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Created May 26, 2013 23:19
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TAPL Chapter7 - Lambda Calculus
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
abstract class Term
case class TmVar(info:Object, x:Int, n:Int) extends Term
case class TmAbs(info:Object, name:String, t:Term) extends Term
case class TmApp(info:Object, t1:Term, t2:Term) extends Term
class Binding
class Context(var ctx:List[(String, Binding)]) {
def length():Int =
def index2name(info:Object, x:Int):String =
nth(x, ctx)._1
def pickFreshName(x:String):(Context, String) = {
if ( ctx.exists(s => s._1 == x) )
pickFreshName(x + "'")
(new Context((x, new Binding) :: ctx), x)
def nth[A](n:Int, xs:List[A]):A = (n, xs) match {
case (0, x :: _ ) => x
case (n, _ :: xs) => nth(n - 1, xs)
case (n, Nil ) => throw new NoSuchElementException
def printTerm(ctx:Context, t:Term):Unit = t match {
case TmAbs(fi, x, t1) =>
val (ctx_, x_) = ctx.pickFreshName(x)
print("(lambda " + x_ + ". ")
printTerm(ctx_, t1)
case TmApp(fi, t1, t2) =>
printTerm(ctx, t1)
print(" ")
printTerm(ctx, t2)
case TmVar(fi, x, n) =>
if (ctx.length() == n)
print(ctx.index2name(fi, x))
print("[bad index]")
def termShift(d:Int, t:Term):Term = {
def walk(c:Int, tt:Term):Term = tt match {
case TmVar(fi,x,n) =>
if(x >= c)
TmVar(fi, x + d, n + d)
TmVar(fi, x, n + d)
case TmAbs(fi,x,t1) =>
TmAbs(fi, x, walk(c + 1, t1))
case TmApp(fi,t1,t2) =>
TmApp(fi, walk(c, t1), walk(c, t2))
walk(0, t)
def termSubst(j:Int, s:Term, t:Term):Term = {
def walk(c:Int, tt:Term):Term = tt match {
case TmVar(fi,x,n) =>
if(x == j+c)
termShift(c, s)
TmVar(fi, x, n)
case TmAbs(fi,x,t1) => TmAbs(fi, x, walk(c + 1, t1))
case TmApp(fi,t1,t2) => TmApp(fi, walk(c, t1), walk(c, t2))
walk(0, t)
def termSubstTop(s:Term, t:Term):Term =
termShift(-1, termSubst(0, termShift(1, s), t))
def isval(ctx:Context, t:Term):Boolean = t match {
case TmAbs(_,_,_l) => true
case _ => false
def eval1(ctx:Context, t:Term):Term = t match {
case TmApp(fi, TmAbs(_,x,t12), v2) if (isval(ctx, v2)) =>
termSubstTop(v2, t12)
case TmApp(fi, v1, t2) if (isval(ctx, v1)) =>
val t2_ = eval1(ctx, t2)
TmApp(fi, v1, t2_)
case TmApp(fi,t1,t2) =>
val t1_ = eval1(ctx, t1)
case _ => throw new Exception()
def eval(ctx:Context, t:Term):Term = try {
eval(ctx, eval1(ctx, t))
} catch {
case e: Throwable => t
val info = new Object
val ctx = new Context(Nil)
// id = \x -> x
val id = TmAbs(info, "x", TmVar(info, 0, 1))
print("id = ")
printTerm(ctx, id)
// tru = \t -> \f -> t
val tru = TmAbs(info, "t", TmAbs(info, "f", TmVar(info, 0, 2)))
print("tru = ")
printTerm(ctx, tru)
// fls = \t -> \f -> f
val fls = TmAbs(info, "t", TmAbs(info, "f", TmVar(info, 1, 2)))
print("fls = ")
printTerm(ctx, fls)
// (id id)
print("(id id) = ")
printTerm(ctx, TmApp(info, id, id))
// \x. \x. x
print("\\x. \\x. x = ")
printTerm(ctx, TmAbs(info, "x", TmAbs(info, "x", TmVar(info, 0, 2))))
// (id id)
print("(id tru) = ")
printTerm(ctx, eval(ctx, TmApp(info, id, tru)))
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