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Forked from thomastay/prompt.ps1
Created June 24, 2022 05:32
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Powershell fish prompt
function replaceHome($pathArray) {
# Check whether the first three paths are equal to HOME
# If it is, it substitutes it for ~
# Change this accordingly, if your home path is more than three
# paths long.
$splitChar = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if ( ($pathArray.Length -gt 2) -and
(($pathArray[0..2] -join $splitChar) -eq $HOME)) {
@("~") + $pathArray[3..$pathArray.Length]
else {
function fish_prompt {
$splitChar = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$currLocation = (Get-Location)
if ($currLocation.ToString() -eq $HOME) {
# Special case the home directory
else {
$current = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $currLocation
$parent = Split-Path -Parent -Path $currLocation
$folders = $parent.Split($splitChar, [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if ($folders.Length -lt 2) {
# If the path is 0 or 1, then ignore.
$currLocation.ToString() + ">"
else {
$folders = replaceHome($folders) # optional, to get the ~/Docs effect
# Replace everything except the first name
# Note: On line 35, (+) for array concat avoids issue of empty arr
$firstNameFolders = ForEach ($f in $folders[1..$folders.Length]) { $f[0] }
$folders = @($folders[0]) + $firstNameFolders + @($current)
($folders -join $splitChar) + ">"
function prompt {
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