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Last active July 11, 2022 07:11
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Dead simple PHP Websocket with Ratchet
"require": {
"cboden/ratchet": "^0.4.4",
"ext-sockets": "*",
"ratchet/pawl": "^0.4.1"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/chat?apiToken=blahblah');
conn.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(; };
conn.onopen = function(e) { conn.send('Hello Me!'); };
use function Ratchet\Client\connect;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
connect('ws://localhost:8080/chat', [], ['token' => 'server'])->then(function($conn) {
$conn->on('message', function($msg) use ($conn) {
echo "Received: {$msg}\n";
$conn->send('Hello World!');
}, function ($e) {
echo "Could not connect: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Ratchet\MessageComponentInterface;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;
// Make sure composer dependencies have been installed
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
class MyChat implements MessageComponentInterface {
protected $clients;
public function __construct() {
$this->clients = new \SplObjectStorage;
public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
/** @var Request $request */
$request = $conn->httpRequest;
// var_dump($request->getUri()->getQuery()); // to read the apiToken
public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg) {
/** @var Request $request */
$request = $from->httpRequest;
if ($request->getHeaderLine('token')) foreach ($this->clients as $client) {
if ($from != $client) {
$client->send($msg . random_int(10, 99). ' '.count($this->clients));
public function onClose(ConnectionInterface $conn) {
public function onError(ConnectionInterface $conn, \Exception $e) {
// Run the server application through the WebSocket protocol on port 8080
$app = new Ratchet\App('localhost', 8080);
$app->route('/chat', new MyChat, array('*'));
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