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Last active May 8, 2023 14:32
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Self documented Makefile with mark support and iddents
default: help
.PHONY: run
.PHONY: help
.PHONY: build
.PHONY: docker
.PHONY: migrate
.PHONY: create_migration
.PHONY: revert_migrations
.PHONY: generate
.PHONY: setup_dev
# Inner vars
SHELL := /bin/bash
ESC = \x1b
REGEX_MAKEFILE_DOC = ^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.* \#\# (.*)$$
REGEX_MD_ITALIC = \*{1}([a-zA-Z0-9=\_\ \-]+)\*{1}
REGEX_MD_BOLD = \*{2}([a-zA-Z0-9=\_\ \-]+)\*{2}
REGEX_MD_MONO = `([a-zA-Z0-9=\_\ \-]+)`
REGEX_MD_LINK = \[([a-zA-Z0-9=\_\ \-]+)\]
REGEX_MD_UNDERLINE = \_{1}([a-zA-Z0-9=\_\ \-]+)\_{1}
# fonts
LD = ${ESC}[0m# default
LB = ${ESC}[1m# bold
FF = ${ESC}[2m# faint
FI = ${ESC}[3m# italic
FU = ${ESC}[4m# underline
# foreground colors
F0 = ${ESC}[30m# black
F1 = ${ESC}[31m# red
F2 = ${ESC}[32m# green
F3 = ${ESC}[33m# yellow
F4 = ${ESC}[34m# blue
F5 = ${ESC}[35m# magenta
F6 = ${ESC}[36m# cyan
F7 = ${ESC}[37m# light gray
F8 = ${ESC}[90m# gray
F9 = ${ESC}[91m# light red
F10 = ${ESC}[92m# light green
F11 = ${ESC}[93m# light yellow
F12 = ${ESC}[93m# light blue
F13 = ${ESC}[94m# light blue
F14 = ${ESC}[95m# light magenta
F15 = ${ESC}[96m# light cyan
F16 = ${ESC}[97m# white
# background colors
B0 = ${ESC}[40m# black
B1 = ${ESC}[41m# red
B2 = ${ESC}[42m# green
B3 = ${ESC}[43m# yellow
B4 = ${ESC}[44m# blue
B5 = ${ESC}[45m# magenta
B6 = ${ESC}[46m# cyan
B7 = ${ESC}[47m# light gray
B8 = ${ESC}[100m# gray
B9 = ${ESC}[101m# light red
B10 = ${ESC}[102m# light green
B11 = ${ESC}[103m# light yellow
B12 = ${ESC}[103m# light blue
B13 = ${ESC}[104m# light blue
B14 = ${ESC}[105m# light magenta
B15 = ${ESC}[106m# light cyan
B16 = ${ESC}[107m# white
ifeq ($(shell test -f .env && echo -n EXIST_ENV), EXIST_ENV)
include .env
# Migrations
# Docker
BRANCH_TAG=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags | sort | head -n1`
ifeq ($(strip $(BRANCH_TAG)),)
run: ## **Run** the server
@cd src/ && go run cmd/server.go
build: ## Build the server locally
@cd src/ && go build -race cmd/server.go
lint: ## Run *linters* to this project. Remember to run `make setup_dev`
@echo "Running linters"
@cd src && golangci-lint run ./...
docker: ## Create [docker] image
@echo "Building ${IMAGE}"
@docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile -t ${IMAGE} .
migrate: ## Run migrations created with `make create_migration`. Remember to `make setup_dev`
@echo "Running migrations"
@migrate -path migrations -database "postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRES_DATABASE}?sslmode=disable&application_name=authmigration" -verbose up
create_migration: ## Create a new migration, e.g `name=teste make create_migration`. Remember to `make setup_dev`
@echo "Creating migration"
@migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq ${name}
revert_migrations: ## Revert a given migration, e.g `N=2 make revert_migrations`, by default 1. Remember to `make setup_dev`
@echo "Reverting migrations"
@migrate -path migrations -database "postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRES_DATABASE}?sslmode=disable&application_name=authmigration" -verbose down ${N}
generate: ## Create [golang] protos
@echo "Generating protos"
@echo " - Generating messages"
@protoc --go_out=. protos/*.proto
@echo " - Generating services"
@protoc --go-grpc_out=. protos/*.proto
setup_dev: ## Install _dev_ dependencies
@echo "Installing go-migrate"
@go install -tags 'postgres'
@echo "Installing linters"
@curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.45.2
@printf "$(FF) Available methods: $(LD)\n\n"
# 1. read makefile
# 2. get lines that can have a method description
# 3. color method names and add a COLUMN_SEPARATOR
# 4. colour backticks (``)
# 5. colour brackets ([])
# 6. make it bold
# 7. make it italic
# 8. make it underline
# 9. show as table
@cat $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
grep -E "$(REGEX_MAKEFILE_DOC)" | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MAKEFILE_DOC)/$(F2)\1$(REGEX_COLUMN_SEP)$(LD)\2/p' | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MD_MONO)/$(F3)\1$(LD)/g;p' | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MD_LINK)/$(F6)\1$(LD)/g;p' | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MD_BOLD)/$(LB)\1$(LD)/g;p' | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MD_ITALIC)/$(FI)\1$(LD)/g;p' | \
sed -En 's/$(REGEX_MD_UNDERLINE)/$(FU)\1$(LD)/g;p' | \
column -t -s "$(REGEX_COLUMN_SEP)"
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ppcamp commented May 8, 2023


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