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Created November 8, 2010 21:26
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name: ${HOSTNAME}
# The cluster should be named with the name of the AD domain
name: dev-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT
# Throttling disabled for testing
# routing:
# allocation:
# Defaults to # of CPUs + 1... not a sane default with 24 core systems
# concurrent_recoveries: 6
type: fs
location: /esgateway
# Wait for 2 nodes to start cluster. If after 5 minutes, we don't have 2, cluster will start with 1
recover_after_nodes: 1
recover_after_time: 5m
expected_nodes: 1
hosts: ['', '']
# All of our snapshotting occurs via esindexer
snapshot_interval : -1
# We have so many shards that we need to keep translogs relatively small for recovery
# This does result in more frequent flushes. The default is 5000 and this is per index
flush_threshold: 1000
analysis :
analyzer :
# This analyzer mimics verity behavior
verity_tokenizer :
type: pattern
lowercase: true
pattern: '(?:(?!\w).)+'
stopwords: _none_
flags: DOTALL
# Analyzer is used for sorting multi-term fields
lowercase_keyword :
type : custom
filter : [lowercase]
tokenizer : keyword
# IDOL TextMatch, PipeDelimited
pipe_tokenizer :
type: pattern
lowercase: true
pattern: '\|'
stopwords: _none_
flags: DOTALL
# IDOL FullText
fulltext_tokenizer :
type : custom
filter : [standard, lowercase, stop, porterStem]
tokenizer : standard
logs: /opt/wsod/var/log/elasticsearch/
data: /opt/wsod/var/data/elasticsearch/
work: /opt/wsod/var/work/elasticsearch/
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