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Last active February 23, 2024 12:04
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  • Save pothitos/93c910a44c7741c1e7c58985772aaf47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Real and useless commit messages!

Commit message bloopers

Real and absolutely useless commit messages found in corporate repositories. You may contribute with your own findings 😁

  1. better this way
  2. Lets see what do we get in the trigger
  3. !!HACK!! do not run manual tagged cases, should improve this because it isn't a good solution!
  4. clean the yum shit after an rpm removal
  5. minor correction
  6. Fix crap
  7. Huge changes...
  8. A bunch of changes...
  9. Still fixing issues..

To avoid such mess, your commit messages should tell a story.

There's also a command to remove stale branches from messy repositories. git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/ --format='%(committerdate:raw) %(refname:short)' | awk "\$1 < $(date -d "-365 day" "+%s") {print(\$3)}" | xargs git push origin -d

We have also seen funny fake author names in some commits.

  • Employee of the year <>: chmod on all script files

And funny pylint output

  • Your code has been rated at -2.20/10


  • A couple of years ago, when a developer noted that his colleague's code scored only 20% in pylint, his reaction was “Hey, dude, it's no big deal. All the code in the repo would score something like that!” Not to mention that he had written most of the repository code too 😁

  • This cowboy coder was once upon a time the “buddy” of two working students. He was initially very prompt to help them, but few days later became bored. He eventually assigned to them a task and left them helpless to struggle. A month later, the students decided to reach their buddy more aggressively in order to reserve some time to help them as they couldn't understand the codebase. It turned out that the students were struggling to edit an automatically generated intermediate code (something like Assembly) as the cowboy coder didn't have time to tell them which file they should change initially!

  • Another colleague, while staring at an architect's clothes, told me “What a disgrace, to be an architect in a multinational company and wear cheap Admiral tracksuits!”

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