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Created June 29, 2017 06:35
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namespace Bolt\Extension\Poznet\Archive;
use Bolt;
use Bolt\Events\CronEvents;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class Extension extends \Bolt\BaseExtension
private $iledni=30; //ilosc dni po ktorych wpisy zostanďż˝ przeniesione
private $id_archiwum=17;
private $strony=array();
private $wpisy=array();
private $doprzeniesienia=array();
public function getStrony($slug){
$query = 'select * from bolt_taxonomy where contenttype="strony" and taxonomytype="kategorie" and slug="'.$slug.'"';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->query($query);
$result=$stmt->fetchAll(); //kategorie 1wszego poziomu
foreach($result as $wynik){
foreach($this->strony as $id){
$query = 'select * from bolt_relations where from_contenttype="strony" and to_contenttype="strony" and to_id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
foreach($result as $wynik) {
array_push($this->strony, $wynik['from_id']);
return true;
public function getWpisy($strony){
foreach($strony as $id){
$query = 'select * from bolt_relations where from_contenttype="wpisy" and to_contenttype="strony" and to_id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
foreach($result as $wynik) {
array_push($this->wpisy, $wynik['from_id']);
return true;
public function filtrWpisy(){
foreach($this->wpisy as $id){
$query = 'select * from bolt_wpisy where id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
foreach($result as $wynik) {
array_push($this->doprzeniesienia, $wynik['id']);
$created=new \DateTime($wynik['datecreated']);
$teraz=new \DateTime('now');
array_push($this->doprzeniesienia, $wynik['id']);
return true;
public function setArchiveFlag(){
$query = 'select * from bolt_relations where from_contenttype="wpisy" and to_contenttype="strony" and to_id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
foreach($result as $wynik) {
$query = 'update bolt_wpisy set archiwum=1 where id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->query($query);
public function przenies(){
foreach($this->doprzeniesienia as $id){
$query = 'update bolt_relations set to_id="'.$idek.'" where from_id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
return true;
public function run(){
return true;
public function getName()
return "Archive";
public function setUp(){
$query = 'select * from bolt_strony where slug="archiwum" limit 1';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->query($query);
$result=$stmt->fetchAll(); //kategorie 1wszego poziomu
foreach($result as $wynik){
public function checkYear($y){
foreach($kategorie as $kat){
if ($strona['title']==$y){
return $strona['id'];
return $id;
public function addSubCategory($what,$where){
$now=new \DateTime("now");
$now= $now->format('Y-m-d G:i:s');
$data=new \DateTime("01-01-".$what);
$data= $data->format('Y-m-d G:i:s');
$query = 'insert into bolt_strony(title,slug,datecreated,datechanged,status,ownerid,datepublish,templatefields,slider,pliki)
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
// $stmt->bindValue("id",$id);
$query = 'insert into bolt_relations(from_contenttype,from_id,to_contenttype,to_id) VALUES
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
// $stmt->bindValue("id",$id);
return $idek;
public function getSubCategories($id){
$query = 'select * from bolt_relations where from_contenttype="strony" and to_contenttype="strony" and to_id=:id';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->prepare($query);
return $result;
public function getStrona($id){
$query = 'select * from bolt_strony where id=:id limit 1';
$stmt = $this->app['db']->query($query);
$result=$stmt->fetchAll(); //kategorie 1wszego poziomu
foreach($result as $wynik){
return $wynik;
public function moreThan($x){
foreach($this->wpisy as $id){
if($i>$x) array_push($this->doprzeniesienia, $id);
public function initialize()
$this->app['dispatcher']->addListener(CronEvents::CRON_DAILY, array($this, 'run'));
if(substr($request->getRequestUri(),0,9)=="/archiwum") {
$this->addTwigFunction('archiwum', 'backend');
$this->addTwigFunction('archiwum', 'frontend');
//podpina controller
$this->app->mount('/archiwum/' , new Controller\ArchiwumController($this->app));
public function backend(){
$a=new Archiwum($this->app['db']);
$txt='<li class="menucenter"><ul>';
foreach($lata as $rok){
$txt.='<li class="menucenter " ><a href="#" class="show-rok" data-id="'.$rok.'">'.$rok.'</a> ';
if( count($m)>0){
$txt.='<ul class="archiwum_rok" data-rok="'.$rok.'">';
foreach($m as $miesiac){
$txt.='<li class="menucenter"><a href="/archiwum/'.$rok.'/'.$miesiac.'">'.$a->getMonthAsString((integer)$miesiac).'</a> ';
return $txt;
public function frontend(){
return '<li class="menucenter"><a href="/archiwum/">Archiwum</a></li>';
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