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Created November 20, 2018 13:17
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  • Save postworthy/8fca6e8d3feaa99468da89ec7b6edafc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"NAME": "English",
"APP": {
"NAME": "Apache Guacamole",
"VERSION": "0.9.14",
"ACTION_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"ACTION_CLONE": "Clone",
"ACTION_CONTINUE": "Continue",
"ACTION_DELETE": "Delete",
"ACTION_DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"ACTION_LOGIN": "Login",
"ACTION_LOGOUT": "Logout",
"ACTION_MANAGE_SESSIONS": "Active Sessions",
"ACTION_SAVE": "Save",
"ACTION_SEARCH": "Search",
"ACTION_SHARE": "Share",
"ACTION_UPDATE_PASSWORD": "Update Password",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_BLANK": "Your password cannot be blank.",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH": "The provided passwords do not match.",
"FIELD_HEADER_PASSWORD_AGAIN": "Re-enter Password:",
"FORMAT_DATE_TIME_PRECISE": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"INFO_ACTIVE_USER_COUNT": "Currently in use by {USERS} {USERS, plural, one{user} other{users}}.",
"TEXT_HISTORY_DURATION": "{VALUE} {UNIT, select, second{{VALUE, plural, one{second} other{seconds}}} minute{{VALUE, plural, one{minute} other{minutes}}} hour{{VALUE, plural, one{hour} other{hours}}} day{{VALUE, plural, one{day} other{days}}} other{}}"
"ACTION_DISCONNECT": "Disconnect",
"ACTION_RECONNECT": "Reconnect",
"ACTION_UPLOAD_FILES": "Upload Files",
"ERROR_CLIENT_201": "This connection has been closed because the server is busy. Please wait a few minutes and try again.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_202": "The Guacamole server has closed the connection because the remote desktop is taking too long to respond. Please try again or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_203": "The remote desktop server encountered an error and has closed the connection. Please try again or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_207": "The remote desktop server is currently unreachable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_208": "The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_209": "The remote desktop server has closed the connection because it conflicts with another connection. Please try again later.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_20A": "The remote desktop server has closed the connection because it appeared to be inactive. If this is undesired or unexpected, please notify your system administrator, or check your system settings.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_20B": "The remote desktop server has forcibly closed the connection. If this is undesired or unexpected, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_301": "Log in failed. Please reconnect and try again.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_303": "The remote desktop server has denied access to this connection. If you require access, please ask your system administrator to grant your account access, or check your system settings.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_308": "The Guacamole server has closed the connection because there has been no response from your browser for long enough that it appeared to be disconnected. This is commonly caused by network problems, such as spotty wireless signal, or simply very slow network speeds. Please check your network and try again.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_31D": "The Guacamole server is denying access to this connection because you have exhausted the limit for simultaneous connection use by an individual user. Please close one or more connections and try again.",
"ERROR_CLIENT_DEFAULT": "An internal error has occurred within the Guacamole server, and the connection has been terminated. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_201": "The Guacamole server has rejected this connection attempt because there are too many active connections. Please wait a few minutes and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_202": "The connection has been closed because the server is taking too long to respond. This is usually caused by network problems, such as a spotty wireless signal, or slow network speeds. Please check your network connection and try again or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_203": "The server encountered an error and has closed the connection. Please try again or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_204": "The requested connection does not exist. Please check the connection name and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_205": "This connection is currently in use, and concurrent access to this connection is not allowed. Please try again later.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_207": "The Guacamole server is not currently reachable. Please check your network and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_208": "The Guacamole server is not accepting connections. Please check your network and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_301": "You do not have permission to access this connection because you are not logged in. Please log in and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_303": "You do not have permission to access this connection. If you require access, please ask your system administrator to add you the list of allowed users, or check your system settings.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_308": "The Guacamole server has closed the connection because there has been no response from your browser for long enough that it appeared to be disconnected. This is commonly caused by network problems, such as spotty wireless signal, or simply very slow network speeds. Please check your network and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_31D": "The Guacamole server is denying access to this connection because you have exhausted the limit for simultaneous connection use by an individual user. Please close one or more connections and try again.",
"ERROR_TUNNEL_DEFAULT": "An internal error has occurred within the Guacamole server, and the connection has been terminated. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_100": "File transfer is either not supported or not enabled. Please contact your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_201": "Too many files are currently being transferred. Please wait for existing transfers to complete, and then try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_202": "The file cannot be transferred because the remote desktop server is taking too long to respond. Please try again or or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_203": "The remote desktop server encountered an error during transfer. Please try again or contact your system administrator.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_204": "The destination for the file transfer does not exist. Please check that the destination exists and try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_205": "The destination for the file transfer is currently locked. Please wait for any in-progress tasks to complete and try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_301": "You do not have permission to upload this file because you are not logged in. Please log in and try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_303": "You do not have permission to upload this file. If you require access, please check your system settings, or check with your system administrator.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_308": "The file transfer has stalled. This is commonly caused by network problems, such as spotty wireless signal, or simply very slow network speeds. Please check your network and try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_31D": "Too many files are currently being transferred. Please wait for existing transfers to complete, and then try again.",
"ERROR_UPLOAD_DEFAULT": "An internal error has occurred within the Guacamole server, and the connection has been terminated. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.",
"HELP_CLIPBOARD": "Text copied/cut within Guacamole will appear here. Changes to the text below will affect the remote clipboard.",
"HELP_INPUT_METHOD_NONE": "No input method is used. Keyboard input is accepted from a connected, physical keyboard.",
"HELP_INPUT_METHOD_OSK": "Display and accept input from the built-in Guacamole on-screen keyboard. The on-screen keyboard allows typing of key combinations that may otherwise be impossible (such as Ctrl-Alt-Del).",
"HELP_INPUT_METHOD_TEXT": "Allow typing of text, and emulate keyboard events based on the typed text. This is necessary for devices such as mobile phones that lack a physical keyboard.",
"HELP_MOUSE_MODE": "Determines how the remote mouse behaves with respect to touches.",
"HELP_MOUSE_MODE_ABSOLUTE": "Tap to click. The click occurs at the location of the touch.",
"HELP_MOUSE_MODE_RELATIVE": "Drag to move the mouse pointer and tap to click. The click occurs at the location of the pointer.",
"HELP_SHARE_LINK": "The current connection is being shared, and can be accessed by anyone with the following {LINKS, plural, one{link} other{links}}:",
"INFO_CONNECTION_SHARED": "This connection is now shared.",
"INFO_NO_FILE_TRANSFERS": "No file transfers.",
"NAME_INPUT_METHOD_OSK": "On-screen keyboard",
"NAME_KEY_CTRL": "Ctrl",
"NAME_KEY_ALT": "Alt",
"NAME_KEY_ESC": "Esc",
"NAME_KEY_TAB": "Tab",
"SECTION_HEADER_MOUSE_MODE": "Mouse emulation mode",
"TEXT_ZOOM_AUTO_FIT": "Automatically fit to browser window",
"TEXT_CLIENT_STATUS_CONNECTING": "Connecting to Guacamole...",
"TEXT_CLIENT_STATUS_DISCONNECTED": "You have been disconnected.",
"TEXT_CLIENT_STATUS_WAITING": "Connected to Guacamole. Waiting for response...",
"TEXT_RECONNECT_COUNTDOWN": "Reconnecting in {REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{second} other{seconds}}...",
"TEXT_FILE_TRANSFER_PROGRESS": "{PROGRESS} {UNIT, select, b{B} kb{KB} mb{MB} gb{GB} other{}}",
"URL_OSK_LAYOUT": "layouts/en-us-qwerty.json"
"NAME": "Default (XML)"
"FORM": {
"HELP_SHOW_PASSWORD": "Click to show password",
"HELP_HIDE_PASSWORD": "Click to hide password"
"HOME": {
"INFO_NO_RECENT_CONNECTIONS": "No recent connections.",
"PASSWORD_CHANGED": "Password changed.",
"LIST": {
"LOGIN": {
"ERROR_INVALID_LOGIN": "Invalid Login",
"ERROR_PASSWORD_SAME": "The new password must be different from the expired password.",
"ERROR_NOT_VALID": "This user account is not currently valid.",
"ERROR_NOT_ACCESSIBLE": "Access to this account is not currently allowed. Please try again later.",
"INFO_PASSWORD_EXPIRED": "Your password has expired and must be reset. Please enter a new password to continue.",
"INFO_CONNECTION_NOT_USED": "This connection has not yet been used.",
"TEXT_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Connections cannot be restored after they have been deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this connection?",
"DIALOG_HEADER_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Delete Connection Group",
"TEXT_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Connection groups cannot be restored after they have been deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this connection group?"
"DIALOG_HEADER_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Delete Sharing Profile",
"TEXT_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Sharing profiles cannot be restored after they have been deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this sharing profile?"
"FIELD_HEADER_CHANGE_OWN_PASSWORD": "Change own password:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_NEW_USERS": "Create new users:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_NEW_CONNECTIONS": "Create new connections:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_NEW_CONNECTION_GROUPS": "Create new connection groups:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_NEW_SHARING_PROFILES": "Create new sharing profiles:",
"INFO_READ_ONLY": "Sorry, but this user account cannot be edited.",
"TEXT_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Users cannot be restored after they have been deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this user?"
"FIELD_HEADER_CONSOLE": "Administrator console:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CONSOLE_AUDIO": "Support audio in console:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_DRIVE_PATH": "Automatically create drive:",
"FIELD_HEADER_CREATE_RECORDING_PATH": "Automatically create recording path:",
"FIELD_HEADER_DISABLE_AUTH": "Disable authentication:",
"FIELD_HEADER_DPI": "Resolution (DPI):",
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_AUDIO_INPUT": "Enable audio input (microphone):",
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_DESKTOP_COMPOSITION": "Enable desktop composition (Aero):",
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING": "Enable font smoothing (ClearType):",
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_FULL_WINDOW_DRAG": "Enable full-window drag:",
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_MENU_ANIMATIONS": "Enable menu animations:",
"FIELD_HEADER_IGNORE_CERT": "Ignore server certificate:",
"FIELD_HEADER_LOAD_BALANCE_INFO": "Load balance info/cookie:",
"FIELD_HEADER_REMOTE_APP_DIR": "Working directory:",
"FIELD_HEADER_SECURITY": "Security mode:",
"FIELD_HEADER_SERVER_LAYOUT": "Keyboard layout:",
"FIELD_HEADER_SFTP_DIRECTORY": "Default upload directory:",
"FIELD_HEADER_SFTP_ROOT_DIRECTORY": "File browser root directory:",
"FIELD_HEADER_STATIC_CHANNELS": "Static channel names:",
"FIELD_OPTION_COLOR_DEPTH_16": "Low color (16-bit)",
"FIELD_OPTION_COLOR_DEPTH_24": "True color (24-bit)",
"FIELD_OPTION_COLOR_DEPTH_32": "True color (32-bit)",
"FIELD_OPTION_COLOR_DEPTH_8": "256 color",
"FIELD_OPTION_RESIZE_METHOD_DISPLAY_UPDATE": "\"Display Update\" virtual channel (RDP 8.1+)",
"FIELD_OPTION_SECURITY_NLA": "NLA (Network Level Authentication)",
"NAME": "RDP",
"SECTION_HEADER_GATEWAY": "Remote Desktop Gateway",
"FILENAME_HISTORY_CSV": "history.csv",
"HELP_CONNECTION_HISTORY": "History records for past connections are listed here and can be sorted by clicking the column headers. To search for specific records, enter a filter string and click \"Search\". Only records which match the provided filter string will be listed.",
"INFO_NO_HISTORY": "No matching records",
"ACTION_NEW_CONNECTION": "New Connection",
"ACTION_NEW_SHARING_PROFILE": "New Sharing Profile",
"HELP_CONNECTIONS": "Click or tap on a connection below to manage that connection. Depending on your access level, connections can be added and deleted, and their properties (protocol, hostname, port, etc.) can be changed.",
"FIELD_HEADER_LANGUAGE": "Display language:",
"FIELD_HEADER_PASSWORD_OLD": "Current Password:",
"HELP_DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD": "The default input method determines how keyboard events are received by Guacamole. Changing this setting may be necessary when using a mobile device, or when typing through an IME. This setting can be overridden on a per-connection basis within the Guacamole menu.",
"HELP_DEFAULT_MOUSE_MODE": "The default mouse emulation mode determines how the remote mouse will behave in new connections with respect to touches. This setting can be overridden on a per-connection basis within the Guacamole menu.",
"HELP_LANGUAGE": "Select a different language below to change the language of all text within Guacamole. Available choices will depend on which languages are installed.",
"HELP_UPDATE_PASSWORD": "If you wish to change your password, enter your current password and the desired new password below, and click \"Update Password\". The change will take effect immediately.",
"INFO_PASSWORD_CHANGED": "Password changed.",
"SECTION_HEADER_DEFAULT_MOUSE_MODE": "Default Mouse Emulation Mode",
"ACTION_NEW_USER": "New User",
"HELP_USERS": "Click or tap on a user below to manage that user. Depending on your access level, users can be added and deleted, and their passwords can be changed.",
"ACTION_DELETE": "Kill Sessions",
"HELP_SESSIONS": "All currently-active Guacamole sessions are listed here. If you wish to kill one or more sessions, check the box next to those sessions and click \"Kill Sessions\". Killing a session will immediately disconnect the user from the associated connection.",
"INFO_NO_SESSIONS": "No active sessions",
"TEXT_CONFIRM_DELETE": "Are you sure you want to kill all selected sessions? The users using these sessions will be immediately disconnected."
"FIELD_HEADER_DISABLED": "Login disabled:",
"FIELD_HEADER_EXPIRED": "Password expired:",
"FIELD_HEADER_ACCESS_WINDOW_END": "Do not allow access after:",
"FIELD_HEADER_ACCESS_WINDOW_START": "Allow access after:",
"FIELD_HEADER_TIMEZONE": "User time zone:",
"FIELD_HEADER_VALID_FROM": "Enable account after:",
"FIELD_HEADER_VALID_UNTIL": "Disable account after:",
"SECTION_HEADER_RESTRICTIONS": "Account Restrictions",
"FIELD_HEADER_MAX_CONNECTIONS": "Maximum number of connections:",
"FIELD_HEADER_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_USER": "Maximum number of connections per user:",
"FIELD_HEADER_FAILOVER_ONLY": "Use for failover only:",
"FIELD_HEADER_WEIGHT": "Connection weight:",
"SECTION_HEADER_GUACD": "Guacamole Proxy Parameters (guacd)"
"FIELD_HEADER_ENABLE_SESSION_AFFINITY": "Enable session affinity:",
"FIELD_HEADER_MAX_CONNECTIONS": "Maximum number of connections:",
"FIELD_HEADER_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_USER": "Maximum number of connections per user:",
"SECTION_HEADER_CONCURRENCY": "Concurrency Limits (Balancing Groups)"
"NAME": "Shared Connections (MySQL)"
"NAME": "PostgreSQL"
"NAME": "Shared Connections (PostgreSQL)"
"NAME": "SQL Server"
"NAME": "Shared Connections (SQL Server)"
"ERROR_CONTAINS_USERNAME": "Passwords may not contain the username.",
"ERROR_REQUIRES_DIGIT": "Passwords must contain at least one digit.",
"ERROR_REQUIRES_MULTIPLE_CASE": "Passwords must contain both uppercase and lowercase characters.",
"ERROR_REQUIRES_NON_ALNUM": "Passwords must contain at least one symbol.",
"ERROR_REUSED": "This password has already been used. Please do not reuse any of the previous {HISTORY_SIZE} {HISTORY_SIZE, plural, one{password} other{passwords}}.",
"ERROR_TOO_SHORT": "Passwords must be at least {LENGTH} {LENGTH, plural, one{character} other{characters}} long.",
"ERROR_TOO_YOUNG": "The password for this account has already been reset. Please wait at least {WAIT} more {WAIT, plural, one{day} other{days}} before changing the password again."
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