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Created November 17, 2011 17:49
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ScrollableView using sproutcore-touch
UI.Kit.ScrollableView = SC.CollectionView.extend({
// options
animationDuration: 1000,
easing: "easeOutExpo",
// must be set ( pixels available) to provide elastic scroll
scrollableHeight: 0,
// options elastic
velocity: 0.2,
panOptions: {
numberOfRequiredTouches: 1,
preventDefaultOnChange: true
_positionY: 0,
_distance: 0,
_startTimestamp: 0,
panStart: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer('panStart', recognizer );
panEnd: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panEnd' , recognizer );
var translation = recognizer.get('translation');
this._transformOnChange( translation.y );
panChange: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panChange' , recognizer );
var translation = recognizer.get('translation');
this._transformOnChange( translation.y );
panCancel: function(recognizer){
this._debugRecognizer( 'panCancel' , recognizer );
_applyElasticEffect: function(){
var time = - get(this, '_startTimestamp');
var distance = get(this, 'distance');
var translationY = this.velocity*distance/time * this.$().outerHeight('');
this._transformPosition( translationY );
var op = (translationY < 0)? '-' : '+';
var value = Math.abs(translationY);
translateY: '%@=%@'.fmt(op ,value)
}, this.animationDuration, this.easing);
// add pixels to current position
_transformPosition: function(positionY) {
var result = get(this, '_positionY');
result+= positionY*(-1);
set(this,'_positionY', result);
return result;
_restartElasticEffect: function(){
set(this, 'distance', 0);
set(this, '_startTimestamp', );
_transformOnChange: function(positionY) {
var distance = get(this, 'distance');
// if change direction
if ( distance*positionY < 0 ) {
distance = get(this, 'distance');
distance+= positionY;
set(this, 'distance', distance);
var op = (positionY < 0)? '-' : '+';
var value = Math.abs(positionY);
translateY: '%@=%@'.fmt(op ,value)
//console.log( ' distance ' + distance + ' positionY ' +positionY );
_correctPosition: function() {
var totalHeight = this.$().outerHeight('');
var maxHeight = totalHeight - get(this, 'scrollableHeight');
var positionY = get(this, '_positionY');
var newPositionY = undefined;
if (positionY < 0 ) {
newPositionY = 0;
} else if ( positionY > maxHeight ) {
newPositionY = maxHeight;
if ( newPositionY !== undefined ) {
translateY: '-%@'.fmt(newPositionY)
}, this.animationDuration, this.easing);
set(this,'_positionY', newPositionY);
//console.log( 'correncting.... '+ get(this, 'positionY') );
_debugRecognizer: function(name, r) {
//var change = get(r, 'translation')
//console.log( name+ ' x ('+r.translation.x+') y ('+r.translation.y+')' );
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