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Created June 18, 2019 19:28
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Golang: Demo #2 of panic recovery in HTTP handlers and sending HTTP 500
// This example demonstrates a pluggable middleware approach to
// recovering from panics in HTTP handlers and sending HTTP 500
// responses to the client when panics happen.
// The middleware allows to use in any handlers without them
// being aware of anything special.
// Utilises middleware concepts, see:
// -
// -
package main
import (
// HttpBuffer is a fully buffered implementation of http.ResponseWriter.
// Main use case is to intercept panics and replaced responses with HTTP 500.
// Since this implements http.ResponseWriter, it can be given to the http
// handlers instead of the default one.
type HttpBuffer struct {
statusCode int
headerMap http.Header
body *bytes.Buffer
// NewHttpBuffer creates new buffered http.ReponseWriter with 200 status code
// and empty headers.
func NewHttpBuffer() *HttpBuffer {
return &HttpBuffer{
headerMap: make(http.Header),
body: new(bytes.Buffer),
statusCode: 200,
// SetStatusCode sets the status code of the response.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) SetStatusCode(code int) {
hb.statusCode = code
// GetStatusCode gets the status code of the response.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) GetStatusCode() int {
return hb.statusCode
// GetBody returns the in-memory buffer containing response body.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) GetBody() *bytes.Buffer {
return hb.body
// Send writes and flushes the full response to the outgoing response writer.
// This normally can be done only once per HTTP response.
// Content-Length header will be added.
// The buffer can be reused for the subsequent responses with or without modifications.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) Send(r http.ResponseWriter) error {
bodyBytes := hb.body.Bytes()
bodyLength := fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(bodyBytes))
// Copy headers
targetHeaders := r.Header()
for k, vals := range hb.Header() {
for _, v := range vals {
targetHeaders.Add(k, v)
// Set content-length
targetHeaders.Set("Content-Length", bodyLength)
// Send over the headers with status
// Write the body
_, err := r.Write(hb.body.Bytes())
// Flush response if writer supports it
if flusher, ok := r.(http.Flusher); ok {
return err
// http.ReponseWriter implementation
// WriteHeader is from http.ReponseWriter interface.
// Calls SetStatusCode. Can be called multiple times as we
// buffer everything.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
// Header is from http.ReponseWriter interface
// Allows to set/delete etc response headers.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) Header() http.Header {
return hb.headerMap
// Write is from http.ReponseWriter interface.
// All writes are buffered in memory until Send method is called.
func (hb *HttpBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return hb.body.Write(b)
// Middleware
// Middleware is a function prototype for a middleware.
// Optionally does something, calls next, then optionally does something again.
// Same as in
type Middleware func(next http.Handler) http.Handler
// bufferedResponse middleware buffers the entire response in memory
// before sending to the client.
func bufferedResponse(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// log.Printf("bufferedResponse")
buffer := NewHttpBuffer()
buffer.Header().Add("X-bufferedResponse", "yes")
next.ServeHTTP(buffer, r)
return http.HandlerFunc(h)
// noPanicResponse middleware recovers from panic in underlying handlers
// and sends HTTP 500 to the client when panic happens.
func noPanicResponse(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// log.Printf("noPanicResponse")
defer func() {
if re := recover(); re != nil {
buffer := NewHttpBuffer()
buffer.Header().Add("X-noPanicResponse", "yes")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "500 - Something bad happened: %v\n", re)
buffer := NewHttpBuffer()
buffer.Header().Add("X-noPanicResponse", "yes")
next.ServeHTTP(buffer, r) // panic here will be recovered
return http.HandlerFunc(h)
// requestLogger middleware logs all incoming requests to stderr.
func requestLogger(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// log.Printf("requestLogger")
log.Printf("%s - %s - %s\n", r.Host, r.Method, r.RequestURI)
w.Header().Add("X-requestLogger", "yes")
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
return http.HandlerFunc(h)
// stringReverser middleware reverses the words of the body.
// demonstrates how the output of the downstream handlers
// can be modified before sending it out, e.g. compression,
// url rewriting etc.
func stringReverser(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// log.Printf("stringReverser")
buffer := NewHttpBuffer()
buffer.Header().Add("X-stringReverser", "yes")
next.ServeHTTP(buffer, r)
// for unicode to work, we need to use runes not bytes
body := buffer.GetBody()
bodyRunes := bytes.Runes(body.Bytes())
// output
outRunes := make([]rune, 0, len(bodyRunes))
// accumulate words here
word := make([]rune, 0)
for _, r := range bodyRunes {
// letters get accumulated into word buffer for later reversal
if unicode.IsLetter(r) {
word = append(word, r)
// non-letters trigger writing of accumulated word
// into the output in reverse order
for j := len(word) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
outRunes = append(outRunes, word[j])
word = make([]rune, 0)
// also write non-letters as is
outRunes = append(outRunes, r)
// flush any words into the output also in reverse
for j := len(word) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
outRunes = append(outRunes, word[j])
word = make([]rune, 0)
// rewrite the output with new one
// send to upstream
return http.HandlerFunc(h)
var reqNumber = 0
// badHandler panics on every second request after
// writing most of the content out to the response writer.
// It has no awareness of any panic recovery of buffering.
// This is pretty from-examples http handler code we'd
// normally write.
func badHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// log.Printf("badHandler")
w.Header().Add("X-badHandler", "yes")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s! And some Russian here: архипелаг гулаг\n", r.URL.Path[1:])
// panic every second request
if reqNumber%2 == 0 {
panic("hello panic!")
// makeChain chains together supplied middleware. The final
// handler can be added by invoking the returned value like so:
// ```
// var middlewareChain = makeChain(bufferedResponse, noPanicResponse, requestLogger)
// var regularHandler http.Handler
// var finalHandler = middlewareChain(regularHandler)
// http.Handle("/", finalHandler)
// ```
func makeChain(constructors ...Middleware) Middleware {
return func(finalHandler http.Handler) http.Handler {
currentHandler := finalHandler
for i := len(constructors) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
c := constructors[i]
currentHandler = c(currentHandler)
return currentHandler
// makeHandler attaches the handler to the middleware
func makeHandler(handlerFn func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request), middleware ...Middleware) http.Handler {
chain := makeChain(middleware...)
handler := http.HandlerFunc(handlerFn)
return chain(handler)
// Noddy HTTP server which panics in the handler every second request.
// This gets intercepted and HTTP 500 is issued to the client.
// The interception is done using "middleware" approach so that
// the panicking handler doesn't even need to be aware we are doing
// something about it.
func main() {
// our middleware chain
chain := makeChain(bufferedResponse, noPanicResponse, requestLogger, stringReverser)
// the handler attached to the middleware
handler := http.HandlerFunc(badHandler)
// handler attached to the middleware
attachedHandler := makeHandler(handler, chain)
http.Handle("/", attachedHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
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