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Last active December 17, 2015 16:09
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Common postgresql tasks
# environment variables:
# PGUSER - default username
# PGDATABASE - default database name
# PGDATA - default database cluster directory
# initializing a cluster
initdb --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=pt_BR.UTF-8 [--pgdata=$PGHOME/data] [--username=superuser]
# CREATE ROLE superuser
# ----
# NOTE: in Rails the option --exclude-table=schema_migrations can be helpful
# NOTE2: we're using the --no-owner and --no-privileges options, which means that the restoring --username user will be the new owner
# extra options:
# --no-owner do not issue any SET OWNER command
# --no-privileges do not issue any GRANT/REVOKE
# --schema-only ddl dump
# --data-only dml dump
# --column-inserts dml with inserts (compatibility? - you should use --format=plain too)
# --table=TABLE dumps only the specified table
DBUSER= DBNAME=; pg_dump --format=custom --encoding=UTF-8 --no-owner --no-privileges --username=$DBUSER --file=$DBNAME.dump.`hostname -s`.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%S`.sql $DBNAME
# - NOTE: we're using the --no-owner option, which means that the --username user will be the new owner
# - when creating (--create), the database name will be the one included in the dump file
# - when restoring, the database name will be the one defined by --dbname
# - with --data-only, the option --clean is not working! (9.2.4 OS X homebrew). So, delete the table data before restoring.
# (same problem reported
# psql --username=$DBUSER --dbname=DB$NAME --command="DELETE FROM $TABLE;"
# ----
# creating a new database from a dump (database name is already set on dump file. --dbname here is only for initial connection)
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --create --dbname=template1 --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# restoring an existent database with a dump (the encoding was set on dump creation)
# or "reseting a database with a dump"
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --clean --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# NOTE, it may fail if the SCHEMA in the dump is different from the DATABASE in which we're trying to restore it. If so, drop the database, create a new one and try the restore without the --clean option
dropdb --username=$DBUSER $DBNAME
createdb --template=templateX --username=$DBUSER $DBNAME
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# restoring a table schema from a dump
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --clean --schema-only --no-owner --table=$TABLE --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# restoring a table from a dump (schema + data)
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --clean --table=$TABLE --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# restoring a table schema from a dump
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --clean --schema-only --table=$TABLE --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# creating a table schema from a dump
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --schema-only --table=$TABLE --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
# restoring a table data from a dump
# NOTE: if the table is populated consider deleting its data first:
# psql --username=$DBUSER --dbname=DB$NAME --command="DELETE FROM $TABLE;"
pg_restore -v --exit-on-error --single-transaction --data-only --table=$TABLE --no-owner --dbname=$DBNAME --username=$DBUSER $DUMP_FILE
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