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Last active December 20, 2015 08:19
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Save ppKrauss/6099610 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RapiDOM, DOMDocument for "Rapid application development". A wrapper class for friendly interface to DOMDocument. Supports extended saveXML, loadStr, xsl_set, etc. methods and XSLT chaining.
* DOMDocument for "Rapid application development".
* Do by overloading all DOMDocument methods, and add specialized methods.
* v0.1 2013-07-20 by ppkrauss,
* Convention over configuration: UTF8, etc. by convention.
* Like fDOMDocument, BetterDOMDocument, FluentDOM, etc, to be
* a (more frindly interface) wrapper to DOMDocument methods.
* Like BetterDOMDocument and fDOMDocument, but NOT extends DOMDocument
* Like FluentDOM, but supports only chaining of XSLTs, not use CSS path, etc.
class RapiDOM {
public $dom; // propriedade principal, faz papel de this nos métodos.
public $dom_DTD = 'XHTML'; // XHTML|SJATS|JATS (onde SJATS e JATS requerem isMerged=false ou true)
private $conf = array(
'debug' => NULL, // true, false, or NULL for global $DEBUG
'xslUsePHP'=>true, // para habilitar uso de PHP em XSLproc.
'xsldir'=>'./xsl', // xslt directory
private $domXslCache = array();
private $domXPathCache=array();
private $XSLproc = NULL;
* Constructor.
function __construct($newconf=NULL) {
* $dom initializer.
function domRestart($newconf=NULL,$domDiscard=false) {
if ($domDiscard || !$this->dom)
$this->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // standard enforced.
$this->dom->resolveExternals = false; // external entities from a (HTML) doctype declaration
$this->dom->recover = false; // Libxml2 proprietary behaviour. Enables recovery mode, i.e. trying to parse non-well formed documents
// read only $this->dom->xmlEncoding = 'utf-8'; //(redundante) part of the XML declaration, the encoding of this document.
$this->dom->xmlStandalone = true; // part of the XML declaration, whether this document is standalone
$this->domXPathCache = array();
* Set and Get $conf.
function setConfigs(&$newconf=NULL) {
if ($newconf && is_array($newconf)) {
global $DEBUG;
if ( !array_key_exists('debug',$newconf) || $newconf['debug']===NULL )
$this->conf = array_merge($this->conf,$newconf);
} // else: no effect
function getConfigs() {return $this->conf;}
* Overhead. Create a "extends DOMDocument" behaviour.
function __call($name, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->dom, $name), $args);
* Options, convetions for check by in_array($opts).
private function options2array($options) {
if ($options)
return preg_split( '/[\s,;]+/s', strtolower(trim($options)) );
return array();
// // // // // // // // // // // // // //
// // BEGIN:IO (load/save methods): // //
* Alernative for DomDocument saveXML() method, using friendly options.
* Valid options: cutXmlHead trimRoot omitdoctype.
* DANGER: trimRoot needs root, is not balanced (cut start and end tags when are the same).
* Private use of $xml parameter (see transformToXML method).
function saveXML($options='',$xml='') {
$options = $this->options2array($options);
if (!$xml)
$xml = ( in_array('cutxmlhead',$options) )?
$this->dom->saveXML($this->dom->documentElement): // without head
$this->dom->saveXML(); // with head
if ( in_array('omitdoctype',$options) )
$xml = preg_replace('#^(\s*(?:<\?xml[^>]+>\s*)?)<\!DOCTYPE\s[^>]+>#s', '$1', $xml);
static $REGEX = '#^(\s*(?:<\?xml[^>]+>\s*)?)<([a-z]+)[^>]*>(.+?)</\2>(\s*)$#s';
if ( in_array('trimroot',$options) && preg_match($REGEX,$xml,$m))
return "$m[1]$m[3]$m[4]"; //preg_replace($REGEX, '$1$3$4', $xml);
return $xml;
* Alernative for DomDocument load() method, using direct DomDocument.
function loadDoc(&$dom,$newconf=NULL) { // do clone.
$this->dom = $dom;
* Façade for DomDocument load(filename string) and loadXML(XML string) methods.
* Detecting by isXmlString method.
function loadStr(&$xml,$getBasePath=1,$trimTag=0) {
if ($this->isXmlString($xml)) {
$this->dom->loadXML($xml); // load XML (or XHTML) from string
} else { // is a file path
$this->dom->load($xml,LIBXML_NSCLEAN); // load XML from file
* Detect if string is XML (true) or filename (false).
private function isXmlString(&$s, $FILEN=500) {
if (strlen($s) > $FILEN)
return true;
return (strpos($s,'<')===FALSE)? false: true;
// // END:IO // //
// // // // // // //
// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
* Set or get a XSLT-DomDocument cache by name.
* @param $name: a item from "xsldir/name.xsl", or a label for a XSLT string.
* @param $xslstr: XML or filename of a XSLT.
* Cache of XSLT stored at database: see $this->conf['xsldir'].
function xsl_set($name,&$xslstr=NULL) {
if ( array_key_exists($name,$this->domXslCache) )
$this->domXslCache[$name] = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
if ($xslstr) {
if ($this->isXmlString($xslstr)) {
$this->addXslIntoXslFrame($xslstr); // afeta $xslstr
} elseif ($xslstr=='db') {
die("error: db is a reserved name for future use");
} else
} elseif ($isnew)
if (!$this->XSLproc) { // once
$this->XSLproc = new XSLTProcessor();
if ($this->conf['xslUsePHP'])
} // or cache XSLTProcessors? very bigger or not? change speed on chaining?
return true; // falta gerir erro antes do retorno
* Like transformToDoc() method, but affects $dom.
* Supports chaining: $doc->transformToThis('name1')->transformToThis('name2');
* Params $name and $xslstr: see xsl_set() method.
function transformToThis($name,$xslstr='') {
$this->dom = $this->XSLproc->transformToDoc($this->dom);
return $this;
* Direct transformToDoc() method, transforming $dom by $name.
function transformToDoc($name,$xslstr='') {
return $this->XSLproc->transformToDoc($this->dom);
* Direct transformToXML() method, transforming $dom by $name.
function transformToXML($name,$xslstr='',$options='') {
if ($options)
return $this->saveXML($options, $this->XSLproc->transformToXML($this->dom) );
return $this->XSLproc->transformToXML($this->dom);
* Check when is "simplifyed XSLT", adding the "XSLT frame".
function addXslIntoXslFrame(&$xsl, $method='xml', $encoding='utf-8', $indent='yes') {
$out = "<xsl:output method=\"$method\" encoding=\"$encoding\" indent=\"$indent\"/>";
static $xslblockTemplate = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""
xmlns:php="" exclude-result-prefixes="php">
if (!preg_match('|</xsl:stylesheet>\s*$|',$xsl)) // XSL frame signature
$xsl = str_replace('###_xslblockTemplate_###',"$out\n$xsl",$xslblockTemplate);
// // END:XSLT // //
// // // // // // //
// // // // // // // // // //
* Prepare nodes of the updating.
* Returns: importNode of $insNode.
* $insNode not changes.
* $nodeOrPath changes if is a XPath (backs as node).
private function insPrepare(&$insNode, &$nodeOrPath) {
if ($nodeOrPath===NULL)
$nodeOrPath = '/'; // root
if (!is_object($nodeOrPath)) {
$xp = new DOMXpath($this->dom);
$nodeOrPath = $xp->query($nodeOrPath)->item(0);
if ($insNode!==NULL && !is_object($insNode)) {
$tmp = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$tmp = $tmp->documentElement;
} else // falta IF tipo==dondocumengt, usa documentElement!
$tmp = $insNode;
//or elseif (insNode===null) ...?
return $this->dom->importNode($tmp, TRUE); // todos são no this->dom
* Inserts a node into (before) a this->dom node or XPath.
function insertBefore($insNode,$nodeOrPath=NULL) {
$import = $this->insPrepare($insNode,$nodeOrPath);
* Inserts a node into (after) a this->dom node or XPath.
function appendNode($insNode,$nodeOrPath=NULL) {
$import = $this->insPrepare($insNode,$nodeOrPath);
* Replaces a this->dom node or XPath by a new node.
* Motivation
function replaceNode($node,$nodeOrPath,$options='') {
$options = $this->options2array($options);
if ($nodeOrPath===NULL) // ou identidade, fica ele mesmo
die("erro: path nulo invalido em replaceNode");
$import = $this->insPrepare($node,$nodeOrPath);
// // END:NODECHANGE // //
// // // // // // // // //
} // class RapiDOM
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