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Last active May 11, 2021 09:45
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Save poteto/be303cdc146a12cc3d63 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Ember from 'ember';
import { module } from 'qunit';
import startApp from 'livin/tests/helpers/start-app';
import OnboardPage from 'livin/tests/helpers/page-objects/onboard';
import { test } from 'qunit';
const { run } = Ember;
let application;
module('Acceptance | onboard', {
beforeEach() {
application = startApp();
afterEach() {
run(application, 'destroy');
test('it updates the user', function(assert) {
return new OnboardPage(assert, { application })
.legalName('Drew the Baker')
import PageObject from 'livin/tests/helpers/page-object';
export default class OnboardPage extends PageObject {
constructor() {
authenticateAndVisitOnboard() {
return this.setAuthenticatedSession()
firstName(name) {
return this.fillInByName('first_name', name);
lastName(name) {
return this.fillInByName('last_name', name);
legalName(name) {
return this.fillInByName('legal_name', name);
phoneNumber(number) {
return this.fillInByName('phone_number', number);
updateUser() {
return this.clickSubmitButton()
import Ember from 'ember';
import {
} from 'livin/tests/helpers/lookup';
const {
} = Ember;
export default class PageObject {
constructor(assert, options) {
this.assert = assert;
this.options = options;
// find
findByDisabled(tagName = '', type = 'submit') {
return findWithAssert(`${tagName}[type="${type}"][disabled]`);
findByType(tagName = '', type = 'submit') {
return findWithAssert(`${tagName}[type="${type}"]`);
findInputByName(name) {
return findWithAssert(`input[name="${name}"]`);
findInputsWithErrors(errorSelector = '.has-error') {
return findWithAssert(`input${errorSelector}`);
// assertions
assertCurrentUrl(targetUrl = `/${this.options.routeName}`) {
return this._andThen(() => {
const currentUrl = currentURL();
this.assert.equal(currentUrl, targetUrl, 'it redirects to the correct url');
assertVisitUrl(targetUrl = `/${this.options.routeName}`) {
return this._andThen(() => {
return this.assertCurrentUrl(targetUrl);
assertSubmitButtonIsDisabled() {
return this._andThen(() => {
const button = this.findByDisabled('button', 'submit');
this.assert.ok(button.length, 'it disables the submit button');
assertInputsHaveErrorClass(expectedLength = 1) {
return this._andThen(() => {
const errors = this.findInputsWithErrors();
this.assert.equal(errors.length, expectedLength, 'it has the correct number of errored inputs');
// interactions
fillInByName(name, value) {
return this._andThen(() => {
const input = this.findInputByName(name);
fillIn(input, value)
.then(() => {
return find(input).focusout();
clickSubmitButton() {
return this._andThen(() => {
const button = this.findByType('button', 'submit');
// helpers
setAuthenticatedSession() {
return this._andThen(() => {
const {
} = this.options;
run(() => {
const user = lookupStore(application).createRecord('user');
lookupService(application, 'session-manager').set('isAuthenticated', true);
lookupRoute(application, routeName).reopen({
model() {
return user;
// private
_andThen(callback) {
return this;
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