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Last active January 1, 2016 11:19
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Quick examples of valuable SCSS techniques
// Running compass with the following flags during the talk
// $ compass watch -s expanded
// 1. Difference between MIXIN and PLACEHOLDER
// A placeholder does not duplicate the CSS rules for each selector, but applies all selectors to one set of CSS rules by comma separating the selectors
// ex: .example1, .example2 { ... some css rules... }
%example-placeholder {
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: center;
background: #bbbdc0;
color: #303133;
padding: 4px 0 3px;
// A mixin duplicates the CSS rules for each selector
// ex: .example1 { ... some css rules ...} .example2 { ... some css rules }
@mixin example-mixin ($color, $font-size) {
color: $color;
font-size: $font-size;
@extend %example-placeholder;
.example {
@include example-mixin(red, 12px);
.example2 {
@extend %example-placeholder;
// Basic rule is: if you're using variables then put them in a @mixin, and if you're not using variables it's an indicator that you probably need a %placeholder
// 2. Arrays
// #{$abr} evaluates to "BUF" as a PROPERTY
// $abr evalues to "BUF" as a VALUE
// nth($array, $integer) chooses the cell position - note that it is 1-index based (not 0-index based)
("BUF", #000),
("MIA", #f00),
("NE", black),
("NYJ", green)
@each $team in $teams {
$abr: nth($team, 1);
$color: nth($team, 2);
.#{$abr} {
color: $color;
// 3. Sprites
// See for overriding default values such as spacing, position, and repeat
$icons-sprite-dimensions: true; // include icon dimmensions in icon class
$icons-spacing: 30px; // padding around each icon
@import "example-sprite/icons/*.png"; // import a folder of icons
@include all-icons-sprites; // creates the actual sprite out of all the icons in the folder (otherwise i believe it's automated based on usage)
$icons: sprite-map("example-sprite/icons/*.png");
// you can use class="down-arrow" in your HTML or use the sprite like a mixin
.my-button {
@include icons-sprite(down-arrow); // include the down-arrow icon like a mixin
// 4. Prepending classes (keeps logical structure or flow of your CSS more legible )
// based on the examples below, the best use of this feature is with Modernizr type feature detection, degredation, or enhancement
.ie8 {
display: none;
.example {
color: red;
.ie8 & { // compiles to .ie8 .example { color:blue}
color: blue;
.no-csstransitions & {
display: none; // compiles to .no-csstransition .example {display:none}
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