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Last active June 29, 2017 16:03
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ember-pipeline demo
import Ember from 'ember';
import { pipeline, step, CANCEL } from 'ember-pipeline';
import timeout from '../utils/timeout';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
result: 'Nothing run yet',
value: 10,
fizzBuzz: Ember.computed(function() {
return pipeline(this, [
]).onCancel((cancellation) => this.handleCancel(cancellation));
validateInput(value) {
let v = parseInt(value);
return isNaN(v)
? CANCEL('Invalid - Numbers plz :p')
: this.set('value', v);
handleThreeCase(value) {
return value % 3 === 0
? 'Fizz'
: '';
handleFiveCase(acc = '') {
let b = this.get('value') % 5 === 0
? 'Buzz'
: '';
return acc + b;
handleAllOtherCases(acc = '') {
return acc === ''
? CANCEL('Cancelled - Not divisible by 3 or 5')
: acc;
thinking(result) {
this.set('result', 'Checking printer ink levels...');
return timeout(1000)
.then(() => result);
printResult(result) {
return this.set('result', result);
handleCancel(cancellation) {
switch (cancellation.fnName) {
this.set('result', cancellation.reason);
actions: {
calculate(...args) {
return this.get('fizzBuzz').perform(...args);
<h1>ember-pipeline demo</h1>
<p>Try different numerical values in the box below. <code>ember-concurrency</code> task support coming soon!</p>
{{input type="number" value=value}}
<button onclick={{action "calculate" value}}>Calculate 🚂</button>
{{fizzBuzz.successfulSteps.length}} / {{fizzBuzz.steps.length}} successful steps
"version": "0.12.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "2.12.0",
"ember-template-compiler": "2.12.0",
"ember-testing": "2.12.0",
"skeleton-css": ""
"addons": {
"ember-data": "2.12.1",
"ember-pipeline": "0.3.3"
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
RSVP: { Promise },
run: { later }
} = Ember;
export default function timeout(ms) {
return new Promise((r) => later(r, ms));
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