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Created June 14, 2012 16:21
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TXJS Notes


frontend-dev-baseline - rmurphey - pinboard of links for dev-tools you should be using -

  • Grunt /
  • AMD /
  • Testing your JavaScript
  • Using break; and stepping in chrome-dev tools

Regex explained

Lea Verou - using regex in terminal, text editors, for databases etc

Marcin Wichary - Google home page doodles

  • - google doodles / attention to detail / sacrificing standards to achieve an effect
  • used chrome for computation to render in safari because safari's renderer is faster.
  • embedded his own console logger in the site
  • controlling presentation with iphone using node-server on laptop and 2 browsers for computation / rendering

Alex Russell - CSS engine rendering / rectangles

  • mximize z subject to the following constraints
  • overcontstrained - panels.js
  • Cassowary Javascript - constraints and hierarchical constraints in javascript ported from c
  • linear constraint solver in javascript
  • Q: if you want to use constrained solvers for your app you should use? flexbox
  • Q: bootstrapping yourself into using custom web elements - x-tags project - using web components and prefixing elements with x- for custom elements
  • Experimenting with declarative properties for flexible box models and hierarchical constraints.
  • Making CSS render from more declarative syntax (example - which takes precedence: max- min - width or undeclared width)


Tom Dale - Ember JS

  • Choosing solutions that are too simple - Sproutcore is too complex (learning cliff vs learning curve) VS solutions that are often too simple and wrong -
  • file size is important - but correctness, ease of use and productivity are more important.
  • "is nodejs better" - talk from jsconf in az that tom recommends
  • backbone vs ember
  • conventions over configuration:
  • why are conventions good - eliminate trivial choices /
  • spend time arguing choices that matter within your specific application not with the problems that have already been solved / the problems that are unique to your app
  • reduces code - (# of bugs per line, so less bugs)
  • increases predictability -
  • View hierarchy - handling teardown and child-management in framework - dont rewrite the wheel
  • Routing: bring convention to state management 0 serializing and deserializing URLS becomes trivial
  • state charts - hierarchy is a great way to model state - explicit state objects -
  • create the richer model to describe your app state - then derive a URL to signify that (so use routing instead of URLs and URLS will fall into place)

Dan Webb - Web Applications - @danwrong

  • "the web sucks" - zed a. shaw - - angry about lack of facilities the web has for making applications /
  • maybe the web (web technology) isnt really the best place to make applications - "can i center some shit!!" - HTML5 isnt the best tool to build an app - the web is -
  • shareable / indexable / interlinked and intertwined / masshups / accessible (as in anyone can get to it) - the web is amazing and the "web" part of "web applications" is why we try to do build in HTML
  • web development is mainly about trade-offs (somewhere between crap and shit) - making all the right-tradeoffs (being standalone vs server side - trades off scalability)
  • Twitter moved rendering back to the server --- why? -- performance / stability / maintainability - (the trade off)
  • Performance: performance is highly contextual (what is "fast"?) - performance is the perception of the user -
  • Measurement: Navigation Timing API gives the javascript a broken down timing of when things are visible between connecting, getting a response, rendering a response
  • Make your own tradeoffs - identify problems and apply and execute solutions to the problems - not just the latest tech
  • Using OpenJS now -

Jed Schmidt @jedschmidt

  • NPM uses and pro-tips
  • the 5 d's of NPM
  • discover packages so you dont have to write it yourself
  • npm comes with node
  • npm search is incredibly slow - to search
  • nipster npm - didnt catch the
  • dependable
  • develop
  • deploy and publish

Jacob Thornton @fat - twitter bootstrap

  • documentation is a window into code that creates a spectacle - (south korea window into north korea example - its no longer the theater of reality but the theater of spectacle)
  • bootstrap + documentation is being used as demos and documentation defines but it's intended to do a lot more
  • filling in the gaps undermines the creative potential of something
  • rewritting twitter docs
  • be willing to explore the source
  • Zizek - philosopher - the dead-zone, unknown, or other - unidentifiable being that creates anxiety because we can't define it -
  • people are too scared to look at or be bothered with undocumented code - but you need to be willing to look in the code
  • stimulate people to explore - dont pave the path so much - stop being afraid
  • "Don't stop at the documentation"

Brendan Eich -

Things to Research

  • // for testing
  • - // versioning standard // major.minor.patch
  • node-brwoserify - require() for client side the node way
  • ender.js - package management for npm
  • JSFixed -
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Here's the url for nipster from Jed Schmidt's talk.

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