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Created November 23, 2015 16:58
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wikis for r/autyspodcasts

[Radiolab - Ice Cold Case] ( -A story about OTZI the preserved body of an ancient man.

[Ideas - Tinctors foul manual] ( -Tinctor's Foul Manual (Encore May 13, 2013) Our ideas about witches and witch hunts may come from an extraordinary manuscript found in the University of Alberta Library. It's one of only four known copies. Written in the 1400s, it created the framework for the inquisition.

[SYSK - How the Spanish Inquisition Worked] (

[SYSK - How Salt Works] (

[Ideas - Just War Theory] ( Over the centuries theologians, philosophers, and political scientists have looked to Just War Theory to help them determine when and how war should be waged.

[Ideas - ] ( -The Enright Files - Drink Michael Enright talks to two authors who have written about the bottle and the damage done: Ann Dowsett Johnston, author of Drink: The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol, and Olivia Laing, author of The Trip to Echo Spring: Why Writers Drink

[Naked Scientist - Building the Future] ( -Ideas about new natural air systems (breathing buildings), Bamboo construction, 3D printed homes.

[SciFri - The Sticky Science Behind Maple Syrup] ( -Harvesting Maple sap by chopping saplings and sap flows from the top [Link] (

[Sustainable World Radio- The Future Is Abundant] ( -Permaculture and Ecological Designer Larry Santoyo talks with Jill Cloutier about why he feels the future is abundant, why everyone is needed, Permaculture crimes, how security is between your ears and why we should seek to be valuable, not rich. Larry Santoyo is a green business consultant and senior planner at EarthFlow Design Works. He has taught environmental design at colleges and universities nationwide. Larry is also on the faculty at the Menlo Lab in Los Angeles. You can find Larry online here and at City of Angels Permaculture.

[Sustainable World Radio- Permaculture Basics For Gardeners] ( -Christopher Shein is a Permaculture teacher, seed saver, gardener and activist. In this interview, Christopher explains the basics of Permaculture gardening. Christopher shares his knowledge about how Permaculture principles and ethics can be used in your garden to increase yields, improve plant and soil health and lessen your work load. Christopher is the author of the Vegetable Gardener's Guide To Permaculture: Creating An Edible Ecosystem.

[Sustainable World Radio - HAVE YOUR YARD AND EAT IT, TOO!] ( -Learn how in this interview with Michael Judd, Michael talks with Jill Cloutier about projects that you can do at home to increase your yard’s yield of edible treats, including unusual fruit, gourmet mushrooms, culinary herbs and even botanical booze.

[SciFri - How a Warming Planet Will Change What's on Your Plate] ( -The latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are out, and the news from the farm is dim. Researchers say climate change has already cut yields of wheat and corn, taking a bite out of gains achieved by better farming technology. Add in a growing world population, expected to hit nine billion by 2050, and you have what sustainability expert Jonathan Foley calls “one of the biggest dangers to the planet”: our need to eat.

[Sci-Fri - Is Healthy Soil the Low-Tech Solution to Climate Change?] ( -In her book The Soil Will Save Us, writer Kristin Ohlson interviews farmers, soil scientists, and agronomists and concludes that the low-cost, low-tech solution to climate change may be directly underfoot—in healthy soil. Crops have an enormous capability to sequester carbon, she writes, but only if the soil is made to thrive with a mix of no-till farming, cover crops, and livestock grazing. Gabe Brown, a farmer and rancher in North Dakota, has been practicing this sort of agriculture for decades—and say

[Sci-Fri - Plant Emissions: How Do Trees Interact With Pollution] ( -Tree planting campaigns are starting to pop up in big cities to help curb air pollution and rising temperatures. Meanwhile, scientists are just starting to quantify the effects of trees on air quality. Some tree species can add to pollution if they’re planted in certain locations. Biologist Todd Rosenstiel explains how different tree species interact with the atmosphere and how we can plant smarter.

[SciFri - Climate Deal or Not, Fight Against Global Warming Has Begun] ( - David Biello and environmental economist Robert Stavins say the fight against climate change has already begun—at the state and local level, and in the private sector. Last year, for example, new solar plants outpaced coal installations in the U.S., and carbon-trading schemes across state and national borders have already begun.

[Radiolab - 60 Words] ( -60 words written into a bill stating the USA pretty much has the right to bomb or spy on anyone. One strong lady stood up against it.

[TED - The unstoppable walk to political reform] ( -Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform Seven years ago, Internet activist Aaron Swartz convinced Lawrence Lessig to take up the fight for political reform. A year after Swartz's tragic death, Lessig continues his campaign to free US politics from the stranglehold of corruption. In this fiery, deeply personal talk, he calls for all citizens to engage, and offers a heartfelt reminder to never give up hope. [Video link] (

[Ideas - Is Race a Fiction? (Watch or Listen)] ( -The scientific consensus is that we're all a soup of DNA, and that race is indeed a fiction. But where does that leave us? This round-table discussion -- on the heels of Lawrence Hill's CBC Massey Lectures about blood -- focuses on race, culture and the knotty problem about how we choose to identify ourselves.

[Ideas - Too dumb for democracy] ( -There are 50,000 PhD candidates in Canada, toiling away in relative obscurity on things their friends and families often don't understand. This is the fourth episode in our series attempting to turn a young scholar's PhD work into an hour of radio. Producers Tom Howell and Nicola Luksic meet University of British Columbia student David Moscrop. He argues that modern democracy just isn't built right for our brains... and so it dooms us into dumb thinking. He's got an idea for fixing that.

[Ideas - The Degrowth Paradigm] ( -Awesome insight into a culture being developed around the world to stop the concentration on economics and near sighted successes that are plotting to destroy our world.

[Ted Talks - The Next Greatest Generation?] ( -People in their 20s are growing up with the Internet, longer lifespans, and a global economic crisis that seems to have no end in sight. How do they see life from their unprecedented vantage point? Discussions about volunteering time for experience...

[Ted Talks - Haves and Have-Nots] ( -About three billion people live in poverty today. That's almost one out of every two people. How did we get to such a chasm between the rich and poor? And what should we, and shouldn't we, do about it?

[Ideas Paying For Parking] (

  • Thought provoking about how much space we use for roads and parking!

[Ideas - Saving the World One Idea at a Time] ( -For many of us, that's just an expression. But for Canada's most outstanding researchers, it's a calling. IDEAS host Paul Kennedy in conversation with prize-winning thinkers about why they're driven to investigate some of the world's most pressing problems. Recorded at Rideau Hall, the 2013 Killam Prize Symposium celebrates the achievements of some of the Canada Council's Killam Prize winners.

[Ideas - Inhotim: Visions In Paradise] ( -Not much material just a massive botanical garden in Brazil. Inhotim, Brazil, started as the vast estate and art collection of mining magnate Bernardo Paz. But what began as an oasis of beauty has become a laboratory for Paz's vision of a better society. Can one man's dream can become a region's salvation?

[Ideas - Auroville: The Road to Utopia] ( -People have been dreaming about finding, or creating, Utopia for ages. Ashley Walters travels to India, to the community of Auroville, to see how its utopian ideals have been realized, and sometimes compromised, in this age-old quest.

[Ideas - The Sorrows of Empire] ( -On the anniversary of 9-11, IDEAS revisits an interview with academic Chalmers Johnson who suggested that failure in Iraq might mark the beginning of the end of the American Empire. Thought provoking about the american empire now a days spread in the form of military bases.

[Ideas - Recognizing Grey] ( - Director, author, actress and journalist Nelofer Pazira grew up in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan, fled first to Pakistan, and eventually to New Brunswick. She peels back the layers of the Western media's simplified black-and-white coverage of the Middle East in the 2014 Dalton Camp Lecture in Journalism.

[Ideas - Moses Znaimer's ideacity Conference - Beyond Ourselves] ( - Very interesting journalist explores our complex world with other species. Speakers ponder how we can see ourselves as part of that larger context.

[SciFri - Atul Gawande: On Being Mortal] ( - Gawande examines how we can improve end-of-life care, from developing better nursing homes to holding honest conversations in the doctor’s office.

[How Natural Selection Works] ( -While evolution gets all the spotlight for moving species into better versions of themselves, but really it’s natural selection that is the engine driving the process. Learn all about this elegant scientific observation that forms the basis of life.

[Science Friday - Duke farms] ( -I would like to go there.

[SYSK - How Extinction Works] ( - Scientists believe that 99% of the estimated 50 billion species that have ever lived on Earth have disappeared through extinction. This is a natural process typically, but it can also be cataclysmic and it’s becoming clear we are amid a massive one.

[How to avoid food failures] ( -How to cook real turkey.

[SciFri - MUSHROOMS] (


[SciFri - Eating ‘Wilder’ Foods for a Healthier Diet] ( - In Eating on the Wild Side, author Jo Robinson reveals how the nutrition and flavor has been bred out of supermarket fruits and vegetables. Robinson tells us what we can do to reclaim our wild roots and the nutrition from our foods. Eat foods with purple/red/black pigments to them.

[Environment or Economy: At the Muskoka Summit] ( -Discussions about the balance of environment and economy. Our society is heavily consumed in "growth" 45 min has a good point.

[Green Growth: Can Profits Help the Planet?] ( -A future with infinite growth in the economy is an infinite destruction on the environment. Talks require industry to be taxed so they can make their operation work with the environment.

[Sci-Fri Concerns Rise Over Pesticide Use, Birds, and Bees] ( -Neonics...

[Sci-Fri What's the real cost of your steak] ( -According to the USDA, there are 87.7 million head of cattle in the U.S. Researchers say cattle require 28 times more land and 11 times more irrigation water compared to poultry and eggs. Geophysicist Gidon Eshel rings up the environmental cost of your steak.

[TED Save the ocean feed the world] ( -What's a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world's oceans might just help to feed the planet's billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what’s really going on in our global fisheries right now — it’s not good — and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all.

[How trickle down economics work] ( -The concept of trickle-down economics is tied to Ronald Reagan, but the idea’s been around and in use since the 20s. It’s simple: Give more money to the wealthy and they can use it to rev up an economy. But is the whole thing just a scam?

[Ideas - After Atheism] ( -CBC ideas - Public discussion of religion tends to polarize between two extremes. But much of what people actually believe falls somewhere in between. David Cayley speaks to five thinkers whose books have charted new paths for religion. Part 3: William Cavanaugh.

[Ideas - Islam and the Enviroment] ( - When Islam is featured in popular media, it's often in the context of conflict: extremism, radicalism, fundamentalism. But Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University, has a surprising perspective on his own faith: that it's deeply predisposed towards environmental stewardship. In a public lecture and later interview with IDEAS host Paul Kennedy, Dr. Nasr explains why Islam may well be seen as a 'green' religion.

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