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'''Manager-based polymorphic model inheritance.
This module provides a non-intrusive approach for accessing polymorphically
instances of a model hierarchy. Non-intrusive means:
- It does not require extending a custom ``Model`` base class or metaclass.
- It does not require a ``ForeignKey`` to ``ContentType`` or the ``contenttypes``
app in general. Instead the real class of an instance is determined based on
the value (**polymorphic identity**) of a user-specified discriminating field
(**polymorphic on**).
- It does not override the default (or any other) model ``Manager`` (unless
poswald /
Created September 1, 2010 08:50 — forked from dcreager/
Calculates the current version number from git tags
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Douglas Creager <>
# This file is placed into the public domain.
# Calculates the current version number. If possible, this is the
# output of “git describe”, modified to conform to the versioning
# scheme that setuptools uses. If “git describe” returns an error
# (most likely because we're in an unpacked copy of a release tarball,
# rather than in a git working copy), then we fall back on reading the
# contents of the RELEASE-VERSION file.