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Last active April 21, 2023 12:31
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How to use a single Terraform repo with multiple independent environments


This text demonstrates a pattern for using a single repository of Terraform code to manage multiple, completely independent environments that contain the same infrastructure.

It's based on simply overriding the terraform data and config files on each execution with:

  • -backend-config=
  • -var-file=

This is useful e.g. for running matching dev / test / stage / prod tiers in parallel.

Relationship to "Workspaces"

This doesn't use Terraform Workspaces, which are intended for a different use case.

But IMO it addresses a common confusion where people expect Workspaces to do something like this (I did, anyway) -- see the bug report & discussion in hashicorp/terraform#16627


1) Filesystem layout

Create something like this to separate code and env-specific params and state

src/               # Your tf code, as usual         # Variables for per-env parameterization
  .terraform.lock.hcl  # (Autogenerated) (Should be version-controlled)
    values.tfvars            # Environment-specific values for
    tf/                      # Directory for terraform-managed files
      .terraform/            # (Autogenerated) Terraform data directory
      terraform.tfstate      # (Autogenerated) Terraform state file
      acme.tfbackend         # External backend storage configuration
                             # (mutually exclusive w/ terraform.tfstate)                             
  test/                      # As above

2) Create Terraform state backend configuration

2.1) With local terraform.tfstate files

If you're using local terraform.tfstate files, add this empty default section verbatim in your Terraform codebase (src/*.tf):

terraform {
  backend "local" {

2.2) With remote Terraform state

If you're using remote backend(s) for Terraform state (http, consul, s3, etc), add a similar empty setion, mentioning the backend driver:

terraform {
  backend "acme" {

Create environments/${ENV}/tf/acme.tfbackend. Populate it with whatever parameters your chosen backend needs, pointing to the stored state for this environment.

acme_username  = "foobar_ltd"
acme_bucket    = "foobar_ltd_dev"

For more info, see

3) Initialize the repo:

Do this separately for every environment you're running. This creates terraform data files in ../environments/YOURENV/tf/ and also records the backend config file's location there.

3.1) With local terraform.tfstate files

TF_DATA_DIR=${ENVDIR}/tf/.terraform terraform init -backend-config=path=${ENVDIR}/tf/terraform.tfstate

3.2) With remote state backend

TF_DATA_DIR=${ENVDIR}/tf/.terraform terraform init -backend-config=${ENVDIR}/tf/terraform.acme.tfbackend

4) Use Terraform

With initialization done, you can use commands such as below to operate your separate terraform-managed environments.


TF_DATA_DIR=${ENVDIR}/tf/.terraform terraform plan -var-file=${ENVDIR}/values.tfvars -out=${ENVDIR}/tf/plan.tfplan


TF_DATA_DIR=${ENVDIR}/tf/.terraform terraform apply ${ENVDIR}/tf/plan.tfplan

Show, output, etc:

TF_DATA_DIR=${ENVDIR}/tf/.terraform terraform show|output|state|etc ...
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