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Last active July 26, 2018 03:40
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Generates a logical expression from a plain structure, generating an intermediate AST binary tree
class BinaryTree {
def tmp // temporal expression
def value
def left
def right
def parent // null for root
String toString()
String toStringIndent(idnt = 0)
if (left)
value +"\n"+ " ".multiply(idnt) +" |_ "+ left.toStringIndent(idnt+1) +"\n"+ " ".multiply(idnt) +" |_ "+ right.toStringIndent(idnt+1)
else value
// Know if tree is left or right child under it's parent
boolean isLeft()
return this == this.parent.left
boolean isRight()
return this == this.parent.right
BinaryTree sibling()
if (this.isLeft()) return this.parent.right
return this.parent.left
boolean isComplex()
return this.value == 'AND' || this.value == 'OR'
def process_tree(btree)
if (btree.left) process_tree(btree.left)
if (btree.right) process_tree(btree.right)
def try_divide(btree)
def i, left_expr = [], right_expr = []
i = btree.tmp.findIndexOf { it[2] } // first with post_group_op
if (i >= 0) // continue dividing tree, right grouping
// the current root value should be the current post_group_op
// and the current post_group_op should be deleted to avoid reprocessing
btree.value = btree.tmp[i][2]
btree.tmp[i][2] = ''
btree.tmp.eachWithIndex { item, idx ->
if (idx <= i) left_expr << item
else right_expr << item
//println 'post left_expr '+ left_expr
//println 'post right_expr '+ right_expr
btree.left = new BinaryTree(tmp: left_expr, parent: btree)
btree.right = new BinaryTree(tmp: right_expr, parent: btree)
else // continue dividing tree, left grouping
// last with prev_group_op (is last to group to the left, so a AND b AND c will be (a AND b) AND c)
// if findIndexOf is used, a AND b AND c will be a AND (b AND c), that is not the desired grouping
i = btree.tmp.findLastIndexOf { it[0] }
if (i < 0) // ends recursion, leaf node
assert btree.tmp.size() == 1
btree.value = btree.tmp[0][1]
return // no prev group_op found
// the current root value should be the current post_group_op
// and the current post_group_op should be deleted to avoid reprocessing
btree.value = btree.tmp[i][0]
btree.tmp[i][0] = ''
btree.tmp.eachWithIndex { item, idx ->
if (idx < i) left_expr << item
else right_expr << item
//println 'prev left_expr '+ left_expr
//println 'prev right_expr '+ right_expr
btree.left = new BinaryTree(tmp: left_expr, parent: btree)
btree.right = new BinaryTree(tmp: right_expr, parent: btree)
String toExpressionString(btree)
def expr = ''
if (btree.left)
def lexpr = toExpressionString(btree.left)
def rexpr = toExpressionString(btree.right)
expr = '('+ lexpr +' '+ btree.value +' '+ rexpr +')'
expr = btree.value
return expr
// returns the leaves in the same order as they appear in the plain expression (left to right)
List getLeaves(btree, returnNode = false)
List leaves = []
if (btree.isComplex())
leaves += getLeaves(btree.left, returnNode)
leaves += getLeaves(btree.right, returnNode)
if (returnNode)
leaves << btree
leaves << btree.value
return leaves
// same as getLeaves but returns the BinaryTree nodes, not their value.
List getLeavesBTree(btree)
return getLeaves(btree, true)
// from a processed tree, get the expression back
def getExpression(btree)
// creates empty expression structure with leaves on their rows, in row[1]
def leaves = getLeavesBTree(btree)
def expression = []
leaves.each { leave ->
expression << ['', leave, ''] // leave is a BinaryTree node, not it's value, we need to put the value after finishing the process
def queue = [] as Queue // .offer() adds, .poll() removes
//getExpressionRecursive(btree, expression, queue, 0)
getExpressionIterative(expression, queue)
// transform the BinaryTrees in the current expression, back to their values
def simpleExpression = []
expression.each { row ->
simpleExpression << [ (row[0]?row[0].value:''), (row[1]?row[1].value:''), (row[2]?row[2].value:'')]
return simpleExpression
def getExpressionIterative(expression, queue)
def row, current = 0
while (current < expression.size()-1)
btree = expression[current][1]
if (btree.isLeft())
if (!btree.sibling().isComplex()) // sibling is simple
// row of the sibling of the current node
row = expression.find { it[1] == btree.sibling() }
// left assoc = parent (this is BinaryTree needs to be transformed to it's value when finished)
row[0] = btree.parent
// row of the current node
row = expression[current]
// right assoc = parent
row[2] = btree.parent
// add parent to queue
// current = next
current ++
while (!queue.isEmpty())
btree = queue.poll()
// avoid procesing root or right siblings
if (!btree.parent || btree.isRight()) continue
if (btree.sibling().isComplex())
// if sibling is complex, the current node should be on left assoc of some row
row = expression.find { it[0] == btree } // left assoc
// right assoc = parent
row[2] = btree.parent
// if sibling is simple, it should be on the value space in the row, row[1]
row = expression.find { it[1] == btree.sibling() }
// left asoc = parent
row[0] = btree.parent
// add parent to queue
def printBTreeExpression(e)
e.each { row ->
println ((row[0] ? row[0].value : '') +', '+ (row[1] ? row[1].value : '') +', '+ (row[2] ? row[2].value : ''))
//println "row "+ row[0] //row[0].value. +", "+ row[1].value +", "+ row[2].value
def expr = [
['', 'C1', ''],
['AND', 'C2', 'OR'],
['', 'C3', ''],
['AND', 'C4', ''],
['AND', 'C5', 'OR'],
['', 'C6', '']
def expr = [
['', 'C1', ''],
['AND', 'C2', 'OR'],
['', 'C3', ''],
['AND', 'C4', ''],
['AND', 'C5', ''],
['OR', 'C6', ''] // using the OR in the left association of the last node produces the same expression, because above says "C6 is at the rith of the rest" and this says "the rest is at the left of C6"
def expr = [
['', 'C1', ''],
['OR', 'C2', 'AND'],
['', 'C3', '']
def expr = [
['', 'C1', ''],
['AND', 'C2', '']
def expr = [
['', 'C1', '']
def expr = [
['', 'C3', 'AND'],
['', 'C4', ''],
['AND', 'C5', 'OR'],
['', 'C6', 'AND'],
['', 'C7', ''],
['OR', 'C8', '']
def tree = new BinaryTree(tmp: expr)
println tree
|_ AND
|_ C1
|_ C2
|_ OR
|_ AND
|_ AND
|_ C3
|_ C4
|_ C5
|_ C6
println toExpressionString(tree)
// ((C1 AND C2) OR (((C3 AND C4) AND C5) OR C6))
// println tree.tmp // only the leaves left after the processing
// println getLeaves(tree)
// Get expression back from the tree structure, might not be 100% equal because there
// is an equivalent with the last complex node being and the right assoc of the n-1
// row or at the left assoc of the n row.
def e = getExpression(tree)
//println e
def tree2 = new BinaryTree(tmp: e)
println tree2
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