms keys in
;; the above spec map, but then are responsible for setting all this yourself...
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