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Created August 31, 2015 19:35
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A body parser that will log failed parses
* Loosely Based on info gleaned from this article:
* Play really makes this harder than it should be (with some good reasons)
trait ParseLoggerTrait {
val logger: LoggerLike = Logger(this.getClass)
def log[A](parser: BodyParser[A], maxLength: Int, enableBadRequestLogging: Boolean): BodyParser[A] = BodyParser("LoggingParser") { request =>
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Execution.Implicits.trampoline
// Add a max length wrapper on the raw parse. By default raw parse will pull into memory or flush to disk so we need the length check
BodyParsers.parse.maxLength(maxLength, BodyParsers.parse.raw)(request).mapM {
case Left(result) =>
case Right(rawParse) =>
rawParse match {
case Left(result) =>
case Right(buffer) =>
val bytes = buffer.asBytes().getOrElse(Array.empty[Byte])
Enumerator(bytes)(parser(request)) flatMap { i =>
} map {
case Left(result) =>
val badBody = Try(new String(bytes, "UTF-8")).toOption.getOrElse(Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes))
if (enableBadRequestLogging) {
logger.error(s"From request: $request with headers ${request.headers}, failed to parse body data: $badBody")
case Right(a) =>
object ParseLogger extends ParseLoggerTrait
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