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Created November 14, 2018 09:30
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MS BotFramework LUIS timezoneOffset
* How to change timestamp in ms botframework on every request to LUIS by the bot
const builder = require('botbuilder');
* Create custom LUIS recognizer which can change timezoneOffset in LUIS URL to another offset if we have
* timezone offset somewhere in the session
* context.userData has value of session.userData, if you saved something there previously via session.userData.x = 2
* @param luisModelUrlStr
* @return {{recognize: recognize}}
function getLuisRecognizer(luisModelUrlStr) {
let luisModelUrl = luisModelUrlStr;
return {
recognize: (context, callback) => {
// console.log('context #################');
// console.log(context);
// Use UTC offset of selected location
if (context.userData !== undefined && context.userData.location !== undefined && context.userData.location.utc_offset) {
luisModelUrl = luisModelUrl.replace('timezoneOffset=0', `timezoneOffset=${context.userData.location.utc_offset}`);
console.log('############# TIMEZONE ROCKS!!!');
builder.LuisRecognizer.recognize(context.message.text, luisModelUrl, (err, intents, entities) => {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
const intentRecognizerResult = {
intent: intents[0].intent,
score: intents[0].score,
intents: intents,
entities: entities
// console.log('################# ENTITIES ###########');
// console.log(JSON.stringify(entities));
callback(null, intentRecognizerResult);
const recognizers = [];
// list of LUIS app's connected to the bot
const luisModels = [
// Create custom LUIS recognizers, which can modify timezoneOffset
luisModels.forEach(model => {
const luisConfig = {
recognizers: recognizers,
// recognizeOrder: builder.RecognizeOrder.series,
recognizeOrder: builder.RecognizeOrder.parallel,
intentThreshold: 0.6
const intentDialog = new builder.IntentDialog(luisConfig);
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